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Pakistan successfully test fires Ghauri V (Enhanced)

Mujahideen if you have not noticed USA has been threatening to cut off aid for every
and any silly reason recently and they are getting cheaper and cheaper. We need to
align more with China I don't think Russia has any intentions of filling in for USA. USA is
not the economic power it once was and is entering a decline phase with their own
corruption and sub-prime crisis and their punishment for fightinf false wars. We may well
have 3000km range missiles but we need to penetrate enemy defense the more we increase range the more time we give to the enemy, our scientist need to take this
important fact in their design. Israel is the spoiled brat kid of the USA but god forbid
they ever try to harm Pakistan we wil teach them a lesson that the Arabs were never
able to teach.
Mujahideen if you have not noticed USA has been threatening to cut off aid for every
and any silly reason recently and they are getting cheaper and cheaper. We need to
align more with China I don't think Russia has any intentions of filling in for USA. USA is
not the economic power it once was and is entering a decline phase with their own
corruption and sub-prime crisis and their punishment for fightinf false wars. We may well
have 3000km range missiles but we need to penetrate enemy defense the more we increase range the more time we give to the enemy, our scientist need to take this
important fact in their design. Israel is the spoiled brat kid of the USA but god forbid
they ever try to harm Pakistan we wil teach them a lesson that the Arabs were never
able to teach.

Well China would definitely help us and they always have. Now I personally believe Russia will do the same because it can use Pakistan as a transit point and also because India is becoming more and more pro-American and they need someone in that part of the world.
Now the part about Israel being a brat. Its funny because all American policies revolve around Israel. The Jewish Lobby in the U.S is so powerful that it seem sometimes Israel is the brains behind everything. Now what U.S has going with Israel is very weird.
I agree with you that if they mess with us we will teach them a lesson. With all due respect I will add to your statement that anyone who tries to harm Pakistan we will teach them a lesson.
So where did i wrote in my post that its easy to just develop an ICBM. And nor did i say we are going on war with the US because frankly even to think this way is stupid. My point was to develop this capability. The reason i said was because its not that we are actually using it against the US no but its the same kind of strategy that is used against india. In another words a nuclear shield that is what china is also using against US. If attacked we will go nuclear. Getting israel in range will have no impact what so ever on the US other then bringing pakistan on the hitlist of both US and Israel. Iran can too strike israel but this will not stop the US bombing iran if it ever decides to do so, as for israel it can too defend it self not to forget it is also a nuclear power.
We do not need to increase the list of our enemies.

And getting US on hit list with ICBM is a good policy?. Nice logic! As per the political scenario only pakistan is the one who will face pressure from the US and the West as soon as it reaches a 3500+ Missile test mark. Kindly review you thought regarding Iran able to hit Israel .... With What it will hit Israel?.
Missile with High explosives?.
No one is talking about nuclear confrontation with Israel but keep in mind that Pakistan has made it clear to the world that any misadventure of anyone against Pakistan Nuclear Assest will Make Pakistan retalliate with whatever resources we have, If that means nuking India for Nuclear War, Its not fair but this is what we can do right now If it is the west with misadventure.

Having this capability means different with Pakistan. All the rights and wrongs are changed when its Paksitan. You should know this Sir. And just for a reminder Pakistan has no friends other than China. .... Kindly wake up all you Pakistanis from this dream that anyone in the world thinks about Pakistan as its friend and nor will from open heart if its a non muslim country.
Our political scenarios are always tied up with Indians and the region is going towards developement of ICBMs slowly. Our anti elements are so much that we cannot test anything which comes in league with ICBMs without Indians doing that first. The geopolitical issues as per the US and West are not much in favour of Pakistan as we all know.

Why should india test the ICBM first? To whom India going to target it?
Why should india test the ICBM first? To whom India going to target it?

Its not that you just make ICBM to be an aggressor. You should have retaliation capabilities of all possible types being a defensive nation. Since India and Pakistan are Nuclear Power, we need to get this capability not for offensive but retaliation roles in case of an offense. Indian situation in world politics is not the same as pakistan...There is no comparison.
You have to look at the bigger picture. U.S. policy revolves around Israel. The Israelis also hate us the most out of all the Muslim countries because we are the most powerful. Did you know the night that we were going to conduct our first nuclear test Israeli jets were scrambled from India along with India jets but the U.S. called off the strikes fearing a backlash. But any way I think that we ought to make the range of our missiles as big as possible. I think if we have a ICBM any country whether it be U.S, Israel or any other will think twice before attacking us. So I personally think the defense of Pakistan should be made invincible.

Can you post me the article which claim that Isreal jets scramble from Indian airbases to strike to Pakistan's nucler test site?
It would be much helpful for me, as till date I never come across anything like that.
Its not that you just make ICBM to be an aggressor. You should have retaliation capabilities of all possible types being a defensive nation. Since India and Pakistan are Nuclear Power, we need to get this capability not for offensive but retaliation roles in case of an offense. Indian situation in world politics is not the same as pakistan...There is no comparison.

To whom we are going to retalite?
And getting US on hit list with ICBM is a good policy?. Nice logic! As per the political scenario only pakistan is the one who will face pressure from the US and the West as soon as it reaches a 3500+ Missile test mark. Kindly review you thought regarding Iran able to hit Israel .... With What it will hit Israel?.
Missile with High explosives?

