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Pakistan places first order for discounted Russian crude

They are using Bajwa's account in UAE to redirect fund to Russia better to seal off his assets in UAE

Aek Teer Do Shikar
When will people of Pakistan get discount on oil price?

Imran Khan days price was 150 PKR, Now 284 PKR.
Pakistan is not the only country in the world where oil prices are expensive. Its a global issue. Even here in North America its unaffordable and people are angry

Don't do that. If you are going to do political comparisons then it's never ending and one could even argue that oil was cheaper during Nawaz Sharif days compared to Imran Khan days. Fact is it's not in the control of anyone. Oil prices have always been decided by OPEC. Pakistani people should consider this Russian situation as a unique situation and thank god. First time we made a decision for our own best interest.
Kaata to nhi Russia ne?

Pehle hi kar lete. Thook ke chaatnay ki bajae.
PDM kinky boys love chatna.
YESSSSS! IT finally happened, a big FU to the Saudis and the AMreekis
No. To the 'AMreekis'.
This FALSE perception is created by Imran Khan because the establishment threw him under the bus.

Americans were pitching inclusive setup in Afghanistan. But the establishment wanted return of the Taliban. The establishment saw in Imran Khan an opportunity to build pressure on Americans. Khan has soft corner for the Taliban and is popular with the Public. The Establishment could use Khan to create the impression that Taliban has popular support and all in Pakistan are now on the same page on this issue and otherwise. This impression worked and the Americans chose to exit from Afghanistan.

But Khan's growing popularity was a threat to the establishment as well. This is why PDM card was played. To level the political playing field.

The establishment is loyal to no camp but itself. It will not accept challenge to its power. Khan was but a useful idiot in its plans.

Many Pakistani lack in independent thought and blindly toe political lines. Easy to fool.

Amreeka kay dollaron kee barish naa hori hoti warna?
Agree. I've always said this. Establishment is loyal to no one but itself.

Niazi used them as well. First he gained support from certain elements within the establishment to crush opposition i.e. put them behind bars etc. When that happened the expectation from the establishment was he would finally deliver on his promises, particularly on the economic front but how was that possible when Pakistan's corruption index as per Berlin based watchdog was all time worst dropping 16 places and cronies like Bozo and co. were extremely disliked and he was requested multiple times to remove them. Let's not even discuss foreign affairs because that is deep. From wanting peace with TTP to slowing the pace of CPEC projects to talking sh!t behind the backs of Saudis and Americans it was inevitable he was going to be removed.

Furthermore, the establishment dislikes anyone who attempts to become powerful. For long he desires a plan to get 2/3rd majority not to pass legislations for the benefit of people but to replace the parliamentary system which he hardly attended, almost as if its an insult or beneath him, in favour with a presidential system, like how Putin and Erdogan accomplished.
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Russian currency may be ....this is not the discount they give to PTI govt.
How do you exactly get Roubles to begin with ?
YESSSSS! IT finally happened, a big FU to the Saudis and the AMreekis
Saudis may be okay with this. They have been warming up to Russia as well. They could have helped collapse the rubble iif they produced more oil. Instead they reduced it and this is helping Russia
Somebody check on Umar Saif.

Did all our refineries get a magical upgrade in 10 months?

Or did we invent a new refining process?
Somebody check on Umar Saif.

Did all our refineries get a magical upgrade in 10 months?

Or did we invent a new refining process?
Probably due to people not knowing that Russia changed the Urals blend after the U.S. stopped buying heavy crude from Russia.
100 piyaaz. 100 jootay.

The experienced Noon League for you.
I thought Usa will not approve it? What is going on PDF members.
USA mostly doesn't have any problems when you buy below the price cap.
A source in Moscow who is familiar with the negotiations told Reuters that the final deal was reached in recent days.

Chinese Yuan, UAE Dhirim, or Saudi Riyal is assumed.

Malik declined to say whether Chinese yuan and the UAE dirham would be used for transactions. He also did not comment on the rate of imports. "I will not disclose anything about the commercial side of the deal," he said.

Tribune.com.pk ....... these are the monkeys on GHQ payroll claiming this and are writing a fraud story.
I thought Russian oil and gas was supposed to be haram? PDM and army had a change of heart?
Since no super favours from USA they decided to go ahead.

Honestly it makes no difference to USA since the largest buyers are India and Arabs (yes Arabs buying and using it themselves with redirecting their own crude for exports)

What is surprisingly is our pesudoliberals and intellectuals were saying we can't clean it
Tribune.com.pk ....... these are the monkeys on GHQ payroll claiming this and are writing a fraud story.
Since when is "Reuters" Express Tribune? See my previous post again lol
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