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Pakistan will not only buy Russian weapon systems

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Naswar factory? :o: But that will kill the local industry and leave me penniless! :mad::mad::mad: No no no! o_O

You racist pig :mad:....... you forgot to mention ToT of F22 for KPK Police and Talwar Class Destroyers for KPK anti poaching force of dolphins indigenous to River Indus.......... 8-)

F22, with full ToT for KPK police is totally stealthy. What say you now? :smokin:

Nothing for Sindh Police :cray::cray::cray::cray:. We will start our dharna also so that we will get stealth Apache :chilli::chilli::chilli:
Dont worry!!! We will give you the ToT for HGV (Hypersonic Glide Vehicle) to target Zardari and Altaf bhai's arse. Happy now? :D

Nothing for Sindh Police :cray::cray::cray::cray:. We will start our dharna also so that we will get stealth Apache :chilli::chilli::chilli:
I think Punjab police require some destroyers too, aircraft carrier is overkill and Punjab police is not a blue water navy, but for sure our humble Pulce could do with some stealthy destroyers. :tup:

Bus kar daay yaar, ab rulaay ga kia?
. . . . .
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