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Pakistan strike back hitlist

This is what they want us to do...
In this way UN will declare us a terrorist state . In this way we may loose the sympathese of our international Allies Like China
We will become isolated

Let us hope India fumbles and launches air strikes within this year, we will change all their borders. Forget international sympathy, we are in a race for survival now. If China doesn't want to be our ally well they can piss off right back to china town, I never liked them anyway for the way they slaughter turkic-muslims in their own country.

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I really don’t think India has any intention or stomach to fight. The “precision strike against terrorist camps” is just for the consumption of Indian domestic audience in an election year. This whole orchestra is about India gaining US sympathies and putting pressure on our corrupted weakling government, and Army that has embroiled itself into a self-created insurgency in FATA.

Pakistan should not paint itself in a corner. A few elegantly simple steps will turn the tables:

1. Pakistan Army withdraws forces from FATA and deploys on the Eastern border. The US / NATO are cordially asked to control FATA if they can!
2. All materials in the NATO logistics pipeline are impounded and used for our own buildup.
3. Taleban and all the banned organizations are provided support to wage Jehad in Kashmir.
4. Pakistani airspace is closed to all US / NATO traffic; they better work out a deal with Uzbekistan, Turkemanistan (that is should Russia be generous enough to accord approval and forget about Georgia, Ukraine and the THAAD batteries in Poland!).
5. Through a deft political dialog China / Russia are engaged, and convinced of the fact that 8 years of US/NATO presence in the soft underbelly of Central Asia is enough!!! Time to send the clowns home.

The above steps will be enough to chill the Indian war hysteria. An added benefit will be that Pakistan will have the right to refuse working for the paltry old wages. Should US / NATO wish to continue with their Afghan adventure they will have to pay a fair price for the effort …. A fair price is all we need to revive our economy and to crawl out of the pit of debt servicing.
Fight as if nukes don't exist, we already have a doctrine of no first use, but if India is the first to launch, then they should kiss their culture and heritage good bye...Islam will go on elsewhere around the world.

eeh.. from when Pakistan had nuclear no first use doctrine. Your president made a statement but it was not internalized to doctrine.
eeh.. from when Pakistan had nuclear no first use doctrine. Your president made a statement but it was not internalized to doctrine.

We don't take cheap shots. Your president has yet to make a statement regarding first use policy. Your assumption that it was not internalized is highly baseless and reveals the complexity of your argument.
We don't take cheap shots. Your president has yet to make a statement regarding first use policy. Your assumption that it was not internalized is highly baseless and reveals the complexity of your argument.

India during Vajpayee regime has categorically declared of nuclear no first use policy. I don't think it is true for Pakistan yet, the key word yet. The moment Pakistan says nuclear no first use, it will be a field day for Indian army. It is the nuclear weapons that is deterring India more than anything else.
India during Vajpayee regime has categorically declared of nuclear no first use policy. I don't think it is true for Pakistan yet, the key word yet. The moment Pakistan says nuclear no first use, it will be a field day for Indian army. It is the nuclear weapons that is deterring India more than anything else.

We have told you countless times first use is an un-Islamic policy, now please tell Indian military to hurry up I have a safehouse near the border packed with enough food and ammunition to last me a year and I don't want it to go to waste.
Fight as if nukes don't exist, we already have a doctrine of no first use, but if India is the first to launch, then they should kiss their culture and heritage good bye...Islam will go on elsewhere around the world.

sir i am very sorry to state that i do not like your idea of spreading the beauty of Islam by nukeing other human beings. where there is ISLAM there is love and brotherhood not the cries of pain from mankind.

pardon me if i interpreted your meaning differently,i do not know much about ISLAM too, but i know its a beauty thats helps to bring joy to people and not misery. thank you:agree:
India during Vajpayee regime has categorically declared of nuclear no first use policy. I don't think it is true for Pakistan yet, the key word yet. The moment Pakistan says nuclear no first use, it will be a field day for Indian army. It is the nuclear weapons that is deterring India more than anything else.
Alright then we have a trigger happy nuke policy... Whatever keeps India's war mongering at bay.
sir i am very sorry to state that i do not like your idea of spreading the beauty of Islam by nukeing other human beings. where there is ISLAM there is love and brotherhood not the cries of pain from mankind.

pardon me if i interpreted your meaning differently,i do not know much about ISLAM too, but i know its a beauty thats helps to bring joy to people and not misery. thank you:agree:

Respected Moscow,

Islam fully sanctions nuking the brains out of other human beings only in self defense. I made reference to our no first use policy, hinting that of course if India strikes Pakistan will to, nothing more.

Watching TV today India now started sying that they dont war lolzzzzzzz hahahhahaha just some exercise of PAF made you wet up your pants ? lolzzzz
I hear pakistan is going to respond with "disproportion force" to any "surgical strike" by the indians.
Indians hit two places in pakistan....pakistan will hit ten places in india.
Watching TV today India now started sying that they dont war lolzzzzzzz hahahhahaha just some exercise of PAF made you wet up your pants ? lolzzzz

Typical indians.....all ready for a fight but when they realize that they will get hit back they back down.
They had there whole army on the pak border some years ago and after some huffing and puffing backed down and ran back to there bases.
I hear pakistan is going to respond with "disproportion force" to any "surgical strike" by the indians.
Indians hit two places in pakistan....pakistan will hit ten places in india.

Really?. Wake up dude. Do you know how will they do it?. It is not that easy as you are thinking it to be.
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