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Pakistan successfully test fires Ghauri V (Enhanced)

I doubt it. 3000KM would be a good target. Pakistan will follow the Indians.

Can stay under the ICBM range of 5500+ Kms. I think it will be in a 3500+ range to threaten Israel also and will give Pakistan a very good level in International politics and against anti-pakistan compaigns by US and the West.
Can stay under the ICBM range of 5500+ Kms. I think it will be in a 3500+ range to threaten Israel also and will give Pakistan a very good level in International politics and against anti-pakistan compaigns by US and the West.

Why do we need to target israel? IF we ever felt a need to target someone in the future that might be US and for that we need ICBM. Why in the hell do we need to target israel. Grow up people.
Pakistan will follow the Indians.

IMO i dont think we need to follow indians. We need to base our decisions on threat analysis and if that includes going ICBM then perhaps we should without waiting for the indians to do so. We have our own threat assesment and we surely need to follow that.
Why do we need to target israel? IF we ever felt a need to target someone in the future that might be US and for that we need ICBM. Why in the hell do we need to target israel. Grow up people.

Some people also need growing up ;)

Its not that you develope a ICBM over such short period of time from MRMBs and IRBMs, no body is saying we shall strike Israel but what ever we develope has its consequensive thinking in the West and it is Good for US to think like this since If we are not able to retalliate against US (if they threaten us in future) we should be able to retalliate against weak points of US interest in the World.
Can stay under the ICBM range of 5500+ Kms. I think it will be in a 3500+ range to threaten Israel also and will give Pakistan a very good level in International politics and against anti-pakistan compaigns by US and the West.

Development of 3500+ range of missile will give a pakistan a very good level in internation politics.

Very spontenous thinking, isn'nt it?

against anti-pakistan compaigns by US and the West.

I have yet hear anything like that!
IMO i dont think we need to follow indians. We need to base our decisions on threat analysis and if that includes going ICBM then perhaps we should without waiting for the indians to do so. We have our own threat assesment and we surely need to follow that.

Our political scenarios are always tied up with Indians and the region is going towards developement of ICBMs slowly. Our anti elements are so much that we cannot test anything which comes in league with ICBMs without Indians doing that first. The geopolitical issues as per the US and West are not much in favour of Pakistan as we all know.
Our political scenarios are always tied up with Indians and the region is going towards developement of ICBMs slowly. Our anti elements are so much that we cannot test anything which comes in league with ICBMs without Indians doing that first. The geopolitical issues as per the US and West are not much in favour of Pakistan as we all know.

So do you seriously believe that india doing it first and we following that will change geopolitical issues. Come out of the dream world. Remember india was the one that brought nuclear into this part of the region and india was the one that tested it first after which pakistan started its own programe. But this didnot change the situation in pakistan's favour or did it. While US is preparing to make a nuclear deal with nonmember of the CTBT and NPT, on the hand pakistan's nuclear weapon is seen as a threat and the only issue that is being discussed are pakistan's nuclear weapons and not india's. Going ICBM before or after will have no impact on its significance that it is meant to strike outside asia and while india's will be seen as a development, ours will be seen as a threat irrespective of whether we do it before or after
Some people also need growing up ;)

Its not that you develope a ICBM over such short period of time from MRMBs and IRBMs, no body is saying we shall strike Israel but what ever we develope has its consequensive thinking in the West and it is Good for US to think like this since If we are not able to retalliate against US (if they threaten us in future) we should be able to retalliate against weak points of US interest in the World.

So where did i wrote in my post that its easy to just develop an ICBM. And nor did i say we are going on war with the US because frankly even to think this way is stupid. My point was to develop this capability. The reason i said was because its not that we are actually using it against the US no but its the same kind of strategy that is used against india. In another words a nuclear shield that is what china is also using against US. If attacked we will go nuclear. Getting israel in range will have no impact what so ever on the US other then bringing pakistan on the hitlist of both US and Israel. Iran can too strike israel but this will not stop the US bombing iran if it ever decides to do so, as for israel it can too defend it self not to forget it is also a nuclear power.
We do not need to increase the list of our enemies.
It may not be such a good idea to test right away with all this political turmoil.
The Americans and Indians are going to be watching us closely and every time
we test we are exposing ourselves, they gain more information about our missiles
and we are wasting our missiles, I know we have to announce the test, why do we
have to increase range? the further we fire from the more time it gives the enemy
to destroy the missile? also we do not need to make any statements about bombing
Israel look what almost happened to Iran. We have to work with the Chinese to
see what we can do against the Indian missile shield?
Why do we need to target israel? IF we ever felt a need to target someone in the future that might be US and for that we need ICBM. Why in the hell do we need to target israel. Grow up people.

You have to look at the bigger picture. U.S. policy revolves around Israel. The Israelis also hate us the most out of all the Muslim countries because we are the most powerful. Did you know the night that we were going to conduct our first nuclear test Israeli jets were scrambled from India along with India jets but the U.S. called off the strikes fearing a backlash. But any way I think that we ought to make the range of our missiles as big as possible. I think if we have a ICBM any country whether it be U.S, Israel or any other will think twice before attacking us. So I personally think the defense of Pakistan should be made invincible.
ICBM are not the priority right now, if anything we need a submarine. Israel may hate
us but any hostility against Israel will be trouble for us. USA will cut off any aid we
maybe getting. Even USA may become militarily involved against Pakistan if they
feel Israel is threatened in any way no matter what delusions we may have of being
invincible we are nowhere close to taking on Israel. Also our missiles are presently at
best 700km we are nowhere near ICBM range or penetrating Israeli air defense. Better
situation would be to send troops to a muslim country at war with Israel.
ICBM are not the priority right now, if anything we need a submarine. Israel may hate
us but any hostility against Israel will be trouble for us. USA will cut off any aid we
maybe getting. Even USA may become militarily involved against Pakistan if they
feel Israel is threatened in any way no matter what delusions we may have of being
invincible we are nowhere close to taking on Israel. Also our missiles are presently at
best 700km we are nowhere near ICBM range or penetrating Israeli air defense. Better
situation would be to send troops to a muslim country at war with Israel.

Well the part about the aid I serious doubt the U.S. can cut it off. The reason being that the U.S knows well that if it stops supporting Pakistan, Russia and China will come and take Pakistan in their court, and I know that they will give us a better deal. And I think that the maximum range of one of our missile is 3000km, now I might be wrong, but we do need to advance the range as much as we can. And it is true that we need to advance the technology of our missiles so that they can penetrate air defense systems.
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