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Featured Pakistan to provide arms to Tajikistan, says PM Imran as leaders sign MoUs for cooperation in various fields

That guy is dengerous his lowkey calling for a genocide on Balochistan due to a minor incident and he wants the Gov't to lay down the pipe on one of it's provinces which is not gonna happen. The insurgence will be crushed without laying down the pipe. Balochistan is a flat terrain as far as I recall they won't be a chellenge compared to TTP these were legit chellenge back in the day.. Baloch insurgency is nationalistic and weak compared to TTP that was fuelled by spiritual euphoria and much tougher terrain but PK overcame them

Calling for genocide??

Are you dumb or what? How is calling for military operation after death of 10 soldiers is calling for genocide?

We are losing soldiers every other day with no end in sight and you are okay since it is not you who is losing your loved one to a deranged thug

Every Pakistani should demand answers from these losers. Enough is enough
This is not true. Pakistan's nuclear Umbrella is covering others aside from Pakistan as we speak but that is another topic for another day.. As for this defense treaties include Nuclear Umbrella because if you have defense treaty with someone they automatically come under your nuclear Umbrella.. The key element is defense treaty..

Wrong, no they don't and Pakistan's nuclear umbrella does not extend to anyone. It is for Pakistan and Pakistan only. When Pakistan creates an economy worth $5 trillion, then we can talk.

There is an old saying 'Fight as you Train, and Train as you Fight'. Strategic Command Group of Pakistan operates and deploys Pakistan's nuclear weapons. They are only trained to fight our enemy to the East and no one else. I think you Fanboys need to understand, this is not a car that you just put a key to the ignition and anyone can start driving. It takes decades of training and experience to build a doctrine and Strategic Command's Doctrine is only focused on India.

Case in Point: It took Pakistan Army more then 5 years to build a credible COIN doctrine which still had a lot of gaps because their Doctrine was based on fighting India. You think Pakistan can just turn a switch tomorrow and start offering its Nuclear Umbrella to other countries in the West. What are the logistics, where are the officers, where is the training, where will the nukes be stored? Did Strategic Command Group add more manpower to its team to accommodate West? The answer is: NO

I will end the conversation on my end for this topic. For now, what you're stating is Fanboy Rhetoric, similar to Pakistan Air Force fighting the Israelis. Come back to me when you have proof.

Good Day

What countries are under Pakistan's "nuclear umbrella"?


Only fanboy rhetoric, similar to Pakistan Air Force fighting the Israelis.
I have been saying for years that the only region where we could have realistic build a Sphere of Influence is Central Asia owing to our Geostrategic location and their need to access Warm Waters.
That is why we have seen renewed interest in CAREC and QTTA from Pakistan as a part of its Geo-Economic Pivot. I can only hope that policymakers in Islambad and Pindi are serious enough and pursue an aggressive foreign policy in this regard as our Neighbors are also eying the same piece of cake.
Wrong, no they don't and Pakistan's nuclear umbrella does not extend to anyone. It is for Pakistan and Pakistan only. When Pakistan creates an economy worth $5 trillion, then we can talk.

There is an old saying 'Fight as you Train, and Train as you Fight'. Strategic Command Group of Pakistan operates and deploys Pakistan's nuclear weapons. They are only trained to fight our enemy to the East and no one else. I think you Fanboys need to understand, this is not a car that you just put a key to the ignition and anyone can start driving. It takes decades of training and experience to build a doctrine and Strategic Command's Doctrine is only focused on India.

Case in Point: It took Pakistan Army more then 5 years to build a credible COIN doctrine which still had a lot of gaps because their Doctrine was based on fighting India. You think Pakistan can just turn a switch tomorrow and start offering its Nuclear Umbrella to other countries in the West. What are the logistics, where are the officers, where is the training, where will the nukes be stored? Did Strategic Command Group add more manpower to its team to accommodate West? The answer is: NO

I will end the conversation on my end for this topic. For now, what you're stating is Fanboy Rhetoric, similar to Pakistan Air Force fighting the Israelis. Come back to me when you have proof.

