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Pakistan: The India-US Secret game

if only Pakistan and India can work out there differences, you guys would be a super power..... why fight each other? you guys are blood brothers :(
if only Pakistan and India can work out there differences, you guys would be a super power..... why fight each other? you guys are blood brothers :(

Thats what the Soviets, Chinese and Americans wanted , but i guess we"re too ...........to overcome our differences
Its a nutcracker, Sir. There are internal fault lines, being expolited by both the domestic as well as foreign powers that be. We got to be alive to both sets...
Argue the points in the article (refute, support), instead of posting the sort of nonsense that has been deleted on this thread. If you can't do that, don't reply on this thread, or any other for that matter.
if only Pakistan and India can work out there differences, you guys would be a super power..... why fight each other? you guys are blood brothers :(

Dont want to be superpower. French and british had lots of wars against each other eventually we will sort out our differences. American india and even israel have been working against pakistan for many years. Pakistan stil exists and will continue to do so no matter what americans do
Reading this article, i again remember those lines by Hillary Clinton. She said something like conspiracy theories abound in pakistan. when will you get over these theories guys? god bless and help you all.
"One would expect everything from India. But what has the Obama administration done to Pakistan is not only an unprecedented betrayal of a long time ally but also a declaration of war and an open intent to undo Pakistan."

For the full copyrighted material visit:
Dr. Jassim Taqui : Al-Bab Institute For Strategic Studies: Pakistan: The India - US secret game

Nothing new. Dr. Jaseem is repeating all the conspiracy theories that even a street vendor in Pakistan knows.

This is kiddy stuff. Pakistanis need to grow up. We are not a 2 million people small gulf state that has to walk scared for being crushed by the big players.

Sure we are small compared to India, but we are a power in our right.

USA wants to get closer to India for sure.

But that doesn't mean USA want his soldiers be killed by Pakistani supported Muj, or worse go to war with Pak.

India has its own role to play in this world, and we have to play ours.

If we choose to play a role to improve stability, support democracy, alleviate poverty, and live as a peaceful country, then USA or anyone else has no problem with us.

So dear readers, let USA play its role with India. Instead of worrying about what Indians may be thinking, we should chart our own course towards a prosperous Pakistan.

India hatched plans when it was in the lap of commies, and it will hatch plans when it is with USA. We know it for the last 60+ years.

As I said in the beginning. Nothing new.

"One would expect everything from India. But what has the Obama administration done to Pakistan is not only an unprecedented betrayal of a long time ally but also a declaration of war and an open intent to undo Pakistan."

For the full copyrighted material visit:
Dr. Jassim Taqui : Al-Bab Institute For Strategic Studies: Pakistan: The India - US secret game

I would like to put a question to Dr. Jassim Taqui. If he was in charge of new born nation of Pakistan in 1947, what would he have done to establish a long term cordial relationship with India? It seems to me it has become the habit of some analysts, politicians and religious leaders in Pakistan to blame India for everything that has gone wrong in Pakistan whether internal or external situations. I think it is time for sanity to prevail in both countries and time to reach out with a genuine desire to bring the peace in the region for those people who have suffered so much and still suffering without any fault of their own.

I can write so much more but that is not necessary for now because my ultimate goal is to see peace and prosperity in the region. I hope the moderator will not delete my post.

To those whose post have been deleted I think it is time for you guys to pay attention to the topic of discussion and not get emotional and nationalistic during the discussion on the forum. This will save time for the moderators as well.

Thank you for your co-operation.
It is the US, which has come in between Pakistan and India by opting to dump Pakistan and elevate India as a regional superpower to contain China. India is acting today as an American puppet.

---------- Post added at 04:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:00 AM ----------

Better read the article again. See the glaring facts.
The American are now stating that Pakistan is a failed state with a failed Government. One would ask: why did the US administrations one after another support this," failed state" for the last 64 years? Why now when the armed forces of Pakistan have rejected the US military aid and their dictates to force Pak army to fight the war of corrupt US generals, who have looted billions of the US tax money while occupying Iraq and Afghanistan? Why don't call American a failed state? How about the involvement of the US generals in drug trafficking, kickbacks and bribery? Isn't it the US generals who are responsible for the US huge debts of $ 14.3 trillion by insisting on militarism and killing millions of innocent peoples in Iraq and Afghanistan? In fact America is a failed state.
One would ask:

yes, of course, perhaps we may ask more reasonable and more pertinent ones, while we are at it - what is to be learned or earned from this "failed state" line of reasoning?

Would we not be better served asking after 10 years, Pakistanis seem as confused as they were at day won of their involvement with the Islamist insurgency in Pakistan - Why the Pakistani state and her institutions, particularly the Pakistan army - which is a major enabler of extremist ideology, even with in the army, the slogans and ideas of extremism have currency - continue to fail to make distinctions between the extremists and themselves?
Lol when USA was involved with Pakistan, India was never paranoid like Pakistanis are now that USA and India has some form of bonding recently.
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