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Pakistani al Qaeda 'company' commander praises Mumbai attacker

Either you are not aware of what exactly happened in taj or you are being ignorant..... The terrorist were occupied one of the biggest hotels in the city & priority was given to avoid human causality/hostage situation.... Because we indians value human life..... If taking 72 hours make you happy.... You can be happy..... Yes it was an intelligence failure..... They should have tracked the boat right from karachi.....

LOL excuse k to tum indians champion ho.......:lol:
This was written only to please & make the Indians happy & we can already see the Indians are very excited to read a stupid lying article. Most importantly CIA Al Qaeda always pops out of nowhere, when ever US wants to frame a country & they tell the world that this particular country is filled with terrorists. In this case both US & India are very very busy in trying to show the world that Pakistan is a terrorist country. Bombay attacks were all planned inside India & they were planned by the Indians to frame Pakistan as a terrorist country. BULLSH!T lies against Pakistan. Every month there is something new from US.
Funny you say that because you all were jumping about Hagel statement made in 2011. :haha:
If you dont have anything further to say the best thing to do is.... "LOL" If i may ask you how did you celebrate 26/11??????

You were crying for some time.... but anythng happened?? Nothing right???????

We were not crying but u were after this........and wanted to teach us lesson :rofl: but what happened, nothing

From pure military prospective it was a great attack no doubt.
We were not crying but u were after this........and wanted to teach us lesson :rofl: but what happened, nothing

From pure military prospective it was a great attack no doubt.

Ok which military you are talking????? PA???? you mean to say PA planned this attack??????

Btw you havent answered me yet.... How did you celebrate 26/11?
From pure military prospective it was a great attack no doubt.

Practically Speaking, YES, it was a GEM of an ATTACK militarily.

But the thing is, it's not just for India to worry about, that 10 commando style trained terrorists can infiltrate through porous sea borders, but that of the entire region.

Pakistan has not become any safer from 26/11. These type of attack can happen to any country.

+ I am sure, even US would have taken huge lessons from such an attack. It always took pride of having sea on both sides & no neighborhood tensions. Now it has to worry an entirely new dimension of attack, from sea, not by any regular force or any country, but by terrorists who holds no respect whatsoever for human life.
Don't fart nonsense every other day. Take a hiatus for day or two. Btw, where did you get that 99% figure?

And dont tell me to believe or keep believing in the 'silent majority' crap that you and other Pakistani's take ultimate solace in.

We have all seen how a governor gets killed for asking a law to be repealed and not just that, the killer gets showered with rose petals by thousands of lawyers!
We have seen how an ahmadi cola drink is asked to be banned from a court by lawyers(no less!)
We have seen the declarations you sign to get a passport regarding ahmadis
We have seen thousands run to kill a 11 christian year old girl on heresay of tearing and burning a page from koran.
We have seen how shias are getting slaughtered weekly in your country.
We have seen how your ambassador gets charged with blasphemy for asking to take a re-look at it.

and lastly we also saw that mass slaughter of shia's causes less protests in Pakistan than the number of people protesting all over India over the rape of a girl in Delhi.

So please, take this tripe elsewhere that people of Pakistan are not fundamentalists.
Yara, you will remain a hateful person, no matter what anyone says or proves to you. You belong to the same bigoted "minority" that is present in my own country, you are the Indian mirror image.

And dont tell me to believe or keep believing in the 'silent majority' crap that you and other Pakistani's take ultimate solace in.

We have all seen how a governor gets killed for asking a law to be repealed and not just that, the killer gets showered with rose petals by thousands of lawyers!
We have seen how an ahmadi cola drink is asked to be banned from a court by lawyers(no less!)
We have seen the declarations you sign to get a passport regarding ahmadis
We have seen thousands run to kill a 11 christian year old girl on heresay of tearing and burning a page from koran.
We have seen how shias are getting slaughtered weekly in your country.
We have seen how your ambassador gets charged with blasphemy for asking to take a re-look at it.

and lastly we also saw that mass slaughter of shia's causes less protests in Pakistan than the number of people protesting all over India over the rape of a girl in Delhi.

So please, take this tripe elsewhere that people of Pakistan are not fundamentalists.
Yara, you will remain a hateful person, no matter what anyone says or proves to you. You belong to the same bigoted "minority" that is present in my own country, you are the Indian mirror image.

I wont deny that I may be the mirror image to your bigoted 'minority'.
There is a serious difference though- i dont kill people because of religious differences.
I dont brand people kafirs and what not.

And I was out protesting for the Delhi rape victim. And I dont see any mass protests in Pakistan of even the kind that was there in Delhi for something a zillion times more severe happening in Pakistan.

And the day that there are changes in Pakistan when religious bigotry is curtailed, I will also call it a good scenario then. However facts are what I have written in my previous post, and while you will remain eternally optimistic because you belong to Pakistan, others are far more objective in their assessment.

Edit: And by the way I dont hate you or many other Pakistani's on this forum - those who harbour some form of secularism atleast. But these are the real minority cases.
Mate, keep on assessing, and if you can do something about it. If you can't, then what can I say or do for you? It means you are limited at scope of your power. Beats me, why all the intense whining about every fart that comes out of your Western border! :undecided:

I wont deny that I may be the mirror image to your bigoted 'minority'.
There is a serious difference though- i dont kill people because of religious differences.
I dont brand people kafirs and what not.

And I was out protesting for the Delhi rape victim. And I dont see any mass protests in Pakistan of even the kind that was there in Delhi for something a zillion times more severe happening in Pakistan.

And the day that there are changes in Pakistan when religious bigotry is curtailed, I will also call it a good scenario then. However facts are what I have written in my previous post, and while you will remain eternally optimistic because you belong to Pakistan, others are far more objective in their assessment.
Mate, keep on assessing, and if you can do something about it. If you can't, then what can I say or do for you? It means you are limited at scope of your power. Beats me, why all the intense whining about every fart that comes out of your Western border! :undecided:

Mate, my concern lies more for my own country. As such i hope you understand we all strive to make our own nations better. So my own efforts are channeled in that direction.

Pointing out the reality in Pakistan does not make a person hateful. You choose to believe in something vague - a 'moderate majority' whereas the facts and occurances in Pakistan show something exactly opposite. I hope you and your fellow Pakistani's are able to change that. But for now call a spade a spade.
@Umair Nawaz bhai..... Aap ne jawab nahi diya....

now thats not fine....
u r a bloody troller overall...:unsure:

What can we say - he and 99% of Pakistani's feel the same.

bad thoughts bro...:unsure:
99% of literate condemn it...
70% of illiterate condemn it...
you should not represent Pakistani community by an Al-Qaida leader..:angry:
am preety disappointed....:yu:
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All hindis crying & defending the lies of their Govt.
Thats how we respond to the people who glorify and rejoice the terrorist attacks....

if someone is ignorant or trying to put you on fire or have bad manners then it doesnot means you have to be allz that...
if someone bark then don't try to be a dog as it is possible that he is just playing some recorded voices...:coffee::pop:
no man with humanity enjoys such thing bro..:yu:

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