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Pakistan will push UN to declare Indian Ocean 'nuclear free zone', says Aziz

Shows what you've been taught. Pity.
Pity is on you that you think this only in context of nuclear weapons. Earlier it was conventional, today it is nuclear tomorrow may be electromagnetic etc.. Root cause is to have peace between the two nations by not promoting the environment of hostility. Hope you get what i meant
Sir, The document you posted further goes on to validate what I was saying all along. India can not and will not agree to a disarmament treaty

Nor do we want ....
Pity is on you that you think this only in context of nuclear weapons. Earlier it was conventional, today it is nuclear tomorrow may be electromagnetic etc.. Root cause is to have peace between the two nations by not promoting the environment of hostility. Hope you get what i meant
I only gave one example, at least have the dignity to accept you were wrong, and again stop trying to change the topic. I don't need to "get what you mean".
SO if Chinese ships and submarines can come to Pakistan
what is the RATIONALE of asking for making Indian Ocean a nuclear free zone

This is discrimination and hence it is a Non starter

And who will check all the ships and submarines in the Indian Ocean

Such Nuclear free zones are NOT made by merely one country asking for them

ALL countries have to accept them only then such treaties can come into force

And India would not agree to such silly treaties and agreements

Does those chinese ships hold nuclear or ballistic missiles in them ?

How about you stop personally insulting every member you disagree with and either bite your tongue or engage in a substantive discussion.

Anyway, another name to add to my "ignore list".

Well you should stop insulting the intelligence of Pakistanis out of your own ignorance and I will stop personally insulting your ignorance and cheap shots taken at Pakistan. Is it asking for too much ?
Does those chinese ships hold nuclear or ballistic missiles in them ?

How would we know

China is a Nuclear power which has deployed Nuclear weapons at sea

And Nuclear submarines without Nuclear weapons are useless

Will you people allow it for US & 'others'

Yes definitely we will allow it for Russia ; USA and Israel

Infact Israeli navy submarines have practiced firing its SLBM s in Indian Ocean under the watch of Indian Navy

And we have had exercises with UK and French Navies too where they brought their
Nuclear submarines and in case of France they had brought their Nuclear powered Aircraft carrier Charles De Gualle
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How would we know

China is a Nuclear power which has deployed Nuclear weapons at sea

And Nuclear submarines without Nuclear weapons are useless

Yes definitely we will allow it for Russia ; USA and Israel

Infact Israeli navy has practiced firing its SLBM s in Indian Ocean under the watch of Indian Navy

And we have had exercises with UK and French Navies too where they brought their
Nuclear submarines and in case of France they had brought their Nuclear powered Aircraft carrier Charles De Gualle

Each nuclear weapon emits a specific signature. Thats how america or other powers track nuke weapons from sateliite and aerial assets. they will know. Dont you worry.
Each nuclear weapon emits a specific signature. Thats how america or other powers track nuke weapons from sateliite and aerial assets. they will know. Dont you worry.

Nukes can be kept well concealed in ships and submarines
So the point of both of you gentlemen is that it is difficult to shoot down cruise missiles than (a) Ballistic missiles (b)Fighter jets?

Am I reading it correctly?
You should try reading that post of yours with those fancy calculations.
You should try reading that post of yours with those fancy calculations.

That was a crude calculation to prove that a subsonic cruise missile moving in a terrain hugging mode provides enough reaction time that it could be shot down even by using guns; even in most adverse condition where there is no AWACS cover and a missile becomes visible on radar only after it is under the horizon.

The point was that Cruise missile are comparatively easier to shoot down than a ballistic missile or a manned fighter aircraft flying similar terrain profile, both of which are correct.
Yes definitely we will allow it for Russia ; USA and Israel

Infact Israeli navy submarines have practiced firing its SLBM s in Indian Ocean under the watch of Indian Navy

And we have had exercises with UK and French Navies too where they brought their
Nuclear submarines and in case of France they had brought their Nuclear powered Aircraft carrier Charles De Gualle

I think I don't need to add something .... after this ...
What happen to "we will have what India has evenif we have to eat .......... "
Not writing the full sentence. Pun intended :rofl:

On serious note WHY NOT NUKE FREE WORLD ?????
That would get Indian support too :tup:

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