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Pakistan would become among top ten economies at its 100th anniversary: Ahsan Iqbal

Which blog? I quoted Harward university study, again i don't expect you to know much anyway. If you read the paper which i doubt you will do or care, because your history knowledge is about things heard here and there to make your own mind and how you want to see them.

The study is about ANI-ASI admixture dating nothing more, they don't say anything else. Did you read what i wrote? I said repeatedly aryans are not indigenous, can you even read properly? Where did i claim aryans being indegenous to punjab? And Rig Vedic people homeland was Punjab, there is 0 doubt in it. Not Sindh or mainland India but Punjab.

Which blog? hahahhaha. Your also suffering from dementia. The harrapa dna blog of some Zack or Jack guy which you were presenting as your evidence.
This is avery a good example of Hindus highjacking a Pakistani Thread !!!???

Back to thread:
I am asking Pakistanis what do they think about the Gaz Pipeline with Iran And how will it (to what extent) affect the economy of Pakistan in the futur?
hope you understand the above points and debate on established research rather than citing a dubious harappa dna blog and its associated google spreadsheets over and over again, which has no academic credibility whatsoever, and after short lookup becomes clear is only a non serious hobby thing of some 'Zack Ajmal' fellow.

First of all ANI-ASI admixture study is done by Harvard, Zack Ajmal have nothing to do with it. Harappadna is just a site where if you submit your genetic data from 23andme, he will do ANI-ASI admixture analysis. And he is not the only one, there are dozens of other sites. But he only concentrate on South Asians.
Rig Vedic people homeland was Punjab, there is 0 doubt in it. Not Sindh or mainland India but Punjab

So do you have any academically and scholarly credible reference/source for your this claim cum agenda or would we again have to rely on harappa dna blog :rofl: ?
Which blog? hahahhaha. Your also suffering from dementia. The harrapa dna blog of some Zack or Jack guy which you were presenting as your evidence.

Harappadna.org is not a evidence, just samples collection site. He then calculate ANI-ASI admixture of people who submit the data. Its very good site which have explained and made our understanding of South Asian genetics better. We learned that all of us belong to mulato race of ASI-ANI ;)

So do you have any academically and scholarly credible reference/source for your this claim cum agenda or would we again have to rely on harappa dna blog :rofl: ?

For that one don't even need to provide any source because its common knowledge. :lol: Here is more in detail explation of current day boundary of Rig Veda.

"As bemused Sanskrit scholars have long pointed out, the Rig Veda is about Punjab, principally; its vision also encompasses what is now eastern Afghanistan and north-west Pakistan. Sindh and peninsular India are unknown. Disconcerting as it is to pious Hindus, the Rig Veda has its heartland in Pakistan" Empires of Indus by Alice Albania. "
Harappadna.org is not a evidence, just samples collection site. He then calculate ANI-ASI admixture of people who submit the data. Its very good site which have explained and made our understanding of South Asian genetics better. We learned that all of us belong to mulato race of ASI-ANI ;)
But isn't it true that many of the results on Harrapa DNA come of from unverified samples? A lot of the samples are just submitted by one person and then used to highlight all people who come from that group.
But isn't it true that many of the results on Harrapa DNA come of from unverified samples? A lot of the samples are just submitted by one person and then used to highlight all people who come from that group.

No, the sample is submitted by 1 person and only he get highlighted. Anyway they just have 400 samples, still long way to go.
"As bemused Sanskrit scholars have long pointed out, the Rig Veda is about Punjab, principally; its vision also encompasses what is now eastern Afghanistan and north-west Pakistan. Sindh and peninsular India are unknown. Disconcerting as it is to pious Hindus, the Rig Veda has its heartland in Pakistan" Empires of Indus by Alice Albania. "

It was about Haryana where mightly Saraswati once flowed.
No, the sample is submitted by 1 person and only he get highlighted. Anyway they just have 400 samples, still long way to go.
Exactly, that's not scientifically correct to have one sample and use it to cover all members of the participants group.
It was about Haryana where mightly Saraswati once flowed.

Yes Alice Albania clearly have agenda against Hindus :D And Ghakkar river flow in Pakistan not Haryana. :cheesy:

Exactly, that's not scientifically correct to have one sample and use it to cover all members of the participants group.

Well if one get 5-10 samples then we start to have a idea. But i agree 1 is not enough for 1 whole group.
But isn't it true that many of the results on Harrapa DNA come of from unverified samples? A lot of the samples are just submitted by one person and then used to highlight all people who come from that group.

Exactly those are just samples of at most a dozen or so people which our dear Mr. @Nuri Natt then superimposes on at least
20 crore people because thts wht exactly suits his hopeless agenda.
Exactly those are just samples of at most a dozen or so people which our dear Mr. @Nuri Natt then superimposes on at least
20 crore people because thts wht exactly suits his hopeless agenda.

Problem is 20 samples from one group is enough. Fact is South Asians are mulatos, not even Kalash escaped ASI. :lol: And stop talking about agenda pak-one. Your anti-punjab agenda mean you will even side with hindutvas as is the case now :P
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Yes Alice Albania clearly have agenda against Hindus :D And Ghakkar river flow in Pakistan not Haryana. :cheesy:

Shows your jholachap knowledge, you even don't know the name dhakkan. btw its called Hakra in Pakistan and Ghaggar in India most of which flows in Haryana, Rajasthan and Sindh, its not about Punjab anyway. Saraswati(not Indus) is the main river in first Veda and while Ganges is the most important river in second Veda.
Shows your jholachap knowledge, you even don't know the name dhakkan. btw its called Hakra in Pakistan and Ghaggar in India most of which flows in Haryana, Rajasthan and Sindh, its not about Punjab anyway. Saraswati(not Indus) is the main river in first Veda and while Ganges is the most important river in second Veda.

About Rivers i already told you which was important, but again your hindutva agenda quite pathetic :rofl:

Rig Veda Rivers
"There are rare mentions of rivers to the east. the Yamuna is invoked a handful of times; the Ganges no more then twice at the most; and the Saraswati, a fabled eastern river that dried up around 1000 BCE, is only praised in later layers of the text." Empire of Indus, Alice Albania

Here is Ghaggar-Hakra river map, stop calling it Saraswati like typical hindutva. No one calls it sarasvati because its a myth and no one knows where it is or which river it is. Anyway only hindutva historians believe in Saraswati river

See even this river is mostly in pakistan running though punjab and ending in Sindh. But its monsoon river while Saraswati was Himalayas fed river. So it will be better if you stop calling it Saraswati because no one else in the world does a part from hindutvadis.

But wait i forgot you are hinduvadi yourself so call it what ever you want lol

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