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Pakistan warns US "disastrous consequences" on more raids

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Sep 23, 2010
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Islamabad - Pakistan warned America on Thursday of "disastrous consequences" if it carries out any more unauthorised raids against suspected terrorists like the one that killed Osama bin Laden.

However, the government in Islamabad stopped short of labelling on Monday's helicopter raid on bin Laden's compound not far from the capital Islamabad as an illegal operation and insisted relations between Washington and Islamabad remain on course.

The army and the government have come under criticism domestically for allowing the country's sovereignty to be violated. Some critics have expressed doubts about government claims that it was not aware of the raid until after it was over.

Foreign Secretary Salman Bashir's remarks seemed to be aimed chiefly at addressing that criticism.

"The Pakistan security forces are neither incompetent nor negligent about their sacred duty to protect Pakistan," he told reporters. "There shall not be any doubt that any repetition of such an act will have disastrous consequences," he said.

Bashir repeated Pakistani claims that it did not know anything about the raid until it was too late to stop it. He said the army scrambled two F-16 fighter jets when it was aware that foreign helicopters were hovering over the city of Abbottabad, but they apparently did not get to the choppers on time.

American officials have said they didn't inform Pakistan in advance, fearing bin Laden could be tipped off.

Pakistani Army Chief Warns U.S. on Another Raid

The head of Pakistan’s army, Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, said Thursday that he would not tolerate a repeat of the American covert operation that killed Osama bin Laden, warning that any similar action would lead to a reconsideration of the relationship with the United States.

In his first public reaction to the American raid early Monday that left many Pakistanis questioning the capacities of the nation’s army, General Kayani did not appear in person, choosing instead to convey his angry message through a statement by his press office and in a closed meeting with Pakistani reporters.

The statement by the army’s press office said, “Any similar action violating the sovereignty of Pakistan will warrant a review on the level of military/intelligence cooperation with the United States.”

General Kayani had decided that the number of American troops in Pakistan was to be reduced “to the minimum essential,” the statement said.

He did not specify the exact number of American troops asked to leave Pakistan, and it was not clear that the level was below what Pakistan had previously demanded after a C.I.A. contractor shot and killed two Pakistanis in January.

Then, the Americans were told that the number of Special Operations soldiers involved in a training program would have to be reduced to 39 from 120, that C.I.A. contractors would no longer be allowed to stay in Pakistan, and that other American officials who appeared to be working for the C.I.A., but whose jobs were not clearly defined, would have to leave, too.

Clearly, the Bin Laden raid has compounded Pakistani anger, and further worsened relations.

Calling the American raid a “misadventure,” General Kayani told the Pakistani reporters that another, similar, raid would be responded to swiftly, a promise that seemed intended to tell the Pakistani public that the army was indeed capable of stopping the Americans’ trying to capture other senior figures from Al Qaeda.

General Kayani’s blunt warnings came after he met with his top commanders at their monthly conference at army headquarters at Rawalpindi, a gathering of the top 11 generals. The meeting was devoted to the consequences of the raid, which has severely embarrassed the Pakistani military, leaving the nation’s most prestigious institution looking poorly prepared and distrusted by its most important ally.

The official statement acknowledged “shortcomings” in developing intelligence on the presence of Bin Laden in Pakistan, a reference to the fact that the Qaeda leader was hiding in a compound in Abbottabad, a midsize city that is home to a top military academy and is about two hours from Islamabad, the capital.

The C.I.A. had developed intelligence on Bin Laden with the Pakistanis in the early going when the Pakistani spy agency, Inter-Services Intelligence, had provided “initial information.”

But the C.I.A. did not share further development of intelligence on the case with ISI, “contrary to the existing practice between the two services,” an account that generally conformed with what American officials said in the aftermath of the Bin Laden raid.

Pakistani officials and Western diplomats have described General Kayani and Lt. Gen. Ahmed Shuja Pasha, the head of ISI, as seething with anger at the American go-it-alone action.

In an earlier account on Thursday, the foreign secretary, Salman Bashir, sought to dispel domestic criticism of Pakistan’s lack of response to the raid, saying that two Pakistani F-16 fighter jets were airborne as soon as the Pakistani military knew about the operation. But, by that time, he said, the American helicopters were on their way back to Afghanistan.

Mr. Bashir, speaking at a news conference, said that the Americans had used technology to evade Pakistani radar.

Alternately combative and defensive, Mr. Bashir said Washington should abandon the idea that Pakistan was complicit in helping Bin Laden hide. But he did not elaborate, saying only that the ISI had a “brilliant” record in counterterrorism.

Defending the Pakistani Army, the fifth largest in the world, Mr. Bashir said, “Pakistani security forces are neither incompetent or negligent about the sacred duty to the nation to protect Pakistan.”

But after withering criticism at home and abroad about how and why the Pakistani security forces could allow Bin Laden to be in Pakistan, the initial reaction here to Mr. Bashir’s appearance was mixed.

One of Pakistan’s best-known television journalists, Kamran Khan, who is regarded as a supporter of the military, dismissed the performance. “They have no answer,” Mr. Khan said. “We have become the biggest haven of terrorism in the world and we have failed to stop it.”

A retired ambassador and newspaper columnist, Zafar Hilaly, who has called for a public inquiry into Pakistan’s military, said that Mr. Bashir had erred in seeming to ask for the world’s sympathy by saying 30,000 Pakistani civilians and more than 3,000 soldiers had lost their lives in the fight against terrorism.

