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Pakistan Tests Upgraded Shaheen-1A Missile

Sir Please understand a Nuclear Program whole world knows the ranges of different missiles of every country weather it is their friend or weather it is their enemy but surprisingly this is the first time Pakistan is hiding the range of Missile even after conducting the test that is raising lot of questions about the actual range because Ghauri has range of 1500 KM if would have been around 1500 ISPR would have revealed it but their hiding can be because of the fact that this missile has more range than 1500 KM
the ISPR knows that revealing a lesser range than 5000 km will make the people of Pakistan question the credibility of the local missile program. The ISPR knows that it can not match the Agni 5 and there is no need too, but the people in every country are emotional idiots who will ask the government and the military to match any thing that the enemy has and in this case a range of any thing less than 4000 km atleast is not acceptable for the people of Pakistan and that is the reason that ISPR is not revealing any details on the range of the tested missile.
Get me and the rest of the folk with some solid evidence before you dance to your tune mate. There is a international politics that determines the course of the world, there is every one involved and no one is out of the question. Every thing is manipulated as thing happen. US does not bark at INDIA for conducting a 5000 km missile test but it condemned the same with NK and might possibly with any other nation that not fit their view and might come up with sanctions against any such capable nation and the rest of the world will just watch and do nothing about that.
And as far as the Middle East is considered, it a volatile place with religiously emotional people can be directed against any one who is out of sync with the US views.
This we can see as a live evidence in the case of Egypt, Libiya, Siriya, etc.

if you can not thing global, then its your problem not mine.
Sir Pakistan will never do these kind of serious actions with solid proof for the world to see this will be done is most secret manner Sir so the purpose is also achieved and no one gets the chance to speak crap
Could be a changed name of Shaheen III. :cool:

It seems to be an upgrade of an earlier missile, probably an improvement, Shaheen 1 becomes Shaheen 1A after the improvement, lots of speculations flying around,

Doesn't a 3000 km missile need a two stage rocket?, The picture posted doesn't look like one.
the ISPR knows that revealing a lesser range than 5000 km will make the people of Pakistan question the credibility of the local missile program. The ISPR knows that it can not match the Agni 5 and there is no need too, but the people in every country are emotional idiots who will ask the government and the military to match any thing that the enemy has and in this case a range of any thing less than 4000 km atleast is not acceptable for the people of Pakistan and that is the reason that ISPR is not revealing any details on the range of the tested missile.
Sir whole world knows How successful Pakistan Missile program is that is not the question Sir even you people know it there is something else which is making ISPR hide the program and whole world also know Pakistan is already working on longer range Missiles Shaheen 4 and Taimur
Only mystery with this missile test is that ISPR for first time didn't revealed the range of Missile and this thing can't get into my head that why have they done it because they shouldn't have any problem if it would have less range than Shaheen 2 Missile other wise no purpose in hiding its range
its exactly the opposite reason mate, what kind of a strategic thinker you are, had the achievement been any thing that is equvalent to 4500 + km is some thing that will boost the moral of the citizen of the nation and there is no way ISPR wants its people gussing on some thing like that.
the ISPR knows that revealing a lesser range than 5000 km will make the people of Pakistan question the credibility of the local missile program. The ISPR knows that it can not match the Agni 5 and there is no need too, but the people in every country are emotional idiots who will ask the government and the military to match any thing that the enemy has and in this case a range of any thing less than 4000 km atleast is not acceptable for the people of Pakistan and that is the reason that ISPR is not revealing any details on the range of the tested missile.

Not logical..... More than half Pakistanis on this forum believes that We dont need ICBM and and even if we do need or have ICBM no need to publicize it.
its exactly the opposite reason mate, what kind of a strategic thinker you are, had the achievement been any thing that is equvalent to 4500 + km is some thing that will boost the moral of the citizen of the nation and there is no way ISPR wants its people gussing on some thing like that.
Sir majority Pakistanis don't even know India conducted test of Agni v they don't even know what the hell is Agni V so that thing is out of question the only question why ISPR is keeping surprise element Pakistan has many times done this kind of things that India has tested a longer range missile but Pakistan tested the missile with the least range so it would not have been the first time
Sir whole world knows How successful Pakistan Missile program is that is not the question Sir even you people know it there is something else which is making ISPR hide the program and whole world also know Pakistan is already working on longer range Missiles Shaheen 4 and Taimur
see mate, I have no doubt in the capabilities of your scientist in developing a missile that has only INDIA in its mind, but any thing that has a range that is more than a minimum deterance against INDIA is never an option for PAKISTAN as it does not require one.
speaking frankly you are not going to drop a bomb on US or Isreali soil. if the current course of CBM are taken with seriousnes on the PAKISTANI side I am sure then there wont be a necessity for you or us to go with any more weapons of MASS destruction.

