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Pakistan seriously considering Rafael says Aftab Iqbal

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RameeX Xaved

Jul 3, 2009
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Hi, if anyone of you has watched thursday's "Hasb-e-haal" on dunya news at 10, you must have heard the anchor, Aftab Iqbal, saying that Pakistan is seriously considering the purchase of 36 Dissault Rafael on soft loans. i know it can be just a speculation by some anchor but he is not just an anchor. he is a really knowledgable and very experienced journalist and he must have some inside info that he is leaked on his very famous television show..
now i wonder why didnt he say Pakistan is going to buy J-10B from china, even though it is on the hit list of many people.. there must be some definate negotiations going on with france for this purchace..
plz respected members confirm this news..
Purchasin the Rafael is a bit too early , we don't have urgent need for Rafael untill 2015, we first need to finish production on ou J17 Thunder crafts and F16 A/B Upgrading to C/D standards

Also we have J10B fighters in line untill 2015

Remember all deals on display were done in Musharaf's time even the 36 F16 C/D deals around 2005-2006 ish these deals were done that we are now reaping rewards the current administration has not got us a single cookie ...drones will be delivered in 2011 and even second class drones

2010 (F16 C/D 18+14) ,(18X2 JF17 Thunder) (Saab/China Awacs 4+4) (Refeulers5)
2011 (25+ JF 17 thunder) xxxxNegotiations for Avionics for Thunder
2012 (25+ JF 17 thunder) ?????? GAP More J11/J10B /Rapheal
2013 (25+ JF 17 thunder) ?????? GAP More J11/J10B /Rapheal
2014 (25+ JF 17 thunder) (18 J10B Chendegu Vipers)
2015 (25+ JF 17 thunder) (18 J10B Chendegu Vipers)

Gaining Rafeal could be thrown at French but as a seperae deal to replace the Mirage fihters

It would be wise to go for 80 Rafeals , around 2015 but provided we show our intentions for it now and pressure french to open the avionics debate for JF17 thunder so they don't view it as threat to their industry

I personally think we could get a deal done for 80 fighters Rafeals in Pakistani fleet would be ideal natural choice for Mirage

But J11 would also be a great choice in contention with Rapheal
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indian and pak's are seriously looking towards french's
one of a PAF official here told us in starting of 2009(he was some other then MK n Fatman)that PAF is considering Rafale for near future.PAF has already evaluated rafale in 2006 and found it a potential multi-role fighter just according to PAF advance fighter need.but its cost is too much.

dont know what PAF thinks now after French reaction over thunder modification
From Efficiency stand point

Armed with AESA radar package , the 60 Rapeal would be more efficient then the 192 + Mirages we have so it would be great move for Pakistan to negotiate the 80 Rapeal with France together with the
Avionis package for Pakistani Thunders.

Even French Airforce operates small Airforce , of about 60-70 Raphael fighters...

So - it would be a plus , but we could just keep the Mirages longer and instead go for Air Superiority J11 fighters I mean the Mirages are perfectly fine for ground operations. And we could just get upgraded Chinese Avionics for JF17 package for Block 2

But Rapheal's are not important tactically untill 2015...

Package A: Simple old fashoioned package
60 Rapheal from France with AESA, Frenh avionics suit for JF17 thunder
The Rapheal would work well with future Aircraft carrier
(Finness and old ally)

Package B : Trusted friend package
36 J11 from China , 36 J10B option on existing 36 order
Avionics for JF17 Thunder from china new engine
Brute Force Approach (Trusted and true friend)

Pakcage C: Go where no PAF project has gone before
100 J10B , and British AESA radar and Avionics for Thunder and missiles , new engine
This would be like Pakistan Airfore on steriods

Package D: Strategic goal of 5th generation status priority
Same Avionics for Thunder, integrate it with Chinese Awacs , get more F16 C/D , Wait on develpment of Chinese AESA for Thunder

18 J14 , for Pakistan Airforce 5th generation plane invest cash into J14 less quantity but tactical need of time

Pakage E: eye-tallion Stallion Package
We get the griffo M radar for Thunder, and avionics for 50 Thunders units (Block 2)
Same company makes radars for Euro Fighter get 80 units ) (Block 3)

We get the missiles from France which already work with Stallion package

We get 36 J10B more option from China, and get 18 more F16 C/D

We send in few settelites up in space for reconnisance and communication

Thats it our airforce is in good shape
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Its Rafale, not 'Rafael', 'Rapeel' or 'Rapheal' and somehow I don't see this deal materializing. The Americans won't take too kindly to their military aid being used to buy French equipment and in any case, the French probably won't offer it to us unless its absolutely certain that its no longer in contention for the MMRCA tender.
Its Rafale, not 'Rafael', 'Rapeel' or 'Rapheal' and somehow I don't see this deal materializing. The Americans won't take too kindly to their military aid being used to buy French equipment and in any case, the French probably won't offer it to us unless its absolutely certain that its no longer in contention for the MMRCA tender.

Rapheal sounds kooler :bunny:
wel it is good for paf if we go rafale's way. j10b is orderd and 60 rafales will be enough for paf to detter against any aggression from india
:eek:Theory seems to be developing from this news that French may be pressurising Pakistan to buy few Rafale in addition to JF-17 avionics......
The following news item also appeared a few days back but then it was termed as an April fool hoax.

Pakistan to purchase 36 French fighters worth $ 4.2 Billion

* PAF chief says contract should be signed within 12 months
* PAF team evaluated fighter for past 2 years

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) will start getting 36 Rafale fighters from 2015 onwards, Chief of Air Staff Rao Qamar Suleman said on Thursday.

Briefing reporters on the on-going High Mark-2010 Exercise by PAF in collusion with the Pakistan Army and the Pakistan Navy, the air chief said the delivery of the aircrafts to Pakistan would complete by the end of 2016.

He said, in addition to 36 Rafales , Pakistan had also been negotiating to get French MICA missile and Radar for JF-17, besides getting other modern gadgets and weapons.

He said the new inductions were due to unpecedented increase in defence spending from Eastern neighbour and growth in their offensive capabilities.
The PAF chief informed reporters that other then some very advanced US fighters, the Rafale was umatched by any other plane in the world at the current time

When asked on funding for the new planes, PAF chief said current government had vowed to provide PAF with all available funding.
Noting that PAF would be first export customer for such a plane, ACM Rao said "This will give us a capability any adversery knows very little about and would be very difficult to counter by any power"

He said the PAF had already been using Unarmed Aerial Vehicle (UAV) technology for reconnaissance purposes while it hardly needs to go for armed aerial vehicle.

He said the coalition forces hardly commit any violations of Pakistan’s airspace while Islamabad had always strongly protested in case of any airspace violation by coalition forces in Afghanistan. app

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