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Pakistan sells sikh Gurudwara Land to its Army

so the problem is that this land was sold to Pak army for very low price by this trust commitee even though the land sold was worth a lot more money...

No problem Pak Army should pay the money according to actual worth to the committee. Army establishment is more important than any other Gurdwara which is practically abandoned.

As I said earlier... land will fall back in place.. :)

In that case Army should be quick and start the work from today. :)
If the land is unused I don't see any problem in using it in development works, I'm not sure what use Army will do with the land though.

Same applies to Mandir, Masjid etc.
No problem Pak Army should pay the money according to actual worth to the committee. Army establishment is more important than any other Gurdwara which is practically abandoned.

First all.. this Gurudwara land has nothing to do with the actual gurdwara!! gurudwara commitee owns almost 3000 acres of unused land.. this issue is of few hundred.. like 300-400 acres of unused land... the issue is basically that they under-priced the land and transfered it.. thats all.. otherwise its still no biggie.. Sikhs are a financially powerful community and extremely open when it comes to charity... if the call arrives that gurudwara commitee will be flooded with more money than they can possibly ever use.. but the issue is about symbolism and morals... that we will only see as events unfold..

secondly... the Gurudwara aint abandoned.... and yeahh its the same army which we hire everytime we visit those gurudwaras in Pakistan so sure take care of those faujis too.. ;) pay money or return land or whatever.. that is not on me but for the larger groups to decide.. and the land is unused land yes.. but it belongs to the Gurudwara... that is the issue... ;)

In that case Army should be quick and start the work from today. :)

sure they can starts asap... as I said.. this is only about symbolism.. its not as if that gurudwara will get massive loss... it will be judgement of morals.. thats all... if Sikhs can build gurudwaras in UAE where previously all non-abrahamic religion places were banned.. than this is really nothing.... the problem is not about land.. it is about morals.. thats all...
lolll.... who says sikhs need to be majority to rule? look at history.. sikhs were smallest minority yet they made kingdom from delhi all the way to Jamrud right at gate of Kabul.. ;)

Sorry mate, the Sikh empire never extended beyond the Sutlej river and delhi is too far from sutlej river and yes sikhs were defeated at Jamrud where the tribes gave them fierce battle. The Sikhs were defeated and retreated in 1837. It was here that they lost their renowned General Hari Singh Nalwa, So the sikh never occupied any tribal area or part of puktunkhwa except peshawar valley. And whats with small minority, muslims were also minority and ruled 1000 years and their empire was 30 times bigger than 10 year rule of Sikh empire

We already took that province from Pashtuns.. that is why today those guys are part of Pakistan, not Afghanistan... go to Jamrud in NWFP and see the Sikh army forts where Sikh army crushed the Afghanis.. ;)

Sorry to bust your bubble dude, you didn't take province from pushtun, The Sikhs’ rule was restricted around Peshawar and was not stable. They “possessed but little influence in the trans-Indus tracts, and what influence they had was confined to the plains. Even here they were obeyed only in the immediate vicinity of their forts which studded the country”. The tribesmen checked the advance of Sikhs and safeguarded their independence as always in the past.

Final note: The sikh were only able to occupy peshawar bannu of pushtun and nothing more, Mere 10 year rule of peshawar doesn't makes this history to remember

Tribal areas were included in British Raj after the establishment of Durand Line, No power in the world has been able to occupy Tribal areas of Pakistan, British Empire who was Superpower fought there for 60 years and they were not able to occupy Waziristan, it was one of the most militarised zone of the world and what makes you think ranjith’s mercenary army could have occupied even an inch of waziristan. Except Peshawar valley they were not able to occupy any pushtun land
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Sources say that the deal is violation of the Nehru-Layqat pact that says that both the government would not be allowed to sale any religious land belongs to the Hindu, Sikh or Muslims in their respective countries
So in India they mastered the art of encroachment through Hindu extremest organization. Babri masjid case is a living example..i wonder how many indians are aware of this pact..

secondly India has encroached / annexed almost all left over lands since partition..why should be have such resource lying waste for people who have migrated out long time ago..lets put it to good use now.

Also the waqf board has the right to sell property under its possession if its not being used for anything. We no more have enough Sikhs to fill are these gurdwaras so why leave them standing idle for nothing. PA bought this land with $$$$ not encroached upon it like the case of Babri Masjid. And the Gurdwara is not being demolished for paving way of something. Rather just part of unused land being taken care of.

Enough of excessive sentiments over practicality.
i'm against selling of any property belonging to any religion, used or unused the land belongs to the Sikh community & selling it is surely hurting them .... They should have included Sikh community leaders in this process...
yeaa.. those type of people flourished under British I know.. loll... some warriors they were.. :lol:

you really should be thanking British Queen.. ooo and the backstabing Kashmiri Hindu Dogra Kings who helped the British...:

Do you really think the sikhs would have continued to rule a region where 70% population was muslim and half of its army was muslim, even if british had not destroyed sikh empire, it was bound to be disintegrated after the death of ranjith,

Yeaa.. yeaa... u always repeat same lines... a so called punjabi who doesnt know a single lafz of punjabi... :lol
what a Punjabi homeland you made where your people don't even know how to speak Punjabi.... Punjabi elite... good joke... more like UP/Bihari elite in Pakistan.. :lol:

The Punjabi literature and poetry were written by punjabi sufi saints it is a muslim language not a sikh language, it arose way before sikhism arose so the sikh doesn't have any right to lecture muslim punjabi whether he speaks punjabi or not, Sikhs are just the speakers of our language.
Its better that a Army Unit is permenently placed near gurdwars for ULTIMATE protection to a important destination for our minority

It demoralized all Terrorist

A logical move
Sorry mate, the Sikh empire never extended beyond the Sutlej river ..

Dont be so sorry and take a break.

Its much beyond the Satluj and over the Indus.
But point is would people who claim to rule for 1000Yrs accept it :no::no:
I do not support this act.. If this is true, which it appears to be, it would be just another heinous act of corrupt PPP government like 100000s of others and they were against Muslims! So firstly, take religion out of this discussion and do not try to color it as if something is being done against a particular religion.

Dear Sikh brothers,

This is not an act against Sikhs, this is against People of Pakistan and if Land has been sold against the law, Supreme Court will surly take action against responsible officials.
Can anyone enlighten me about the "sale". How does the term "sale" come into picture when both parties involved are the govt and the PA?
I can understand if there is a transferal of land ownership, but sale brings in an entirely different context.
I amazed by ignorence of some Pakistani memers. They are usually the first one cry and whine when even a brick is stollen from muslim land and now they fully supports stealing land from other minorities. They are hypocrets at best. By thier method muslime mosques in some countries should be closed than.

Sikhs supported Hindu all along. Sikh also killed a lot of Muslims behalf of Hindus. May be this is Pakistan way to take revenge on Babri Masjid. If Hindus can break historical Masjid and forcefully taking it from Muslim population in Hindu dominated India then Pakistan can do the same. I have not recall where Sikh stand along with Muslims and defend the Babri Masjid. Hisab Barabr.
Sikhs supported Hindu all along. Sikh also killed a lot of Muslims behalf of Hindus. May be this is Pakistan way to take revenge on Babri Masjid. If Hindus can break historical Masjid and forcefully taking it from Muslim population in Hindu dominated India then Pakistan can do the same. I have not recall where Sikh stand along with Muslims and defend the Babri Masjid. Hisab Barabr.

Seriously .. This guy is an "Elite" member!!:lol:
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