Trust me, I get exactly what you mean and I couldn’t have said it better. I don’t really blame army engineers for being how they are because they’re trained to be that way, they’re meant to be army officers with engineering knowledge and not engineers with officer training, if you get what I mean. They do what they’re supposed to do well, but we won’t get any research out of them, (or anyone else for that matter) not until we fundamentally change the entire system from the ground up.
At CEME almost all the research is being done by the non-army faculty (and there’s some very brilliant minds in there, as I’m sure there are in SMME, SEECS etc as well).
From what I’ve noticed, the only time actual military guys do research and development work here is when the military actively needs something, it’s like a massive catalyst getting stuff done, however that’s a rare occurrence, unlike in some more developed nations where doing research is a full time job and continues 365 days a year, in Pakistan it’s a seasonal thing for when something is needed, hence funding is given, otherwise it’s always on hold.