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Pakistan should create a new Corps based Gwadar staffed with Balochis

really i dont remeber the huriyat commision forcibly shutting down skools in kashmir.
I highly doubt that you are from Indian Kashmir, as a matter of fact if any mod checks out your ip, it will be corroborated that you are not from Srinagat. As regards to your loyalyies, please by all means GO TO Pakistan, please leave this country if you prefer Pakistan instead.

First of all its sri nager (pronounced siri nagar, not srinagat or shri nagar as some of your bharatis say) dont doubt that i am not kashmiri, indeed check my ip, but im not in kashmir, pakistan or india. Regarding my loyalties i will not leave my native land for you foreigners to take. You keep bringing indian settlers, who will be sent back when we run things Insha'ALLAH...

And what Adu meant by giving an example of Sugar was, you will realise the benifits that Kashmir has under India, than under Pakistan. Sugar is just an example, the economic benifits of being in India are HUGE when compared to Pakistan. From freedom of speech to whatever.

What benifits does kashmir have being under india than pakistan? If you look at both sides, the pakistani soldiers treat the kashmiris like thier own brothers and sisters, the indians treat the civillians like dirt. Freedom to practice faith indeed exists in the pakistani side only. I noticed the way the indian military often try to intimidate local civillians when there was demonstrations, but Alhamdulilah we stood our ground.

And you will also see, your kin of the battleground get killed if you try to act in nefarious and destructive activities against the Nation. Settle down in life, study hard, get a good job, and be a positive influence within your society where ever you live.

Keep your laughable threats high up your ***, you cannot scare me at all! Masha'ALLAH my mind is well focused! The rebel activities are against your troops for a good reason, most of the so called clashes with militants are actually civillians being killed by indian troops. Even the humans rights watch has admitted this! As for my working hard i shall as i want to look after my family Insha'ALLAH. I also hope one day i can look after my civillians!

Was there any need to abuse, "pigs", This aint PDF

On other hand, we control the Kashmir you are talking about, So threats are laughable when you make it. Azad Kashmir or Azad Kashmir according to my pakistani friends have been termed less free than the Indian Side, by the same Human Rights Watch

On a lighter side, It was dravidians who were there before you guys came and mixed with us...so all of those land belongs to us, before that the land belonged to the dino's but they are dead anyways...lol we hate the climate down south, we want the cold. Before 2000 years Pakistan Afghanistan was Hindu, so we want that land too

Was there any need to abuse, "pigs", This aint PDF

This is my feelings to the people who have treated civillians like dirt, never the less i will edit the comment for you.

On other hand, we control the Kashmir you are talking about, So threats are laughable when you make it. Azad Kashmir or Azad Kashmir according to my pakistani friends have been termed less free than the Indian Side, by the same Human Rights Watch

You stop laughing when freedom fighters shoot the troops dead. Its only fair they fight against people who abduct, torture, murder, rape innocent civillians. So according to the so called "pakistani" friends you have the situation in azaad kashmir is more tense? lol please make a better lie than that next time! Human rights watch has actually commented on the treatment of kashmiris in both pakistan and india, and the comment regarding india was negative!

On a lighter side, It was dravidians who were there before you guys came and mixed with us...so all of those land belongs to us, before that the land belonged to the dino's but they are dead anyways...lol we hate the climate down south, we want the cold. Before 2000 years Pakistan Afghanistan was Hindu, so we want that land too

Dravidans wernt present in kashmir. Kashmir was actually wilderness before the natives arrived there. kashmiris are of the aryan race and have thier own language. When alexander and his troops arrived in asia he already commented on the light skinned people of that region.

Before 2000 years pakistan and afghanistan was mainly bhuddist. And lets say if it was entirely all hindu, the people themselves became Muslims and are from that region. Before hinduism the indus people had thier own religion so does this not mean they own india and other neighbouring countries, in fact they own the world as they are one of the oldest civillisations. Get my point? :cool1:
Kashmiri was civilian - DNA tests

The body of Abdul Rehman Paddar being exhumed
Mr Paddar's body was exhumed at the start of February
DNA tests have confirmed that a man killed by security forces in a staged gun battle in Indian-administered Kashmir was a civilian, police say.

