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Pakistan successfully test fires Hataf-6 Shaheen-2 missile

I think u r right mate, i think they r testin different systems on this missile which may be used on a new missile, anyway who knows wut PAK is cookin:pakistan:

You guys are missing something out & I don't blame you since most of the articles/news posted here are not giving the clear picture (may be the journalists are not really in to explaining things).

The 2nd test was not launched by scientists & engineers for a technical test. It was launched by the Army Strategic Forces (for the 1st time ever) which means it was a field exercise (as some news clippings mention) to test the effectiveness & readiness of the strategic forces to respond in time.

What navy chief is doing there? Well navy has to be alert during a nuclear escalation so he may be there to assess how navy can do that. Naval exercise for responding to nuclear attack might be in the making. --- So far there is nothing in it for SLBMs.

5000 Km = ICBMs - Pakistan can't afford it at the moment, neither financially nor diplomatically.

In the world of realism there is no such thing is Muslim brotherhood. This for the brother who said one Muslim state can't fight the other & someone rightfully pointed out Iraq-Iran war. How about East Pakistan - West Pakistan conflict (to keep the controversy limited)? Iraq's invasion of Kuwait? Saudis huge financial support for war against Iraq in 1990-1991 & 2003? Don't count on it. If any state, be it Muslim or non-Muslim, becomes a threat to Pakistan's independence, sovereignty & integration than you can't takeout the nuclear option from the picture.
India not losing sleep over Shaheen test
20 Apr 2008, 0025 hrs IST,TNN

NEW DELHI: India on Saturday did not give much credence to the test-firing of the 2,000-km range Shaheen-II missile by Pakistan, holding that Islamabad needed to conduct regular tests of its missiles since their technology was imported.

"Such tests have been happening forever. Pakistan requires testing of missiles as the technology is flowing in from some other parts of the world. Therefore, regular testing is required," said Navy chief Admiral Sureesh Mehta, who is also the chairman of the chiefs of staff committee.

The missile test comes even as India prepares to conduct its own test of the 3,500-km range Agni-III missile shortly. While the Agni-III missile is primarily meant for China, the Indian armed forces have already inducted the Pakistan-specific Agni-I (700 to 800-km range) and Agni-II (2,000-km-plus range) missiles.

The Indian missile programme is largely indigenous, unlike the Pakistani one which borrows heavily from China and North Korea. Its 'Shaheen' series of solid-propellant missiles have been reverse-engineered from the Chinese M-9, M-11 and M-18 missiles.

The 'Ghauri' series of missiles, in turn, are based on the North Korean liquid-fuelled Nodong missile technology obtained by the Khan Research Laboratories in the now infamous missile-for-nuclear technology barter.

:: Bharat-Rakshak.com - Indian Military News Headlines ::
Pakistan tests nuclear capable missile again: army

ISLAMABAD (AFP) — Pakistan's military on Monday carried out a training launch of a long-range nuclear-capable missile which can hit targets deep in rival India, the second such test in three days, the military said.

The Shaheen II, or Hatf VI, missile with a range of 2,000 kilometres (1,280 miles) was launched from an undisclosed location by the Army Strategic Force Command, a military statement said.

The successful launch "marked the culmination of a field training exercise," the statement said. "It validated the operational readiness of a strategic missile group equipped with Shaheen II missile."

Pakistani scientists on Saturday test-fired another Shaheen II missile from an undisclosed location, following a similar test in February last year.

The Shaheen II is Pakistan's longest range ballistic missile system. It is a two stage solid fuel missile which can carry both conventional and nuclear warheads, the statement said.

Pakistan's arsenal includes short-range, medium and long-range missiles named after Muslim conquerors.

Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Muhammad Afzal Tahir witnessed the launch and congratulated the Army Strategic Forces, the statement said.

"Pakistan can be justifiably proud of its defence capability and the reliability of its nuclear deterrence," the statement added.

South Asian rivals India and Pakistan -- which have fought three wars, two of them over the disputed Himalayan territory of Kashmir -- routinely carry out missile tests since both demonstrated nuclear weapons capability in 1998.

New Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani said after witnessing Saturday's launch that Pakistan's nuclear weapons were aimed at "sustaining strategic balance in South Asia."
NEW DELHI: India on Saturday did not give much credence to the test-firing of the 2,000-km range Shaheen-II missile by Pakistan, holding that Islamabad needed to conduct regular tests of its missiles since their technology was imported.

"Such tests have been happening forever. Pakistan requires testing of missiles as the technology is flowing in from some other parts of the world. Therefore, regular testing is required," said Navy chief Admiral Sureesh Mehta, who is also the chairman of the chiefs of staff committee.

I think we know now why DRDO has been having such a hard time!

Since, per them, every single widget is indi-genous, there is no need to test, as per the wise Admiral, only imported technology requires testing!

Indigenous products are blessed by the Gods and work right off the drawing board apparently....

One would think that tried and tested "imported technology" required no testing at all!

But such is the admiral's logic, that black is white.

Too much sea air perhaps...

