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Pakistan worried over Iranian and Indian activities in Afghanistan.

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May 2, 2011
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United Kingdom
There is a growing concern in the Pakistani capital that two powerful neighboring countries, India and Iran, are secretly bidding to destabilize Pakistan using proxies operating in war-torn Afghan provinces.

“We have evidence that both Iran and India have been supplying arms and ammunition to the Taliban in Afghanistan, and that is a major concern for us,” a senior intelligence official told Today's Zaman. The official spoke under the condition that his name be withheld.

The official said that Iran's primary interest in Afghanistan is to keep the US bogged down in Afghanistan despite the fact that the Taliban and Iran hold different ideologies that are very much at odds with each other. “Iran is supporting the Taliban financially,” he argued, adding that some of this support may have been diverted to militants operating in safe havens in Afghanistan who frequently launch cross-border attacks against what was perceived as a close ally of the US, Iran's arch enemy.

Officials here in Islamabad do not hide their concern that the militancy in Pakistan might present a much more complicated problem for security agencies in the future if it blends into new fault lines of sectarian conflict between Sunnis and Shiites. “Some forces are trying hard to turn this into an all-out sectarian war, but so far they have failed to do so,” another security official said, again speaking on condition of anonymity.

In fact, unknown assailants killed 13 people earlier this month in an apparent sectarian attack on a passenger bus carrying Shiite Muslims near the restive southwestern city of Quetta, the capital of Pakistan's Baluchistan province, bordering Iran and Afghanistan. In another incident that took place in Quetta last month, gunmen carrying rocket launchers and Kalashnikovs attacked a bus bound for Iran, killing 26 Shiite Muslim pilgrims.

During his address to the World Economic Forum in the Jordanian capital of Amman on Saturday, Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari made an implicit reference to that threat, saying that Pakistan is located on the political fault lines for being a neighbor of Afghanistan, which has been witnessing the great game of the world powers for decades. He vowed, however, that Pakistanis have great resilience to withstand all such challenges.

Shia Iran's rivalry with Sunni Saudi Arabia, one of Pakistan's most crucial allies, complicates matters for Islamabad even more. Pakistan does not want to become a battleground for the fundamentalist, Wahhabi-driven Saudi ideology and politicized, anti-Western Iranian Shiite ideology. Yet, Pakistan, to some extent, lacks its own narrative to counter these ideological overtures on its own soil. Disturbed by the recent tension between Saudis and Iranians, President Zardari had to make trips to both Tehran and Riyadh in July to diffuse the tension, to no avail. While the Saudis have been trying to enlist Pakistani support against Iran with large sums of cash aid, Iran has been trying to lure energy-hungry Pakistan to its side with sweet deals like gas pipeline projects. Challenged by its own economic problems from rampant inflation to high unemployment, Pakistan, unfortunately, is not in a very strong position to bargain for its own national interests.

Interestingly enough, Iran has been enjoying a legacy of strong ties with India, Pakistan's archenemy on the eastern front. Officials here in Islamabad tell Today's Zaman that they have strong evidence of India's covert activities on Afghan soil to destabilize the western provinces and tribal areas. Kanan Adnan, a full colonel with the 19th division located in the Swat Valley, said his troops confiscated mines and ammunition that were of Indian origin. “Even the communications equipment used by militants attacking Pakistani targets comes from India,” he said. Expressing frustration that the US and NATO did not do anything when the issue was raised.

An intelligence official, who spoke under the condition of anonymity, said that India has some 150 covert offices in Afghanistan to fund Taliban attacks against Pakistan. “India has four consular bureaus and many liaison offices in Afghanistan. These do not deal with trade or issues visas. What does that tell you?” he asked. “We have proof of Indian involvement,” he added.

According to Ashraf Azim, president of the Institute of Regional Studies (IRS), an independent, nonprofit research center in Islambad, India wants its own influence in Afghanistan. “As long as there is Indian interference in Afghanistan and in some parts of Pakistan, we will not have normal relations with India,” he underlined.

Indian's increased interest in Afghanistan is not the only concern for the Pakistani government. According to Pakistani officials, New Delhi has secretly been providing assistance to a separatist movement in the province of Baluchistan, located along Pakistan's west and northwestern borders with Iran and Afghanistan. “Baluch dissidents make frequent visits to India,” the same official said. Bogged down in a decades-long conflict over Kashmir with India on the eastern front, Islamabad does not want to see India opening new fronts on the western border using Afghans or Baluchs.

While the attention of the world is focused on the Taliban militancy movement operating on both sides of the Afghan-Pakistani border and the US pressing Pakistan to do more, the government in Islamabad is challenged by much more pressing existential threats to its survival, be it sectarian or ethnic rifts. For that, Pakistan believes it needs to watch out for both Iran and India and use its limited resources to develop effective counter strategies of its own rather than fighting somebody else's war.