Good Day


Only fanboy rhetoric, similar to Pakistan Air Force fighting the Israelis.

This is certainly no fanboy talk on my part.. You must first understand what it means to enter a defense treaty with a country.. You have to defend that country at all cost and if it faces nuclear threat you gotta provide the umbrella this is sort of like easy to understand and you don't need to be math genius to understand..

Example Pakistan has such treaties with 1 country and it will move out immediately if that country was threatened and it provides umbrella without discussion. You wanna make Pakistan about Pakistan well that is all fine and dandy but that is not ground reality and India is pretty checked by Pakistan it has other interests elsewhere Pakistan is not only a local player and it is not geolocation wise locked down like India.. It can move around Eurasian continent and it is present.

I know you will go into Pakistan is pakistan yada yada as I said it is all good but just not reality because it has other interests elsewhere and International player.

You sound like someone who doesn't really share same policies as his own state but nonetheless they share different opinions then you do that is atleast for damn sure.. So they technically don't share your policies or opinions and you may have liked it that way but unfortunately I am sorry to inform it is not
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This is certainly no fanboy talk on my part.. You must first understand what it means to enter a defense treaty with a country.. You have to defend that country at all cost and if it faces nuclear threat you gotta provide the umbrella this is sort of like easy to understand and you don't need to be math genius to understand..

Example Pakistan has such treaties with 1 country and it will move out immediately if that country was threatened and it provides umbrella without discussion. You wanna make Pakistan about Pakistan well that is all fine and dandy but that is not ground reality and India is pretty checked by Pakistan it has other interests elsewhere Pakistan is not only a local player and it is not geolocation wise locked down like India.. It can move around Eurasian continent and it is present.

I know you will go into Pakistan is pakistan yada yada as I said it is all good but just not reality because it has other interests also elsewhere and an International player.

You sound to be like someone who doesn't really share same policies as his own state but nonetheless they share different opinions then you do that is atleast for damn sure.. So they technically don't share your policies or opinions and you may have liked it that way but unfortunately I am sorry to inform it is not

Got it. So this was your opinion, not a fact. Thanks for clearing that up.

Get back to me when you have a copy of the Defence Treaty, with a clause similar to Article 5 of NATO. Pakistan does not has any defence treaty with anyone with a clause stating that an attack on that nation would mean Pakistan will come to the rescue. Not that i know off, but you can prove me wrong and increase my knowledge.

I will ignore everything else you said because that's your opinion and not a fact. I made my point clear, Pakistan Strategic Command is not designed nor trained to offer a nuclear umbrella to anyone else. The logistics don't exist, but then again only experts talk about logistics and amateurs discuss ideas/strategy. So please, get back to me when you have a copy of the treaty with the supposed clause.
Got it. So this was your opinion, not a fact. Thanks for clearing that up.

Get back to me when you have a copy of the Defence Treaty, with a clause similar to Article 5 of NATO. Pakistan does not has any defence treaty with anyone with a clause stating that an attack on that nation would mean Pakistan will come to the rescue. Not that i know off, but you can prove me wrong and increase my knowledge.

I will ignore everything else you said because that's your opinion and not a fact. I made my point clear, Pakistan Strategic Command is not designed nor trained to offer a nuclear umbrella to anyone else. The logistics don't exist, but then again only experts talk about logistics and amateurs discuss ideas/strategy. So please, get back to me when you have a copy of the treaty with the supposed clause.

Lol.. if you only bring me messi's renowned contract fully intact with all the clauses and everything.. Or bring me Bill gates contract with his highest paid employee? These my friend are behind the scenes stuff you asking me this.. :lol: There is a defense pact publically talked about online. A deployment etc etc but you will never run into a behind the scene contract. asking for a clause would be to idiotic you just lost the argument so you had nowhere to go but to demend a high classified behind the scenes documents lmao
The Indians have an airbase in Tajikistan. This could be part of an initiative to limit the base to a logistical base then allowing it to become a fighter base or keeping a check on the kinds of equipment the Tajiks allow the Indians to bring in.

