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Pakistan strike back hitlist

PAF should Target Bangaluru first; this will send a message to US as well. Than we can hit Mumbai,Ahmedabad,Chandigarh,Jaipur and Delhi.

No use. And u're talking like its childs work...

If its going to be a aerial war then Pakistan should strike at Indian air bases destroy them utterly and then procede to destroying Indian infrastructure and weapon producing facilities. Several dogfights will ensue in any case and it is unrealistic to say that Pakistan will be able to vanquish the Indian airforce in a few days.

Also weapon production facilities are the places Pakistan should target. Thing is once Indian airforce is dealt with then all of Indian airspace is ours and we can bomb indian cities as much as we want. Best and most entertaining way to decimate an airforce is strike it when its on its the ground. Israel absolutely crushed the Egyptian airforce in this way. They had superior airforce and better trained to the Egyptians however. It must be noted we are on equal standing more or less. India is also very large and if we destroy their bases in the west then eastern bases are still there to contend with. Remember bombing cities with ur airforce maybe entertaining but it is not the best option. Remember Hitler could have captured UK but because his airforce kept bombing london instead of taking down those airfields? There was also no proper land assualt of UK really to occupy the positions the airforce would bomb so...

Attacking Mumbai was a nice option f4 me u gave there though. It might result in a few bombs hitting googleplex where i got death threats from. Mumbai ppl are mean... no wonder the Hindu fanatics (so called Qasab and his hindu gang) actually decided to launch their crusade there... :lol:
A Pakistani response is a foregone conclusion now IF Indians launch strike/s.

And they wont! Remember the Indians were saying they were going f4 nuclear war and guess what happened they backed off... ;)
A short term secenario will definately happen... India will never engage itself in full fledge war
As i said INDIAN card is being played. The real enemy is someone else whose objectives may be are :
1.Make Pakistan economically and milletarilly so week that they could never ever rise up against India
2. Build India and asian economic power so that it could challange the Chinese economy

Thre is a proxy war going on . The real enemy and the real target is somthing else.
Rit now the russians are having their vengence of post soviat afghan war by teaching americans a bitter lesson in Afghanistan. Its not just the INDO-PAK tentions ..

To me, I confess, [countries] are pieces on a chessboard upon which is being played out a game for dominion of the world.”Lord Curzon, viceroy of India, speaking about Afghanistan, 1898

Agree that there is more to it then Pak-Indo tensions. India has little to fear from Pakistan in actuality, we aren't that evil and were on the path to reconciliation until foreign powers made it a prerogative to start a poo storm in the region.

Our kindness should not be a sign of weakness in any case, if push comes to shove we are more than willing to start throwing punches above and below the belt.
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Having said that that what will india do in this short term scenario... What will be the possible targets .
Kashmir is of great importance
They will hit Kashmir both with land and air forces
They will most probabally fire Artillary round in cities and villages in Punjab which are nearer to border .
But again they will make sure that they hit those areas which do not creat collateral damage.
These attacks will result Pakistan moving its whole forces from westren front to the eastren front which actually US wants so that US could get its special forces strike deep inside NWFP like Peshawar.
I dont know whoever it is its the most craziest idea
They are playing their best cards and probabally the last card on tabel
US is LOOSING the WAR in Afghanistan and one day they will have to withdraw from AFGHANISTAN like the Russians did . Nobody can ever win gurilla war..
Ok what about a hit list in Kashmir?

This is will have longterm benefits for us too. You know if they loose even a few kilometers of Kashmir that would have a serious demoralizing effect upon the Indian Army. And any change of the LoC, usually sticks and no one withdraws from it once taken.
sri nager air base compleately distroy.main bridges and roads.
I have maintained that the weakest sector is the western border, so once troops are moved away it will open up our flanks for RAW/MOSSAD/CIA to go crazy possibly infiltrate as deep as Islamabad and Kashmir.

