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Pakistan Tests Upgraded Shaheen-1A Missile

According to the Pakistani military the missile is an improved version of the Shaheen 1 with a longer range. Shaheen 1 has a range of 750 kilometers (465 miles), but there was no immediate confirmation of the new missile's range

What an answer..we did not even touch four digit figure of strike range :((
I have to agree with your post, what was the point of this test except waste of money!
Anything other then 'Taimur' ICBM would always be non responsive to Indian test.
I think 1 of the series is solid fuelled and the other is liquid fuelled.

I agree that this was the right time for Pak to test Taimur if the technology was ready , but I guess Pak leaders both Civilian and military do not have the will power to test an ICBM ,fearing international sanctions and isolation, especially when they are going around asking for aid and funds around the globe.

India justified its test by saying the ICBM is for deterrence against China , how can Pakistan possibly justify an ICBM???
So pakistan tested a new missile....and nobdy knows the range of it....
or any substantial information abt it...
But somehow the discussion rampaged into 18 pages???
India may not be our long term enemy, we need to realize who our enemies are and prepare accordingly. We desperately need an MIRV'd ICBM that is advanced enough to penetrate all known shields and hit our enemy anywhere in the world.

India may or may not be your long term enemy , but you have already covered India in missile range , time for ICBM for sure !!!

All the more reason todays test should have been tipu or taimur (ie if they are ready to be tested )
India may or may not be your long term enemy , but you have already covered India in missile range , time for ICBM for sure !!!

All the more reason todays test should have been tipu or taimur (ie if they are ready to be tested )

yaar many indians have said this but i still disagree dont get me wrong i wanted to see a a long range missile but we still couldnt explain it your missile was china centric which means it was aimed at your enemy it wouldnt make sense for us to do a test of 4000 km or 5000 km just bcz india did it the world wont follow the they did it we had to also and it was put us in alot of sanctions china is america,s enemy too usa wont say anything as long as india,s defence is china centric however shaheen 3 woujld raised some questions and would have shown that pakistan is trying to hit israel
Still no Pakistani member has been able to answer my question.
How can Pakistan call a missile with a strike range of up to 2,500km-3,000km(BBC) an ICBM?
Why don't the confused members get an idea from the picture of the missile, that it is single-stage and TOTALLY resembles Shaheen-I? It definietly has a range of no more than a 1000 km (may be less)...

And "routine" tests are not a regular thing...special arrangments have to be made for each test everytime, with the missile being tested for new (better) parameters everytime!

@Windjammer...I know you have a reputation sir...but the thing is that ALL of the Shaheen series of missiles have been ALWAYS test fired into the Arabian Sea. Even the first Shaheen-I was test fired into the Sea, back in '99. It is the Ghauri series that is test fired from the Tilla Ranges (Attock) into Baluchistan...

@Mafiya...those are jet vanes you identified. They are present in our missiles (Abdali, Ghaznavi, Shaheen etc) for giving the ballistic trajectory...

It is very much possible that the upgraded missile is faster and is equipped to better evade ABMs...
Pakistan has wasted a wonderful opportunity it had for testing shaheen 3 or any long range missile , they could have easily countered any negative response from the international community by saying this was in response for Indian testing.....

This technology Pakistan had 10 yrs ago and nothing new was achieved by this test

Idiotic comment, what part of Improved range, Improve flight parameters (Thrust vectoring), Improve defense against ABM's doesnot get in to your brain and you said nothing new achieved?
Still no Pakistani member has been able to answer my question.
How can Pakistan call a missile with a strike range of up to 2,500km-3,000km(BBC) an ICBM?
people were calling it an ICBM because we were expecting Shaheen 3 or tipu, the hype of long ranged missle was obviously created by your media so go question them
Still no Pakistani member has been able to answer my question.
How can Pakistan call a missile with a strike range of up to 2,500km-3,000km(BBC) an ICBM?

Pakistan is not calling anything...ISPR refused to reveal the missile's range...BBC's report is based on speculations made by "Defence Analysts"...
Of course a missile with such range cant be an ICBM...plus the missile in the picture is single-staged, hence it CANNOT be of higher range...

Lets just all settle down on that Pakistan tested an SRBM...
Still no Pakistani member has been able to answer my question.
How can Pakistan call a missile with a strike range of up to 2,500km-3,000km(BBC) an ICBM?

Who is calling this missile an ICBM? Instead of ignoring idiotic comments you are further commenting on them to ruin this thread further. Stop asking childish questions. This Missile is not ICBM rather a Medium ranged missile
Still no Pakistani member has been able to answer my question.
How can Pakistan call a missile with a strike range of up to 2,500km-3,000km(BBC) an ICBM?
non of the sane Pakistani members have said its a ICBM that they have tested. its a missile with a enhanced range is their claim, so please do not provoke a troll feast here my friend.
what a simplistic view, making a missile of that calibre and capabilty, we boast because we do it ourself and for that it takes time. If Shaeen 1A is Shaeen II then it was know already that they have this missile so what is the big deal?

how r you linking between two different variants of a missile let me tell you indians

this was not a wasted test as working on accuracy, range and advanced tech should be done continuously and let me tell you this a low range missile that can hit its target perfectly is more deadly then a long range that will miss it. i am happy for this test and will wait and see if any more test will happen.
this is not chinese missile yaar this was made and worked on by pakistan. variants can never be copies. period

18 pages of a test cmon yaar stop insulting pakistan congratulate us and get out:p:frown:

non of the sane Pakistani members have said its a ICBM that they have tested. its a missile with a enhanced range is their claim, so please do not provoke a troll feast here my friend.

exactly thank you

even shaheen 3 is not an icbm unless it crosses the 5000 range limit i think it becomes an intermeditae if its range is between 3500 to 4500 km
I agree that this was the right time for Pak to test Taimur if the technology was ready , but I guess Pak leaders both Civilian and military do not have the will power to test an ICBM ,fearing international sanctions and isolation, especially when they are going around asking for aid and funds around the globe.

India justified its test by saying the ICBM is for deterrence against China , how can Pakistan possibly justify an ICBM???

Who you to decide Pakistan test or build long range missile or not? Stop making stupid comments pleases, if you can't comment objectively, go vent your anger on BR then.
Still no Pakistani member has been able to answer my question.
How can Pakistan call a missile with a strike range of up to 2,500km-3,000km(BBC) an ICBM?

You still not answered my question, Where Pakistan said that it's ICBM??

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