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Pakistan seriously considering Rafael says Aftab Iqbal

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I think the debate is only about putting the avionics on planes in France/ Pakistan

And I am sure with purchase for Rafael ,the business side of the deal would be ideal for France prespective and also it will help us assemble JF17 thunder in Pakistan.
From Efficiency stand point

Armed with AESA radar package , the 60 Rapeal would be more efficient then the 192 + Mirages we have so it would be great move for Pakistan to negotiate the 80 Rapeal with France together with the
Avionis package for Pakistani Thunders.

Even French Airforce operates small Airforce , of about 60-70 Raphael fighters...

So - it would be a plus , but we could just keep the Mirages longer and instead go for Air Superiority J11 fighters I mean the Mirages are perfectly fine for ground operations. And we could just get upgraded Chinese Avionics for JF17 package for Block 2

But Rapheal's are not important tactically untill 2015...

Package A: Simple old fashoioned package
60 Rapheal from France with AESA, Frenh avionics suit for JF17 thunder
The Rapheal would work well with future Aircraft carrier
(Finness and old ally)

Package B : Trusted friend package
36 J11 from China , 36 J10B option on existing 36 order
Avionics for JF17 Thunder from china new engine
Brute Force Approach (Trusted and true friend)

Pakcage C: Go where no PAF project has gone before
100 J10B , and British AESA radar and Avionics for Thunder and missiles , new engine
This would be like Pakistan Airfore on steriods

Package D: Strategic goal of 5th generation status priority
Same Avionics for Thunder, integrate it with Chinese Awacs , get more F16 C/D , Wait on develpment of Chinese AESA for Thunder

18 J14 , for Pakistan Airforce 5th generation plane invest cash into J14 less quantity but tactical need of time

Pakage E: eye-tallion Stallion Package
We get the griffo M radar for Thunder, and avionics for 50 Thunders units (Block 2)
Same company makes radars for Euro Fighter get 80 units ) (Block 3)

We get the missiles from France which already work with Stallion package

We get 36 J10B more option from China, and get 18 more F16 C/D

We send in few settelites up in space for reconnisance and communication

Thats it our airforce is in good shape

AP I highly advice you to get some good sleep brother .
BlackBlood.....no body can charge on dreams,even if ur dreaming with open eyes.
1st of all i would like to know that when in the world PAF reveald its doctrine that they will not use 2 engine aircraft....I belive these doctrine are very secret and are never fully open to public. 2nd even if they had such a doctrine then why would PAF officials evaluate rafael. the 1 can find pictures of PAF officials evaluating rafael in this website.....
What hasty plans are you talking about? If you mean the MKI then she is a "Heavy Class" fighter and this is a deal for Medium class fighter one in the 16 to 20 ton category. And buying a Russian plane means putting too many eggs in a single basket, which i advice is not good.

Sukhoi Su-30MKI - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

F/A-18 Hornet

These specifications may help you to see how different these aircrafts are from each other.

I Personally dont classify aircraft in terms of there weight, cuz i feel that it isnt a boxing match....
and Su-30 is a good choice, infact it was a very sane decision, Probably it has the only AI in your Inventory that functions well, and can convert form low to high and high to low through its AI ( you should go through your After mission reports of your previous exercises. I am talking about the rest of the fleet. Except Jaguar and M-2000, no other aircraft is a mission specialist. Look at your existing fleet its all flankers
I Personally dont classify aircraft in terms of there weight, cuz i feel that it isnt a boxing match....
and Su-30 is a good choice, infact it was a very sane decision, Probably it has the only AI in your Inventory that functions well, and can convert form low to high and high to low through its AI ( you should go through your After mission reports of your previous exercises. I am talking about the rest of the fleet. Except Jaguar and M-2000, no other aircraft is a mission specialist. Look at your existing fleet its all flankers

Yes you are right. That is what we are going to change. And the main advantage that the SU 30 MKI has over the MRCA contenders is its range and payload capacity. This is more useful for us to have a vast reach in the IOR. You are missing out the Lakshwadeep, Andaman and Maldives along with Mauritius and Seychelles islands that also come under the Security cover of India. The MMRCA contest is to address the immediate gap left by the retirement of the MiG 23s and the soon to be retired MiG 27s. And I would'nt agree with the Mirage 2000 as a mission specialist. It is the only true Multi role aircraft in our inventory. The SU 30 MKI falls in our air-dominace category.