Some comparisons have been made between this statement and the Pakistani one that warned of the "danger of an arms race" - I don't think there is any comparison given the patent absurdity of the Indian Admiral's statement.
How can shaheen be the longest so far in the inventory? What happened to ghauri-2 that was tested in NS era and could hit targets at a range of 2300 to 2500 kms?
Bharat-rakshak can kiss a baboon for its great research. :lol:

Bharat Rakshak does not generate news webby, as i had mentioned once before as well. They only compile news from Indian defence websites, and the link is of BR. When you click that link you are redirected to the news website which wrote the article. BR just provides a one stop reference for all Indian defence related news in Indian media(print or electronic). Its a bot.
Americans play up the threats from their enemies, India tries to deny it.

We can all see who the smarter bunch are.
How can shaheen be the longest so far in the inventory? What happened to ghauri-2 that was tested in NS era and could hit targets at a range of 2300 to 2500 kms?

Even the Shaheen was reported by some to be 2500 KM.

Some think the range is being deliberately reported as lower in order to not antagonize Israel. Others have speculated that the range was lowered in order to accommodate heavier warheads.
Even the Shaheen was reported by some to be 2500 KM.

Some think the range is being deliberately reported as lower in order to not antagonize Israel. Others have speculated that the range was lowered in order to accommodate heavier warheads.

Are we really that bothered about antagonizing israel? Anyways my point was that what happened to the longer range ghauri series. Shaheen could hit probally around 2500 kms with the adjusting of the load but the offical declared range is 2000kms, while ghauri could go up to 2800 with the adjustment of the payload and its offical declared range was 2300kms which could go to 2500 and even more. What happened to the ghauri series?

It seems that during the Musharraf's era the compartively short range shaheen has progress more then the ghauri series and after Dr AQ khan was taken out, ghauri series seem to be died out. And that is very unfourtante because alot of hardwork and sweat seems to be vainshed into dust.
I can't be sure but maybe the initial test conducted with dummy warhead is only used to map the contours of the trajectory of the missile. Thereafter, the mapped trajectory is used to perform simulations with various warheads. Its only then the actual range can be known. The range mentioned after the first test can only be estimate.
Are we really that bothered about antagonizing israel? Anyways my point was that what happened to the longer range ghauri series. Shaheen could hit probally around 2500 kms with the adjusting of the load but the offical declared range is 2000kms, while ghauri could go up to 2800 with the adjustment of the payload and its offical declared range was 2300kms which could go to 2500 and even more. What happened to the ghauri series?

It seems that during the Musharraf's era the compartively short range shaheen has progress more then the ghauri series and after Dr AQ khan was taken out, ghauri series seem to be died out. And that is very unfourtante because alot of hardwork and sweat seems to be vainshed into dust.


My personal opinion is that the Ghauri 2 was a bluff. AQ Khan never really developed a 2300 - 2500 KM missile. It was most likely a stop gap until the Shaheen 2 came online.

Pakistan felt the need to respond to the testing of the Agni 2, and knowing that the Shaheen 2 was under development, it was a safe gamble to announce a 2000 km Ghauri 2.

I don't believe the argument about AQ Khan's removal is valid, becasue if that was the case, every program associated with his organization would have died, but we see that the Ghauri 1 has continued to be tested, with some speculating that it has been converted to solid fuel.

So there is no reason why the Ghauri 2 also would not continue to be developed. I think it never really existed.
Pakistan doesn't release out the actual ranges. The ranges may vary differently. IMO, Pakistan will make it shorter and shorter to appear in public, and nobody can counter that claim since its official. ;)
Pakistani brothers; we are very proud of you.You did your missiles by yourself.Nobody helped you.But remember you have 72 million friend in Turkey.We must work together about everything.Economy,military and the others.Because Turkey and Pakistan are real friend this world and the afterlife.You have so many missiles and we have guidence systems,electronic warfare systems and radar systems.We must share together.And finally Insallah we will crush our enemys together.

My personal opinion is that the Ghauri 2 was a bluff. AQ Khan never really developed a 2300 - 2500 KM missile. It was most likely a stop gap until the Shaheen 2 came online.

Pakistan felt the need to respond to the testing of the Agni 2, and knowing that the Shaheen 2 was under development, it was a safe gamble to announce a 2000 km Ghauri 2.

I don't believe the argument about AQ Khan's removal is valid, becasue if that was the case, every program associated with his organization would have died, but we see that the Ghauri 1 has continued to be tested, with some speculating that it has been converted to solid fuel.

So there is no reason why the Ghauri 2 also would not continue to be developed. I think it never really existed.

I agree with most of your post. However, from what little I have read, there is a trend in the Pak setup to favour Solid fuel rocket due to various advantages, ie ease of storage, speed of readiness. Therefore the liquid fuel rockets have not progressed as quickly as solid fuel ones.
I would be pleased if you could confirm this, but for longer range, liquid fuel rockets are supposed to be better due to weight considerations?? I remember having read somewhere that rockets with a range longer than 2500Kms are invariably liquid fuelled.
So Ghauri 11 might not have been a dudd but may be tried in some other configuration at a later date.
My 2 Ps worth

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