Tajiks are not on the same page with Pakistan. They never were. We shouldn't get too excited about Tajikistan either.
10 soldiers dead can be a minor incident for you

Not me
I mean no offense, but you’re being rather stupid and emotional. You can cry about it all you want here, but it will not bring them back and it will just earn you someone’s annoyance over a useless message.

What exactly do you want us to arm FC Baluchistan with? A nuclear rocket launcher? Armor made of diamonds? Think beyond emotions.

No matter what you equip them with, casualties will happen, I can assure you if they had the best weapons in the world at that moment, the same 10 would have been martyred, because that’s what was supposed to happen. The US army is the best armed and armored force in the world, they lost troops in Afghanistan on a daily basis.

Now you tell me wether you would blame the prophet (PBUH) or his followers for the men that were martyred when they led armies? If they could not achieve it, how can the “clowns” you say are leading ours will achieve it?
These same “clowns” are survivors from those who were getting martyred in the war of 99’ or the swat operation because the “clowns” leading them then didn’t provide them with proper weapons. How about you go to the army and become one of these “clowns” after 40 years of service and make the correct decisions, provide fighter jets and nuclear bombs to FC.

I don’t think our generals or leadership are perfect at all, or that we are doing justice to the jawans that are martyred, but this is no way to solve this. These same jawans and generals, despite their faults, have pulled Pakistan out of terrorism. Something armies much better equipped and funded than ours could not do in twice the time. Don’t play the emotional armchair general.

Even if you provide the soldiers with the best weapons, they will inevitably be martyred at the same rate. So how do we actually fix this? Do you think a foreign country could spread terror on our land if our people were United, if they were actually good Muslims? If they voted for the correct people and also held themselves accountable? Do you think we would need to deploy these jawans if the people of Pakistan didn’t sell out their own country? So who is selling out these Jawans? Just the generals and politicians or the entire awam? Pakistanis will blame everything but the true cause of the issue. We can kill as many terrorists as we want and it won’t fix a thing until we fix the country behind it so that our enemies cannot attack us. That’s how we got rid of the Taliban. We re-educated and rebuilt, we didn’t just shoot and kill.
Fixing This is out of the power of a single jawan or a general. It’s the Awam as a whole. So please, shout for the correct thing at the correct place, currently you do neither.
F**k Tajikistan, lets all talk about an FC post in Balochistan. At least Areesh will feel fulfilled.
I mean no offense, but you’re being rather stupid and emotional. You can cry about it all you want here, but it will not bring them back and it will just earn you someone’s annoyance over a useless message.

What exactly do you want us to arm FC Baluchistan with? A nuclear rocket launcher? Armor made of diamonds? Think beyond emotions.

No matter what you equip them with, casualties will happen, I can assure you if they had the best weapons in the world at that moment, the same 10 would have been martyred, because that’s what was supposed to happen. The US army is the best armed and armored force in the world, they lost troops in Afghanistan on a daily basis.

Now you tell me wether you would blame the prophet (PBUH) or his followers for the men that were martyred when they led armies? If they could not achieve it, how can the “clowns” you say are leading ours will achieve it?
These same “clowns” are survivors from those who were getting martyred in the war of 99’ or the swat operation because the “clowns” leading them then didn’t provide them with proper weapons. How about you go to the army and become one of these “clowns” after 40 years of service and make the correct decisions, provide fighter jets and nuclear bombs to FC.

I don’t think our generals or leadership are perfect at all, or that we are doing justice to the jawans that are martyred, but this is no way to solve this. These same jawans and generals, despite their faults, have pulled Pakistan out of terrorism. Something armies much better equipped and funded than ours could not do in twice the time. Don’t play the emotional armchair general.

Even if you provide the soldiers with the best weapons, they will inevitably be martyred at the same rate. So how do we actually fix this? Do you think a foreign country could spread terror on our land if our people were United, if they were actually good Muslims? If they voted for the correct people and also held themselves accountable? Do you think we would need to deploy these jawans if the people of Pakistan didn’t sell out their own country? So who is selling out these Jawans? Just the generals and politicians or the entire awam? Pakistanis will blame everything but the true cause of the issue. We can kill as many terrorists as we want and it won’t fix a thing until we fix the country behind it so that our enemies cannot attack us. That’s how we got rid of the Taliban. We re-educated and rebuilt, we didn’t just shoot and kill.
Fixing This is out of the power of a single jawan or a general. It’s the Awam as a whole. So please, shout for the correct thing at the correct place, currently you do neither.