I have mentioned it very clearly in my previous post that having an ICBM capability does not by any means mean that US is on our hitlist, i even mentioned that its stupid to even think about a confrontation with the US even china cannot do that yet alone us. The purpose is actually that an ICBM will put the fear in the minds on the americans that any misadventure can lead to a direct nuclear attack strike. Now though this by very long shot is not possible in the current possible scenario but one should always be prepared for the worse. I gave you the example of china in this ragard. So though going ICBM will increase the international pressure, but then again we stood against it when we went nuclear, and i am sure we can do it again when it comes to protecting the interests of pakistan.

No one is talking about nuclear confrontation with Israel but keep in mind that Pakistan has made it clear to the world that any misadventure of anyone against Pakistan Nuclear Assest will Make Pakistan retalliate with whatever resources we have, If that means nuking India for Nuclear War, Its not fair but this is what we can do right now If it is the west with misadventure.
How in the hell would that mean nuking india if pakistan is attacked by the US? until offcourse india is also a part of it. Its like your house is being robbed by thiefs and instead of reacting against it you decide to burn a police station. Remember this we cannot just go nuking around the whole world just like that, because the result of it would be a complete distruction of pakistan. IF US attacks for instance, this means we are up against US and not anyone else untill someone joins the conflict in this case israel or india.

Having this capability means different with Pakistan. All the rights and wrongs are changed when its Paksitan. You should know this Sir. And just for a reminder Pakistan has no friends other than China. .... Kindly wake up all you Pakistanis from this dream that anyone in the world thinks about Pakistan as its friend and nor will from open heart if its a non muslim country.

Now who said anything about friends. You think china is a friend, think again. Its mutual interests thats holding us together. Even china other then a few statements had given nothing in all of the wars against india even better china decided to stay netural during kargil, so its my friend you who needs to wake up from this long dream of yours and need to realize that in todays world there are no permanent friendships, there are mutual objectives and interests. If objectives tend to be the same in case of both china and pakistan we are known as friends otherwise enemies. We and we alone would have to deal with any such misadventure if it ever happens, no one will interfere from our side and so we need to prepare ourself for it even if that means facing sactions and international pressure.
I have mentioned it very clearly in my previous post that having an ICBM capability does not by any means mean that US is on our hitlist, i even mentioned that its stupid to even think about a confrontation with the US even china cannot do that yet alone us. The purpose is actually that an ICBM will put the fear in the minds on the americans that any misadventure can lead to a direct nuclear attack strike. Now though this by very long shot is not possible in the current possible scenario but one should always be prepared for the worse. I gave you the example of china in this ragard. So though going ICBM will increase the international pressure, but then again we stood against it when we went nuclear, and i am sure we can do it again when it comes to protecting the interests of pakistan.

How in the hell would that mean nuking india if pakistan is attacked by the US? until offcourse india is also a part of it. Its like your house is being robbed by thiefs and instead of reacting against it you decide to burn a police station. Remember this we cannot just go nuking around the whole world just like that, because the result of it would be a complete distruction of pakistan. IF US attacks for instance, this means we are up against US and not anyone else untill someone joins the conflict in this case israel or india.

Now who said anything about friends. You think china is a friend, think again. Its mutual interests thats holding us together. Even china other then a few statements had given nothing in all of the wars against india even better china decided to stay netural during kargil, so its my friend you who needs to wake up from this long dream of yours and need to realize that in todays world there are no permanent friendships, there are mutual objectives and interests. If objectives tend to be the same in case of both china and pakistan we are known as friends otherwise enemies. We and we alone would have to deal with any such misadventure if it ever happens, no one will interfere from our side and so we need to prepare ourself for it even if that means facing sactions and international pressure.

Now adays we have to get the Patriotism out of Pakistani People... :cheers:

Frankly i donot differ but i not mentined china. Diplomatic was I ?.

But the road to ICBM for a fact is far my friend not because of politics but because of Objectives and mainly because of evolution of exisisting systems and monetary constraints.

I come back to the point that Pakistan will test a IRBM within a range of 3500+ in coming months and not a centimeter more.
guys we do have an option instead of going icbm .
Remeber we have a cruise missile of 700km range that has been suuccessfully test fired from both air and sea plat forms. Our Augusta90b submarine can fire it while summerged.

Submarines are harder to detect. and if Augusta 90b armed with nuclearwarheded babur cruise missile some how reaches the red sea the Israel is in range..

Israel is the only nation which can be used by US as plan B to ensure its middle easteren
intrests (oil) . By getting Israel in range will make our defence almost INVINCIBLE..
Brothers may I remind everyone that Israel biggest weapon buyer is India. It is
because of Israel India has a missile shield and paralyzed any land missile strategy
we may have had and will force us to be more extreme and possibly still unsuccessful
for all those who think a nuclear event with india would have the same outcome as it
would have in the past is sadly mistaken on our part, the damage done by USA and
Israel is already immeasurable for the ones who can see this clearly.
Brothers may I remind everyone that Israel biggest weapon buyer is India. It is
because of Israel India has a missile shield and paralyzed any land missile strategy
we may have had and will force us to be more extreme and possibly still unsuccessful

Huh? with some few initial test of AAD and PAD will gain an priviliged of paralyzing land attack missiles.

the damage done by USA and
Israel is already immeasurable for the ones who can see this clearly.

It was'nt a damage, rather it was cooperation.
IMO i dont think we need to follow indians. We need to base our decisions on threat analysis and if that includes going ICBM then perhaps we should without waiting for the indians to do so. We have our own threat assesment and we surely need to follow that.

Agreed, but for every increase in range - we need an Indian reason. Therefore, we will follow them. Since Agni III is going to hit 3000KM target efficiently, then we will test some where around there - or it could be just a regular operational test of 2500KM Shaheen II.
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