Main objective has always been neutralizing the nuclear arsenal, Kashmir means nothing to them, it's a Palestine in their eyes, they could care less. They will conduct commando raids on suspected facilities, and because the only people that can authorize use of nukes are leadership, the nukes will never be fired as the head will be cut off if Pakistan becomes infiltrated.

JuD and LeT are just small chips, the jackpot is our nuclear capability and since India has an interest in seeing them neutralized, it has joined up with the Trilateral War Commission in various nefarious schemes.
the 4 AK Brigade in Kahmir is perhaps the Largest in Pakistan Army
In AJK there are placess like SAMAHNI and BHIMBER which will be of great concerns to the indians...
They will use Airforce and lots of Artillary fires specifically in this reagion
also if war impose we give free hand to kashmiri groups because india is not happy what we do last week so why we make more and more enemy inside pak.war time free all jihadi and if they wana go kashmir we should help them.
There will be no blockade this time. The technology has changed. Both countries have one of the best anti-ship missiles, cruise missiles, air to ship aircrafts, etc.. It will be more like hit and run.
Our goal should be to consolidate Kashmir and push the Indians out of strategic territory in this specific region. At the same time, we must maintain an offensive on Indian soil otherwise we will have to fight in Lahore and Karachi. We must work on using our assets from Bangladesh and Sri Lanka to mount commando raids in deep territory to sabotage military infrastructure and confuse the enemy, as they will be much more widely and thinly stretched than us, we must use this to our strategic advantage. Once they feel that their chess board has shifted from their western border to all over their country, their main line of offense will break and they will scatter. This would be the best time to focus solely on defense of newly Pakistani liberated Kashmir (PLK) and never allow them back again by handing control of Indian offensive to domestic freedom groups coordinated by intelligence and special forces. They will take over the fight and occupy the Indians while we consolidate our hold on Kashmir.

Check and mate. As for the western border, we should work on expelling ISAF. Has the US ever come back for vengeance on Vietnam or Korea? How about their loss to the Cubans? We should stop fearing American backlash.
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also if war impose we give free hand to kashmiri groups because india is not happy what we do last week so why we make more and more enemy inside pak.war time free all jihadi and if they wana go kashmir we should help them.

This is what they want us to do...
In this way UN will declare us a terrorist state . In this way we may loose the sympathese of our international Allies Like China
We will become isolated
No use. And u're talking like its childs work...

If its going to be a aerial war then Pakistan should strike at Indian air bases destroy them utterly and then procede to destroying Indian infrastructure and weapon producing facilities. Several dogfights will ensue in any case and it is unrealistic to say that Pakistan will be able to vanquish the Indian airforce in a few days.

Also weapon production facilities are the places Pakistan should target. Thing is once Indian airforce is dealt with then all of Indian airspace is ours and we can bomb indian cities as much as we want. Best and most entertaining way to decimate an airforce is strike it when its on its the ground. Israel absolutely crushed the Egyptian airforce in this way. They had superior airforce and better trained to the Egyptians however. It must be noted we are on equal standing more or less. India is also very large and if we destroy their bases in the west then eastern bases are still there to contend with. Remember bombing cities with ur airforce maybe entertaining but it is not the best option. Remember Hitler could have captured UK but because his airforce kept bombing london instead of taking down those airfields? There was also no proper land assualt of UK really to occupy the positions the airforce would bomb so...

Attacking Mumbai was a nice option f4 me u gave there though. It might result in a few bombs hitting googleplex where i got death threats from. Mumbai ppl are mean... no wonder the Hindu fanatics (so called Qasab and his hindu gang) actually decided to launch their crusade there... :lol:

Agreed with the production factories part but I think we should retaliate in parallel (on air bases and cities); I mean we need to attack the targets in a flash. If it is difficult for the air force to strike deep in India than cruise missiles should be used to block the supply lines( road networks, bridges etc).

Several strategic moves are also requires such as spreading of weapons in Kashmir and East Punjab+ north east and south India and to prepare our assets to start fighting as soon as war starts.This time we should ignite the uprising in India by preparing the freedom movements and we should start doing it immediately.
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