The body of Abdul Rehman Paddar, a carpenter, was exhumed three weeks ago from a grave in Sumbal near Srinagar.

He had been buried as a Pakistani militant, but protesters said that he was killed in a "fake encounter".

Deputy Inspector General of Police Farooq Ahmed told the BBC that charges against his killers will be filed soon.

'Harsh punishments'

"The DNA samples taken from a body have matched with those of the carpenter's relatives, proving beyond doubt that he was killed in custody and later declared a militant," a police spokesman told the AFP news agency.

Protesters at the funeral
The killing provoked widespread protests

Mr Paddar was reportedly detained in the summer capital, Srinagar, in December 2006. He was killed and later described by police as a Pakistani militant.

"Equipped with scientific evidence we will now press for harsh punishments for the policemen involved in Padder's killing," the spokesman said, adding other DNA reports were expected to arrive soon.

The BBC's Altaf Hussain in Srinagar says that police are investigating four cases of staged killings, involving police, paramilitary personnel and the army.

The senior superintendent of police of Ganderbal district and a deputy superintendent are among seven police officials arrested so far on charges of murder.


The army has ordered a separate inquiry into the involvement of soldiers in the killings.

Mr Paddar, a carpenter from the Kukernag area in southern Kashmir, was allegedly killed by the anti-militancy task force.

Map showing areas of Kashmir controlled by India and Pakistan

His family say he had paid 80,000 rupees (more than $2,000) to a police official - who is now in custody - to get himself a government job.

Instead, it is alleged the police official killed him and claimed a reward for killing a militant.

Our correspondent says that thousands of people have disappeared in Indian-administered Kashmir, many of them after being arrested by the security forces, in the past 18 years.

Their families have been demanding the cases be investigated so that the missing people could at least be declared dead.


So tell me you see Pakistan kidnapping Kashmiri's to gain money at the cost of lives? Please their are more reports out than this showing the brutality of Indians in Kashmir, so don't come out claiming Pakistan Kashmir is not free we never had a problem in Kashmir of this sort. Indian Military/police/para, are just pathetic with no morals or decency regard to life.

I know alot more Kashmiri's here in Chicago, IL from both sides of Kashmir and trust me even the ones from India admit the crimes the Indians are doing and creating hate, they all wish to be part of Pakistan or as Mushy said, they will have the right to choose to be independent.
every one in the world nows that the indian army is commiting genocide in kashmir. if the pakistani kashmiris hate us so much then why is there no insurgency in pakistan by these kashmiris who are fed up of pakistan

Thank you and I apperciate that. I will not deny or defend the bad name some of our soldiers have caused us. They have forgotten their duty to the nation and the people of Kashmir. All the cases against them and their involment has been brought out by the Indian Army investigating wing, If they wanted to hide it, they could have.So in sense of fairness let us give the credit where is due.But I will not buy your argument of Azad Kashmir are better, since you qoute HRW against my country and took it as credible, Here are the reports on the Pakistan Occupied kashmir


You guys are up there arent aryans, you guys got humped by the aryans, the same way Hispanics came about..The theory is that we were pushed down from North, Hinduism is one of the oldest religions in the world, 5000years. So we own all those places, we are coming to get it back..IT going to be april and trust me you get sun-burned, I am already dandy brown ***, dont wana be black!!!!!!lol
I think Pakistan should create another Corps with 2-3 Divisions based in Gwadar which will be staffed with 51% Balochi Soldiers and run by 51% Balochi Generals.

I would say an Artillery Division, an Anti-aircrafts Division and a Infantry Division with Mechanized Infantry and a Company of Tanks should be good.

That should make Balochis feel more part of the Country.