“The world wants to know whether we are effective,” Mr. Hilaly said.

Apparently in response to comments by American officials that the United States decided not to share details in advance with Pakistan because of a lack of trust, Mr. Bashir said, “All we expect is some decency and civility, especially in the public domain.”

The Pakistani authorities first learned of the operation when one of the American helicopters involved in the raid crashed at the Bin Laden compound.

“Immediately our armed forces were asked to check whether it was a Pakistani helicopter,” Mr. Bashir said. Although Abbottabad is home to a major military academy and three military regiments, he said, none of these institutions required sophisticated defenses that could have detected the impending raid.

The authorities learned that Bin Laden had been killed in the raid from surviving members of his family, he said.

Pakistan received the first official word from the United States about the covert operation when the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. Mike Mullen, called General Kayani about 3 a.m. Monday local time, Mr. Bashir said.

That call took some time to arrange, he said, because “secure sets” were needed. Mr. Bashir said Admiral Mullen had been the first to raise the issue of Pakistan’s sovereignty in the call, but he did not specify exactly what the admiral said. Later, President Obama telephoned the Pakistani president, Asif Ali Zardari.

The relationship between the United States and Pakistan will endure, the foreign secretary said, because “we share strategic convergence.”

In Washington, American aid to Pakistan faced new criticism. The top Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Thursday expressed “deep and ongoing concerns” about the United States providing Pakistan more than $1 billion a year in security assistance in light of the discovery of Bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad and other recent evidence that Pakistan’s military and intelligence agencies are aiding militants.

The lawmaker, Representative Howard L. Berman of California, wrote in a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton that “Pakistan’s continued resistance to cooperate with the United States in counterterrorism bespeaks an overall regression in the relationship.”

There is a thread running which says that Pakistan knew about the operation and over here Pakistan is saying that US should not carry out unauthorized raids.

Contradicting statements ???!!!
There is a thread running which says that Pakistan knew about the operation and over here Pakistan is saying that US should not carry out unauthorized raids.

Contradicting statements ???!!!

it's a comman prectice there to deny the actual facts and jumping to theories..
There is a thread running which says that Pakistan knew about the operation and over here Pakistan is saying that US should not carry out unauthorized raids.

Contradicting statements ???!!!

well if pakistan is issueing contradictory statements so you came and say, hey they are liars, surely pakistan is weak and pakistan is nothing infront of uncle sam pakistan is shitt

but at the same time when uncle sam is issuing contradictory statements about the facts of the mission, you say hey, thats no problem, we believe what ever bullshitt uncle sam teaches us
I think US will use drones or tomahawks for other targets. Bin Laden was iconic, they wanted to be 100 percent sure of his death.
Others can die when their building caves in on them.
There is no reason to put your men on danger unless you want somebody alive.
There is a thread running which says that Pakistan knew about the operation and over here Pakistan is saying that US should not carry out unauthorized raids.

Contradicting statements ???!!!

Till 2 days back. it was all i love you . you love me.. we are together. We will continue the war.. we are still partners etc etc ..

And today all are busy giving warnings... even to India ( though its understandable giving warning to India gets lots of applause).

So what is the real ground situation????
Pakistan can keep warning the Americans but till the Americans dole out the cash that is keeping the Pakistani economy afloat - the Pakistanis will have to grin and bear the humiliation that the Americans keep pouring on them.
Hahahaha..... i bet even you didnt understand what you have written here.

Bhai don't reply to him, he's trolling in every thread trying to get Indian members banned.

On topic: What exactly does pakistan have in mind for America, that it's gonna be so disastrous? :lol:
Till 2 days back. it was all i love you . you love me.. we are together. We will continue the war.. we are still partners etc etc ..

And today all are busy giving warnings... even to India ( though its understandable giving warning to India gets lots of applause).

So what is the real ground situation????

It is like this - When the Americans come, everyone hits the ground & prays. Once they leave, you get up, dust off the dirt, puff up your chests, shake your fist & warn about "disastrous consequences" for future actions. If you don't get it right or if the Americans don't understand - you do a retake the next time it happens.
Till 2 days back. it was all i love you . you love me.. we are together. We will continue the war.. we are still partners etc etc ..

And today all are busy giving warnings... even to India ( though its understandable giving warning to India gets lots of applause).

So what is the real ground situation????

I think they are still coming to terms with the "thing" that hit them on May 1st.
Bhai don't reply to him, he's trolling in every thread trying to get Indian members banned.

On topic: What exactly does pakistan have in mind for America, that it's gonna be so disastrous? :lol:

The diplomatic channels are still intact. The warnings are mere face saving exercises for calming the already enraged nationals.

I dont see anything further than that. As always somebody from white house will visit Pakistan and everything will be back to sqaure one and life will go on.

America will be very much relieved with the death of OBL. They wont be having any more regional ambitions.Remember this very same Obama guy was an opposer of Bush's war and is now claiming the victory on the very same war he opposed earlier.
On topic: What exactly does pakistan have in mind for America, that it's gonna be so disastrous?

Nuke India and if their claims about Shaheen 3 are to believed nuke Israel too. :lol:

I'm not joking, this is the serious reply of many Pak members.

Doesn't matter who hits us, we will nuke India and Israel.
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