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Pakistan will push UN to declare Indian Ocean 'nuclear free zone', says Aziz

There is NO such thing as Nuclear weapon free zones

Who will check all the ships and submarines in the Indian Ocean
and Long range bombers flying over the Indian Ocean

Above all we Diego Garcia which stores large number of Nukes
nuclear free south asia and new clear free world is just a wish of Every sane human

Nuke-free world is a cherished dream, An Utopian concept, and sadly its likely to remain that way. Relinquishing a powerful weapon forever is not in the nature of human being.. The tech can't be unlearnt. There would always be some people/ nation/organization/ entity which would try and acquire nukes even if complete disarmament was announced and their rivals would follow suit at the slightest wind of such a development. And we all would be back to where we started.

The only way for creating a nuclear-free world is not to go backward s in the technology tree, but forward. Strive to develop such technologies that would render nukes ineffective.
I'm with you. :tup:
but we are on a defence forum where ultra patriotic mob is shouting day night for nuke this poor planet :close_tema::D:P hutiyee saaly :enjoy:

Nuke-free world is a cherished dream, An Utopian concept, and sadly its likely to remain that way. Relinquishing a powerful weapon forever is not in the nature of human being.. The tech can't be unlearnt. There would always be some people/ nation/organization/ entity which would try and acquire nukes even if complete disarmament was announced and their rivals would follow suit at the slightest wind of such a development. And we all would be back to where we started.

The only way for creating a nuclear-free world is not to go backward s in the technology tree, but forward. Strive to develop such technologies that would render nukes ineffective.
what if in future humans make more powerful weapons which can destroy solar system or even our milky way galaxy:lol: you know after all these two legs animals humans can do anything for kaboooooooom:rofl:
but we are on a defence forum where ultra patriotic mob is shouting day night for nuke this poor planet :close_tema::D:P hutiyee saaly :enjoy:

what if in future humans make more powerful weapons which can destroy solar system or even our milky way galaxy:lol: you know after all these two legs animals humans can do anything for kaboooooooom:rofl:

So true.. It would've been quite funny if it wasn't so cruelly true.. :(

No Sir.. Not at all.. I wasn't comparing either India or Pakistan with Afghanistan.. I was just trying to put the Indian view on the table about the two-front threat we percieve ( real or imagined ) in the Pakistan-India-China triangle by comparing it with the example of Afghanistan-Pakistan-India triangle.

The point which I was making is that Its rather absurd for India to get into a disarmament treaty with only one of our rivals, because that will cripple us against the other one. Just as Pakistan will find itself at a disadvantage against India if Pakistan and Afghanistan sign a disarmament pact.

And BTW sir, I'm 18 only. So it feels a bit out of place to be addressed as “Sir" by someone who's much more senior and therefore presumably much more leaned than me.. Just saying...

Some Excerpt form relevant documents of past
Pakistan's proposal for the Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in South Asia 6 November 1997

Pakistan remains hopeful that with the necessary cooperation and dialogue a suitable and effective regime can be established in South Asia to prevent the proliferation of nuclear arms. This would be in keeping with unilateral declarations made at the highest levels by the leaders of South Asia, pledging themselves not to acquire, develop or manufacture nuclear weapons.

Draft of Resolution 23 December 1997 (link form UN site: https://gafc-vote.un.org/UNODA/vote.nsf/91a5e1195dc97a630525656f005b8adf/d605359fe065034c052565440065acdd?OpenDocument&ExpandSection=2,5#_Section2)

Taking note with appreciation of the declarations issued at the highest level by the Governments of South Asian States that are developing their peaceful nuclear programmes, reaffirming their undertaking not to acquire or manufacture nuclear weapons and to devote their nuclear programmes exclusively to the economic and social advancement of their peoples,

Welcoming the proposal for the conclusion of a bilateral or regional nuclear-test-ban agreement in South Asia,

1. Reaffirms its endorsement, in principle, of the concept of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in South Asia;

2. Urges once again the States of South Asia to continue to make all possible efforts to establish a nuclear-weapon-free zone in South Asia and to refrain, in the meantime, from any action contrary to that objective;

3. Welcomes the support of all the five nuclear-weapon States for this proposal, and calls upon them to extend the necessary cooperation in the efforts to establish a nuclear-weapon-free zone in South Asia;

4. Requests the Secretary-General to communicate with the States of the region and other concerned States in order to ascertain their views on the issue and to promote consultations among them with a view to exploring the best possibilities of furthering the efforts for the establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in South Asia;

5. Also requests the Secretary-General to report on the subject to the General Assembly at its fifty-third session;

6. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its fifty-third session the item entitled "Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in South Asia".