Pakistan worried over Iranian and Indian activities in Afghanistan - Today's Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily news
What about Pakistanis themselves? we are afterll your enemies.
lmfao joke of the century

the wahabis in saudi and the rest of the khaleej have used Pakistan as a simulation tool for decades, but Iran and India are destablizing pakistan!

So the wahabi schools, the thousands of foreign fighters, the millions of local pakistanis who aspire to become the next osama when they grow up, the courting of foreign arab terrorists by the country's military etc... aren't a source of destablization, but Iran making a port in its territory is!?

Arabs are laughing at you while you're massaging their nut sacks. Keep massaging.
Where is all this BS coming from? has the situation in Pakistan become so dire that they are hitting out in all directions? All this allegations over nothing and not a peep or sound about the real salafi troublemaker?

India bombs its own embassy, India does a false flag on 26/11, Iran kills the shias of Pakistan, US does a false flag 9/11....why cant it be that Pakistan does all the false flags on its soil by itself to blame others?
lmfao joke of the century

the wahabis in saudi and the rest of the khaleej have used Pakistan as a simulation tool for decades, but Iran and India are destablizing pakistan!

So the wahabi schools, the thousands of foreign fighters, the millions of local pakistanis who aspire to become the next osama when they grow up, the courting of foreign arab terrorists by the country's military etc... aren't a source of destablization, but Iran making a port in its territory is!?

Arabs are laughing at you while you're massaging their nut sacks. Keep massaging.

Your Involvement in Balochistan destabilization is an open secret...Your funding of Shia extremist organisations involved in killing of many Sunni Ulema is not a secret at all...
This is solely the fault of the foreign policy makers of Pakistan.

By taking sides in Arab-Iranian rivalry we have gained a enemy (two to be exact) on our Western border.

Meanwhile india maintains ties with both Arabs and Iran.

And Iran is allowing india to increase its presence in Afghanistan.

Great going policy makers.
I have no doubt that there is nexus between iran and india. Iran is a silent deceptive enemy compared to india which is open in its enemity towards pakistan. Iran is doing everything that should harm pakistan´s interests in afghanistan , e.g. recently allowing india to use its south eastern port chahbar (not sure about exact name) to get access to afghanistan. By doing such acts Iran is clearly showing its intentions and to which side it stands with.

This is solely the fault of the foreign policy makers of Pakistan.

By taking sides in Arab-Iranian rivalry we have gained a enemy (two to be exact) on our Western border.

Meanwhile india maintains ties with both Arabs and Iran.

And Iran is allowing india to increase its presence in Afghanistan.

Great going policy makers.

Are you with pakistan or iran, better use iranian flag than pakistani one.
I have no doubt that there is nexus between iran and india. Iran is a silent deceptive enemy compared to india which is open in its enemity towards pakistan. Iran is doing everything that should harm pakistan´s interests in afghanistan , e.g. recently allowing india to use its south eastern port chahbar (not sure about exact name) to get access to afghanistan. By doing such acts Iran is clearly showing its intentions and to which side it stands with.

Are you with pakistan or iran, better use iranian flag than pakistani one.

Bhai after spending some time on this forum you will come to know that some Pakistanis act more Iranian than Iranian themselves...
Every one is busy in destabilizing others , and still earth exist ..

If they care to think about their own countries earth will become peaceful but humans they never learn ... :disagree:
The truth is iran nd india callabarate not only in afghanistan but india made nd funded chabahar port in iran 2 counterweight gwadar port ontop of tht iran nd india r jointly destablising pakistan from afghanistan through their rented agents uzbek nd tajik terrorists nd fassaadis tht crossover from afghanistan into pakistan nd carryout attacks in pakistan by disguising as ttp. Ontop of tht iran has given india a consulate in zahidan in iranian balochistan which borders pakistan these iranians r also destablising pakistan nd pakistans balochistan hand in hand with india all the activities nd sabotage tht is done in pakistans balochistan r done by iranians nd indians hiding in iran nd it was iran which created bla so this is the true face of iran.
Pakistan is already destabilized one fart and it will collapse.

Iran has undercover dealings with america nd israel iran was part of the american game in iraq nd afghanistan nd now recently in lybia iran america nd israel callabarated together nd plotted against lybia nd qaddafi nd now in syria iranian double agents mko r fighting in syria against syrian government iranian made peshmerga nd pkk r openly fighting against the syrian government the so called nusra front r iranian agents nd hve links with iran iran created peshmerga nd pkk 2 break iraq nd destablise turkey iran is the biggest enemy of iraq turkey nd syria iran wants 2 break away kurdish areas of iraq turkey nd syria. Iran is xploding bombs in iraq nd killing iraqis. Iran is destablising almost all islamic countries iraq turkey syria bahrain lybia yemen pakistan nd now egypt for past 35 years america has been threatning iran but hve not attacked it yet but instead attacked iraq afghanistan lybia nd now in syria working with callabaration of iran nd now iran destablising egypt with britishers now this shows tht iran is nothing but a proxy of america nd israel in the region 2 destablise islamic countries iran is a proxy of america nd israel in the region 2 destablise islamic countries.
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