P.S. If you are talking about the Red Flag exercises then you cant afford to lose an engine nearly 20k kms from your heartland. If you are taking your JF 17 to US for the Red Flag you will also feel the pinch. In Cope India 2004 and the reports as far as I have seen is the time taken between the F 15s to take off inbetween take-offs has been the same 1 minute.and the Su 30K took 20 seconds.
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1st of all i would like to know that when in the world PAF reveald its doctrine that they will not use 2 engine aircraft....I belive these doctrine are very secret and are never fully open to public. 2nd even if they had such a doctrine then why would PAF officials evaluate rafael. the 1 can find pictures of PAF officials evaluating rafael in this website.....

PAF has used Twin engine jets in the Past ie F-6 Farmer and A-5 Fantan.

The Case with them is that they are not true multirole jets as once a sortie is done , they wont be able to fly once again for many hours that would be spent in maintainance and Safety checks.

In peace time it works but in times of War we need something Like F-16 which can fly 3 sorties per day because of its Single Engine.

On the Other Hand the twin engine jets have their own advantages ie reliability , max combat radious , much more payload etc.

That was the reason why PAF refused Su-27 , Mig-29 , F-18 Hornet in the Past just because it wont fit our needs of a frontline , single engine multirole fighter .

And this is the Reason which makes F-16 the Best choice as it is more like Plug and play device , it gets ready soon and does not complain much.:D

BTW i can tell you that Rafale already has been evaluated.
Hope it helps.
The following news item also appeared a few days back but then it was termed as an April fool hoax.

Pakistan to purchase 36 French fighters worth $ 4.2 Billion

* PAF chief says contract should be signed within 12 months
* PAF team evaluated fighter for past 2 years

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) will start getting 36 Rafale fighters from 2015 onwards, Chief of Air Staff Rao Qamar Suleman said on Thursday.

Briefing reporters on the on-going High Mark-2010 Exercise by PAF in collusion with the Pakistan Army and the Pakistan Navy, the air chief said the delivery of the aircrafts to Pakistan would complete by the end of 2016.

He said, in addition to 36 Rafales , Pakistan had also been negotiating to get French MICA missile and Radar for JF-17, besides getting other modern gadgets and weapons.

He said the new inductions were due to unpecedented increase in defence spending from Eastern neighbour and growth in their offensive capabilities.
The PAF chief informed reporters that other then some very advanced US fighters, the Rafale was umatched by any other plane in the world at the current time

When asked on funding for the new planes, PAF chief said current government had vowed to provide PAF with all available funding.
Noting that PAF would be first export customer for such a plane, ACM Rao said "This will give us a capability any adversery knows very little about and would be very difficult to counter by any power"

He said the PAF had already been using Unarmed Aerial Vehicle (UAV) technology for reconnaissance purposes while it hardly needs to go for armed aerial vehicle.

He said the coalition forces hardly commit any violations of Pakistan’s airspace while Islamabad had always strongly protested in case of any airspace violation by coalition forces in Afghanistan. app


Whoomp,,,,,,,,,,link is not working????? :cheesy:
Whoomp,,,,,,,,,,link is not working????? :cheesy:

This was the reason people considered it to be a hoax,
But such news is all over the internet.

Copy and paste the link.

There are excellent planes available to PAF if they look carefully both twin engined & single engined.

Other than Russia all doors are open.

Typhoon Gripen F16/60 and Rafael are avialable to Pakistan. There is no sanction TODAY.

The problem is these planes all cost upwards of $70m each minimum.

Even to buy 36 planes would cost PAF aroound $4 billion with weapons.

Just to confirm $4 billion to pakistan. is equal to
70% of Pakistans total annual military budget
30% of its entire FOREX
5 TIMES THE COST of the Thunder.

Money is the single biggest hinderance to a REAL STATE OF THE ART FIGHTER for PAF
This was the reason people considered it to be a hoax,
But such news is all over the internet.

Copy and paste the link.

the first few links are of forums. not credible.
This was the reason people considered it to be a hoax,
But such news is all over the internet.

Copy and paste the link.


Cuz its from the same person,who posted this news on PDF and this news is traveling through forums but not in any news paper or on news channel.
if u notice their dates,all created on 1 April or just before it.
it was nothing but a WHOOP.....:woot:
the first few links are of forums. not credible.
Cuz its from the same person,who posted this news on PDF and this news is traveling through forums but not in any news paper or on news channel.
if u notice their dates,all created on 1 April or just before it.
it was nothing but a WHOOP.....

Guys, perhaps i didn't make my self clear, what i meant to say was, such news was considered a hoax and it's all over the net and on other forums. :lazy::lazy::lazy:
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