Now we all know what happened at 11th & 13 May 1998 & at 28th an 30 May 1998

This time our response might be delayed for a reasonable time frame but eventually we all know the result both of Nations are in this game for so long in fact from generations ....

Hope you & other will get the point I made ....
Some Excerpt form relevant document of past

Draft of Resolution 23 December 1997 (link form UN site:

View attachment 306063

Now we all know what happened at 11th & 13 May 1998 & at 8th an 30 May 1998

This time our response might be delayed for a reasonable time frame but eventually we all know the result both of Nations are in this game for so long infect from generations ....

Hope you & other will get the point I made ....
Sir, The document you posted further goes on to validate what I was saying all along. India can not and will not agree to a disarmament treaty with only one of its rivals because it would render us crippled against the other one. So, when someone proposes “Nuke-free South Asia" , we simply can not afford to accept it. On the other hand, If you propose a “Nuclear-Free Asia" , then India would be all aboard, coz that would include both our rivals, China and Pakistan.
lol are you implying you are the one harbouring knowledge and throwing deal on the table ?
I haven't even placed a deal on the table, unless you are a spokesperson for India I suggest you keep your deals to yourself. Have a good day.
When did pakistan come for peace? Care to enlighten us all?

Cleansed of hindus? So you admit it is done purposely.

I am also reporting this as you are openly promoting this as well.
For mutual agreement on ban of nuclear weapons in Indian Ocean. That's what the entire thread is about.
For mutual agreement on ban of nuclear weapons in Indian Ocean. That's what the entire thread is about.
This the current incident. IN your thread, you are saying as if Pakistan keeps on approaching India for peace and it is always India causing issue...So I am interested in those earlier peace incidents initiated by Pakistan.
I haven't even placed a deal on the table, unless you are a spokesperson for India I suggest you keep your deals to yourself. Have a good day.

For mutual agreement on ban of nuclear weapons in Indian Ocean. That's what the entire thread is about.

Nobody here is the spokesperson of the respective country, yet we discuss and opine about different topics.
So i dont know what your problem is regarding that.
Not really, IRBM-ICBM class missiles have backup guidance (IMU + Stellar), so they won't just become duds (CEP sure would increase by a couple hundred meters). Similar is the case for LACMs, IMU + TERCOM + DSMAC can do a pretty decent job, however they can be more inaccurate without GPS.

Sir, Cruise Missile have the tendency to loose the target and land in off target. So how would you rate a nuclear attack using Cruise Missile, which could land in its own territory rather the enemy target.

Second, if you declared your cruise missile as the nuclear delivery platform, do you think that will lower the Nuclear Threshold, and any conventional attack using that cruise missile would be taken as the Nuclear Attack, and the decision for the release of Nuclear attack would be taken. After all the country won't sit back till the nuclear explosion is exploded in its cities, and the moment, the Missile is identified as the Cruise missile, or the MRCBM with its trajectory, the country leadership could order the launch of the Nuclear attack, and off course in a big and large extend and effect.
Nobody here is the spokesperson of the respective country, yet we discuss and opine about different topics.
So i dont know what your problem is regarding that.
Discussion based on proper knowledge and not snide remarks and content less posts.
You are right.
For the sake of peace, India should give away its nukes in sea and in return pakistan should give away its nukes on the land.

Fair deal, now come back when you have made up your decision.
I guess when writing this post, you barely had anything to contribute, so you decided to butt-in.
If pakistan really wants nuke free region then they should be convincing china, not india.
Coz india have no problem to give away with nukes if china and pakistan are in the deal.

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