Not logical..... More than half Pakistanis on this forum believes that We dont need ICBM and and even if we do need or have ICBM no need to publicize it.
come on mate, how many of the pakistanis are here in PDF, you educated people are less in percentage.
see mate, I have no doubt in the capabilities of your scientist in developing a missile that has only INDIA in its mind, but any thing that has a range that is more than a minimum deterance against INDIA is never an option for PAKISTAN as it does not require one.
speaking frankly you are not going to drop a bomb on US or Isreali soil. if the current course of CBM are taken with seriousnes on the PAKISTANI side I am sure then there wont be a necessity for you or us to go with any more weapons of MASS destruction.

come on mate, how many of the pakistanis are here in PDF, you educated people are less in percentage.
Speaking Frankly you never know it Sir with Israel you can never tell How our future relations can shape up but you can tell more than 99 % chances are of both countries become really severe enemies if not Nuclear but we can use Missiles to damage our long range enemies or their targets
FOR HEAVEN's SAKE!!! guys Pakistan has no weapons in SAUDI and definetly no intentions of targetting ISRAEL!!! hell even SAUDI has no near plans to fight a war with ISRAEL!!!! stop trying to make up fake myths! :hitwall:

our missiles are indian centric and indian centric ONLY!!
Pakistan successfully tested a nuclear-capable ballistic missile on Wednesday. The launch comes less than a week after Islamabad’s main adversary India tested a long-range ballistic missile of its own.

*Pakistan’s missile Shaheen-1A was reportedly shot southward to the Indian Ocean and managed to cover some 4,000-4,500 kilometers. This is enough to target any object on Indian territory.

Pakistan notified its neighbors of plans to perform a launch a day before the event, saying the test would take place between April 24 and 29. Authorities of Oman, Yemen and India were warned to change routes of civil air flights in the direction of Africa during these dates but the actual test was performed just a day after the warning.

Indian aviation authorities expressed regret that the warning on the test launch came at the “last minute” but nevertheless all transport companies have been notified immediately.

On April 19 this year India test-launched its first long-range Agni-V intercontinental ballistic missile. With a 5,000km range it can target anywhere in China and even parts of Europe, not to mention neighboring Pakistan.

Irreconcilable neighbors India and Pakistan have conducted three full-scale wars since their split from British India in 1947 (conflicts in 1947-1948, 1965, 1971). An arms test of one country usually is followed by a similar test by the other. For example after India successfully tested its first thermonuclear warhead on 11 May 1998, Pakistan replied with a series of nuclear bomb explosions on May 28, 1998.

Pakistan tests nuclear-capable ballistic missile — RT

RT is another Indian TV like channel/news agency .
FOR HEAVEN's SAKE!!! guys Pakistan has no weapons in SAUDI and definetly no intentions of targetting ISRAEL!!! hell even SAUDI has no near plans to fight a war with ISRAEL!!!! stop trying to make up fake myths! :hitwall:

our missiles are indian centric and indian centric ONLY!!
Sir you never know and it isn't about what Saudi Arabia is planning it is what can happen and lot of things can happen and war it is quite and option with one major city at stake Saudi Family will have to do something with Israel if it next time tries to attack or storm Palestinian areas specially change of government in Egypt anything can happen Sir anything
FOR HEAVEN's SAKE!!! guys Pakistan has no weapons in SAUDI and definetly no intentions of targetting ISRAEL!!! hell even SAUDI has no near plans to fight a war with ISRAEL!!!! stop trying to make up fake myths! :hitwall:

our missiles are indian centric and indian centric ONLY!!
i wish i had more people like you in Pakistan, its the number of people like you who will bring prosperity to your nation by focusing your nations strength on its development and not thinking some thing about a muslim ummha.
Another angle that might be true is that since the capabilty for such a long range does not exists with pakistan yet it is hyping and conealing the range just to give the impression that it actually has a 4000+ Km range. If the range would have been anywhere near that im sure India would have already reacted.... hell, US would have come out with its guns blazing :)
Another angle that might be true is that since the capabilty for such a long range does not exists with pakistan yet it is hyping and conealing the range just to give the impression that it actually has a 4000+ Km range. If the range would have been anywhere near that im sure India would have already reacted.... hell, US would have come out with its guns blazing :)

Yes, possible.

Trying to project something which u dont have is also a type of "deterrence"

Soviet Union used to do a lot of this kind of activity.

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