Excuses and more excuses

Not one of them telling us the reason what the f*ck rest of the troops were doing while jawans at that post were busy fighting with terrorists for not just few minutes but for hours

Where was the backup? Why backup doesn't arrive even after hours? Why this keeps on happening again and again? What is the way forward? How to win this war?

Just excuses
You are becoming bitter mate and slowly projecting that bitterness to the entire security apparatus of Pakistan, FC left hanging is policy of Bajwa, that man alone is reponsible for the ressurgance of terrorism and inaction in Balochistan. During Raheel era, Balochistan insurgency was all but over, inaction doesnt mean lack of capacity, our capacity was showcased in Feburary when we publicaly shamed one of the so called strongest airforce infront of the entire world.

I will be honest in all of Pak history I hate three Generals the most the white boy during Jinnah (R.A) Era, Kyani and Bajwa I’ve not seen more inept and eunuch General’s than these three.
Lol.. if you only bring me messi's renowned contract fully intact with all the clauses and everything.. Or bring me Bill gates contract with his highest paid employee? These my friend are behind the scenes stuff you asking me this.. :lol: There is a defense pact publically talked about online. A deployment etc etc but you will never run into a behind the scene contract.

This is what a Defence Treaty looks like:

If contracts and clauses are highly secretive, then how can we make the assumption that Pakistan is extending its nuclear umbrella to Tajikistan?

asking for a clause would be to idiotic you just lost the argument so you had nowhere to go but to demend a high classified behind the scenes documents lmao

All i am asking for proof as to where the Nuclear Umbrella is? All i am being given are excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses with zero logic. And i am the one who lost the argument hahahahahaha

You fanboys are too much. It always cracks me when up i read this and other nonsense like Pakistan going to war with Israel to protect Palestine hahaha, and now this chawlii.

Excuses and more excuses

Not one of them telling us the reason what the f*ck rest of the troops were doing while jawans at that post were busy fighting with terrorists for not just few minutes but for hours

Where was the backup? Why backup doesn't arrive even after hours? Why this keeps on happening again and again? What is the way forward? How to win this war?

Just excuses

It was a blunder on our end mate, there are no excuses here just casualties and an acknowledgment there were lapses in the security response. It was a blunder because the backup wasn't able to muster a response in time but worst our FC boys are not as protected as they should be. They are mostly carrying light infantry weapons. A determined attack from insurgents on their isolated posts if not reinforced on time and lacking reccon assets will always result in casualties on our end.

That being said, i can assure you the Army boys take this very seriously and are always working on improving our security gaps. But, with such a small budget, you possibly can't expect them to work miracles.
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This is what a Defence Treaty looks like:

If contracts and clauses are highly secretive, then how can we make the assumption that Pakistan is extending its nuclear umbrella to Tajikistan?

All i am asking for proof as to where the Nuclear Umbrella is? All i am being given are excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses with zero logic. And i am the one who lost the argument hahahahahaha

You fanboys are too much. It always cracks me when up i read this and other nonsense like Pakistan going to war with Israel to protect Palestine hahaha.

Lol that is not even the real NATO agreement but just a formality one for public use and you think that is the real NATO agreement behind the scenes.. Just based on that you lose the credibility.. Just because they published doesn't mean you will find agreements between other country public.. There are plenty of secret agreements between US and Russia it will never become public etc etc.. There are also dozens of defense treaties and secret alliiances you will never know about..

You don't need to be math genius to know that if the escalation had continued it would have spread into every country in the region including Pakistan and could even lead to some state figures getting usurped and yes you are wrong in that one also.. The middle east is the most unpredictable region in the world and fuelled on emotions.. When there is escalation you can't predict it right what is gonna happen or it's outcome.. It is like gas the entire place and sometimes just a little fire can burn it all..
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