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Pakistan will Respond to US Prospective Attack

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Americans have received over tolerance from us and the point of enough has passed already. You hit us, you receive it back but only in much effective way and just to remind some loose minds, we don't need to attach American territory to de-fang you. ;)
war between both countries would be destructive and counter-productive. More problems would be created for both in the process.

therefore, wiser councils should prevail
You might be surprised. You might not want to fight back. The desire you have now may well be gone afterward.

Oh since when did you become a mind reader ? iam sure you will talk big if a threat was upon your so called holy land but if we have no other choice but to defend ourselves then that desire should not be there ?dude you need to start making sense and get off whatever you or on Pakistan will and shall defend its self against anyone and i mean anyone learn that and understand it never think less.
simple solution to this disagreement....put things into perspective.

We have here Soloman -- a US national with no ties whatsoever to israel --but an emotional attachment to israel

all he has to do is remember that israel is to him what Pakistan is to Pakistanis (regardless of religious affiliation).
With what exactly? Empty rhetoric.
this topic is going off course and reaching "silliness" levels....but just FYI -- USM doesnt have bases near or anywhere near to Makkah/Medina.

most of KSA is barren desert :lol:
But who said they will put boots on ground ? :what:

How will you shoot B-2 Spirits with Ak-47 ?
Just asking.
The same way like they do in our neighboring country...:)

---------- Post added at 09:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:59 AM ----------

Size of our nation is increased to 18 crore!!!
Masha-Allah enough to fight any aggressor from outside ......:)
You might be surprised. You might not want to fight back. The desire you have now may well be gone afterward.

Seems some one people are very overconfident about the abilities of their country despite getting their ***** handed to them by rag tag mujahideen in Afghanistan! To this date the US has attacked only countries that were not able to fight back and when the US finally found some one who fought back they decided to use Nukes. Well, guess what....this time the other country's got Nukes too!
fortunately or unfortunately, US will be only Super-Power for many many years to come. You know why ?? It's not only about capability but Intention. Capability is created but Intention is natural.

Still, You didn't replied how you will shoot F-22 and B-2 Spirit :undecided:

I think, Pakistan should talk to US and make peace. War is no solution !!

Let me answer that for you, we probably do not have the technology to detect or lock on the F-22 to shoot them down, B-2's are decades old technology and since China has had a look at it we might be able to counter it somehow, as the Serbs did, but we can take out the air field wherever they take off from whether land or sea, we can destroy all US bases around us which are used to attack us. We, unlike Iraq or Afghanistan or Vietnam, have the ability to strike back at US bases that are used to attack us so how will the US survive us if they are not able to survive against Afghans???

And I agree with you, US will never put boots on the ground, unless permitted by Military.........because those boots will never get back!
In case of conflict, India will not loose the golden opportunity.
Pakistan will be chocked from all sides.

Pakistan military and ISI knows this, thats why ISI chief takes first flight to CIA hq to discuss with slight indication of attack.
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