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Pakistan to move UN, OIC for anti-blasphemy laws

Yeah Sure.. RAW and CIA also funds ISI .. That's why ISI does not do anything with this common knowledge :lol:
Sir ISI is doing a pretty god job they have to fight CIA plus Mossad and Plus Raw single handedly and still have they have destroyed TTP to great Extent and now agencies will face the heat really very soon
What have you been drinking, wood alcohol? That stuff poisons the brain!

Exactly.. if they were doing such a good job.. there would not be attacks on sensitive military installations.. nor would state secrets be compromised every now and then.
the ISI has its failures when it comes to RAWs, MOSSADs and CIA's operations in Pakistan.
Pakistan has completely lost it! :angry:

Har doosray dinn, eik naya topi drama!
All this is just for some brownie points. These South Asian politicians will do anything for vote banks. They can even sell their mothers for votes. :P

And check this out. The PM moves the UN, OIC for anti blasphemy laws, but the Rail minister Ghulam Ahmad Bilor who is also former Senior Vice-President in the Awami National Party (ANP), apparently took the word "Vice" a bit seriously because movie theaters in Peshawar have been screening pornographic movies in Pashto, also called 'barband' movies. Guess whose family owns some of the theaters, including Shama, profiting from this trade? That's right - it's Ghulam Ahmed Bilour, or Haji Sahib as he is known in Peshawar.

Now this is the same worthy who has put a bounty of $100,000 on that blasphemer!! Isn't showing **** publicly blasphemous too? Utter hypocrisy! :tdown:
Funny thing about this thread is that rodent element from neighboring country flooded this thread and are more passionate than Pakistanis are.

I think Pakistan has a right to motion for this cause. Religion should be left alone. Blasphemy law though is extreme and should ve amended or repealed so it can no longer be abused.

ANP is a cowardly, confused party with confused followers. Nobody ought to take the "railways minister" seriously
RAW and CIA funds TTP every one knows it open fact

How come your government never comes out and shows these proofs? I've seen and heard stuff about Indian involvement in Baluchistan and Karachi. But not with regards to TTP. I think for the sake of Pakistan, your government and military should take these proofs of support to the media and to the UN. You have a right to do that.

But TTP is a terrorist organization. They'll kill anyone for money and use 'Islam' as the reason to kill. This is what the world is having problems with.

Btw, CIA has NOTHING to do with this. TTP is a sister branch of Al-Qaeda....supporting them would be supporting Al-Qaeda which happens to be US's no 1 enemy right now. I can buy anything else but not the statement that CIA's supporting TTP.
No body will listen to Pakistan & why will they? When Pakistan is ruled by corrupt & evil, who daily disobey teachings of Prophet Muhammed (P.B.U.H) & teachings of Islam.

I am not smiling neither am I happy.
Chasing away fairies doesn't help much when wolves are nipping at your heels.

That depends.. if the fairies may whisper to the wolves now and then.. of where to nip.. and where to bite..
Such fairies do need to be chased away..
The prime minister reiterated his demand from United Nations and other international organisations to come up with an effective legislation against all kinds of anti-Islam acts which harm the co-existence and harmony among the followers of different religions.

That's odd. :woot:

In the country were this clip was made, a country which respects freedom of speech as a fundamental law- various (religious) groups can peacefully co-exist. In a random Muslim country on the other hand... Surely, Muslims are doing something wrong, even with having their blasphemy laws, that their countries persecute minorities, where peaceful co-existence between followers of different religions- or even the same faith! - is a mere fantasy.
That depends.. if the fairies may whisper to the wolves now and then.. of where to nip.. and where to bite..
Such fairies do need to be chased away..

Wow. Profound. No wonder u'r senior moderator. Jinns needs to be chased away too as they will give hand signals to wolves.
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