99% of the balochis pathans pashtuns already feel proud
the government is already hiring balochi youths in the border security and baloch

Thank you and I apperciate that. I will not deny or defend the bad name some of our soldiers have caused us. They have forgotten their duty to the nation and the people of Kashmir. All the cases against them and their involment has been brought out by the Indian Army investigating wing, If they wanted to hide it, they could have.So in sense of fairness let us give the credit where is due.But I will not buy your argument of Azad Kashmir are better, since you qoute HRW against my country and took it as credible, Here are the reports on the Pakistan Occupied kashmir

Same old idiotic 'getting nowhere words' as usual. No appologies to the innocent even, but its ok the people of kashmir are well used to this. I dont think they would make a difference anyway! The point is, india was forced into investigating some cases only. Nearly all of the cases go without justice, people cry and protest but no one listens. The indian soldiers do listen when bullets start flying and some of them drop dead! But alas you kill innocent people and claim they are militants. What coward people who are not fit to wear a uniform!

LoL! Is this some kind of a joke? The links you uploaded are laughable! The human rights are trying desperately to pick any fault they can find eg, pakistani soldiers training in kashmir, pakistani soldiers hoisting the pakistani flag next to the kashmiri flag! Now lets see just a few examples of the real type of human rights abuse that occurs in neighbouring occupied kashmir (please note these are not full statistics as the human rights organisation gives much lower statistics due to lack of information):

the following is spread over 16 years and excludes years above 2005

Total Killings * 89,742
Custodial Killings 6,771
Civilians Arrested 110,100
Structures Arsoned / Destroyed 104,866
Women Widowed 22,240
Children Orphaned 106,353
Women gang-raped / Molested 9,579

Amnesty international has further evidence that hindu pandits that were claimed to have been killed by militants, were actually killed by indian paramilitary forces. Apparrently they were unaware thier victims were hindu!


You guys are up there arent aryans, you guys got humped by the aryans, the same way Hispanics came about..The theory is that we were pushed down from North, Hinduism is one of the oldest religions in the world, 5000years. So we own all those places, we are coming to get it back..IT going to be april and trust me you get sun-burned, I am already dandy brown ***, dont wana be black!!!!!!lol

Seems like your more uneducated than i thought. Kashmiris are known to be the purest aryans in the region, and from the region it is well understood that they arrived there first. Next you will be telling me chinese people (who live abit further north) also took over land from dravids! Hinduism is not the oldest religion of that region, its actually the indus valley religion. You may notice few lighter people around you who arnt completely black, well that was because your girls were humped and then dumped! But anyway im against caste systems which your hindu religion encourages.
I am not Muslim and I dont wanna be, if this how you people take and treat people of other faiths, thank god i have seen and befriended a lot of muslims, and i dont have to make my opinion on Islam based on ur comments.
You guys are up there arent aryans, you guys got humped by the aryans, the same way Hispanics came about..The theory is that we were pushed down from North, Hinduism is one of the oldest religions in the world, 5000years. So we own all those places, we are coming to get it back..IT going to be april and trust me you get sun-burned, I am already dandy brown ***, dont wana be black!!!!!!lol

What is your fascination with aryans,dravidians people being black or white.
At least get your history correct about the hindu faith.
ok First of all calling someone balouchi or punjabi or pathan or sindhi is wrong once you are in the army(PAK) you mother is your 'PULTON',
I agree with raising a corps size force but not on the basis of sect or cast or a place.
now to counter this you raise units like bhambore rifles(para military)and ther e.g chaghi rangers,zoeb rifles,dera and so on.
if we raise a unit we should get boys from all over the place.
i agree
see most of the people from balochistan and southern pakistan goes to karachi for there jobs and stuff,but if you see the popluation of balouchistan is betwenn50,lakh to 60 lakh.the area they cover is more then any palce in pakistan,
now gawadar is in balochistan all the wealth will come to balochistan,plus the bigest probelm is education.
The point is that if Pakistan creates a Baloch Corps, then from where it will bring the Generals & the brigadiers as there are only a few Baloch Officers of these ranks in the Army.
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