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Pakistan worried over Iranian and Indian activities in Afghanistan.

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india -- yeah

iran? i doubt it....in fact the countries are coming closer together, given the changing geo political environment
Lashkar e jhangvi was created by india in 80s in pakistan laskar e jhangvi piece of $hitts were fighting with baitullah mehsud nd those northern alliance drug lords nd fassadies those rented uzbek nd tajik terrorists nd fassadies tht crossover from afghanistan into pakistan nd carryout attacks in pakistan by disguising as ttp against pakistan army. These lashkar e jhangvi bastards dont do jihad in india nd in kashmir nd dont kill hindus but kill muslims nd destablise pakistan those same lashkar e jhangvi bastards blew up marriot hotel in islamabad with truck bombing for india these lashkar e jhangvi bastards were behind attacks against pakistan army in lahore nd recently in gujarat wen those lashkar e jhangvi bastards infiltrated difa e pakistan council convoys came 2 gujarat nd they attacked pakistan army camp in gujarat. This is lashkar e jhangvi soon they nd their kaafir indian agent leadership will b wiped out from pakistan.
not only on this forum but all over in Pakistan

Bhai after spending some time on this forum you will come to know that some Pakistanis act more Iranian than Iranian themselves...
Soon Pakistan will reply 2 iran with all its might nd then these iranians will start crying. ARABS BALOCHS ND AZERIS dont consider themselves as iranians. Turkey nd azerbaijan needs 2 attack south azerbaijan nd liberate south azerbaijan nd azeris from irans oppressive rule Iraq needs 2 take back arab areas of iran from ahvaz till khuzestan all this area r arab lands iraq needs 2 attack iran nd take back arab areas of iran from ahvaz till khuzestan nd pakistan needs 2 attack iranian balochistan nd free balochs from irans oppressive rule nd unite balochs of iran with their brothers from pakistan. nd U.A.E should attack 3 islands which iran robbed from U.A.E nd take back those 3 islands from iran PAKISTAN will help U.A.E in this great mission. thanks
I have no doubt that there is nexus between iran and india. Iran is a silent deceptive enemy compared to india which is open in its enemity towards pakistan. Iran is doing everything that should harm pakistan´s interests in afghanistan , e.g. recently allowing india to use its south eastern port chahbar (not sure about exact name) to get access to afghanistan. By doing such acts Iran is clearly showing its intentions and to which side it stands with.

Are you with pakistan or iran, better use iranian flag than pakistani one.

Dont worry brother he is an indian false flagger i bet u his i.p is indian he is sitting in india nd writing all this trash. These iranians nd indians r the biggest false flaggers of the world.
I have no doubt that there is nexus between iran and india. Iran is a silent deceptive enemy compared to india which is open in its enemity towards pakistan. Iran is doing everything that should harm pakistan´s interests in afghanistan , e.g. recently allowing india to use its south eastern port chahbar (not sure about exact name) to get access to afghanistan. By doing such acts Iran is clearly showing its intentions and to which side it stands with.

Are you with pakistan or iran, better use iranian flag than pakistani one.

Dont worry brother he is an indian false flagger i bet u his i.p is indian he is sitting in india nd writing all this trash. These iranians nd indians r the biggest false flaggers of the world.
What Iran or India or Some else is doing is secondary.
What Pakistan is doing is the main question.
Terrorist are not fighting for money. If all they wanted is money, they could have become politics or businessmen or smuggling mafias etc. They are fighting on Idea unless Pakistan ruling elite comes up with a counter idea and wins over the masses they can not fight the problem. Unfortunately Pakistan ruling elite is only thinking of either killing the terrorists or trying to appease them.
Killing lot of terrorists or appeasing them may tactically bring the violence down to some considerable levels but it will not solve the problem.
What does Iran get by destabilizing Pakistan?

Lashkar e jhangvi was created by india in 80s in pakistan laskar e jhangvi piece of $hitts were fighting with baitullah mehsud nd those northern alliance drug lords nd fassadies those rented uzbek nd tajik terrorists nd fassadies tht crossover from afghanistan into pakistan nd carryout attacks in pakistan by disguising as ttp against pakistan army. These lashkar e jhangvi bastards dont do jihad in india nd in kashmir nd dont kill hindus but kill muslims nd destablise pakistan those same lashkar e jhangvi bastards blew up marriot hotel in islamabad with truck bombing for india these lashkar e jhangvi bastards were behind attacks against pakistan army in lahore nd recently in gujarat wen those lashkar e jhangvi bastards infiltrated difa e pakistan council convoys came 2 gujarat nd they attacked pakistan army camp in gujarat. This is lashkar e jhangvi soon they nd their kaafir indian agent leadership will b wiped out from pakistan.

Wasn't Lashkar e Jhangwi/MQM created by Zia?
why are you pakistanis crying though, thats the thing. It is because of our stupid policies that everyone has become our enemy. Change your _cuking policies that do no good to Pakistan itself. At least try to make friends, because all your neighbors have become your enemy
i have doubts about iran but india is no doubt trying its best to destabilize us.
we are very lucky because god is behind us, look at what syria and Egypt turned into within a few months.

Dont worry brother he is an indian false flagger i bet u his i.p is indian he is sitting in india nd writing all this trash. These iranians nd indians r the biggest false flaggers of the world.

i think your are a indian.
Finding scapegoat for internal problems and their misdoings...... Nothing else..... What was the role of India when pakistan become a pawn of USA in Afghanistan? What was india's role when pakistan supported taliban????? What was the role of india when Pakistan supported ******'s and worked along with them? What was india's role when military worked along side of ******'s (at some point of time it was difficult to identify which one is army and which one is the ****** .....What was india's role when you agreed to work along with USA on WoT?????? Was it india's fault that you had leaders who were not bothered to improve the economy of situation??? Was it India's fault that some institutions brain wash people to kill Kafirs?

I am not saying India and Indian's are saints.....We would do everything to protect ourselves.....Because our country is filled with Kafirs (according to my neighbors)
Wasn't Lashkar e Jhangwi/MQM created by Zia?

This is how it goes..... Just now he was blaming India for something which was done by pakistan itself....... This is why i said the hypothesis wrong... India is not behind destabilizing pakistan.... But pakistan itself is doing it....
Unfortunately they are not the only ones. Afghanistan is ups for grabs, everyone wants a share - Arabs, Persians, Iranians and the Chinese. We have no option but to deal with the fallout!
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