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Pakistan scores a diplomatic brownie point: Kayani gets Russia to 'ignore'

as usual, i agree with hamid gul. and this is great development for russo-pakistani, especially when it comes at the expense of indian diplomatic face.

i think russians finally got the lesson from their soviet experience: if they want to accomplish anything in central asia, having pakistan's good will is far more essential than having indians licking their ***. back in the 80s indians were arguable more servile and eager to make themselves useful to the russian cause, and the latter still failed miserably in afghanistan. no matter how hard they try (and one msut concede that these hindus are trying mighty hard in impressing russians then and americans now), they are just far less relevant than pakistan.
as usual, i agree with hamid gul. and this is great development for russo-pakistani, especially when it comes at the expense of indian diplomatic face.

i think russians finally got the lesson from their soviet experience: if they want to accomplish anything in central asia, having pakistan's good will is far more essential than having indians licking their ***. back in the 80s indians were arguable more servile and eager to make themselves useful to the russian cause, and the latter still failed miserably in afghanistan. no matter how hard they try (and one msut concede that these hindus are trying mighty hard in impressing russians then and americans now), they are just far less relevant than pakistan.

bringing religion into every thread showing, your nasty mentality....chinese military build up causes more worry to ruskies than afghan etc....they are not fools to change suddenly...
as Gen. Hamid Gul, former ISI director-general,
believes it's the first step
towards forming a Pakistan-
Russia-China block - a move
Kayani would like to take
credit for it.
if they want to accomplish anything in central asia, having pakistan's good will is far more essential than having indians licking their ***. back in the 80s indians were arguable more servile and eager to make themselves useful to the russian cause, and the latter still failed miserably in afghanistan. no matter how hard they try (and one msut concede that these hindus are trying mighty hard in impressing russians then and americans now), they are just far less relevant than pakistan.

bringing religion into every thread showing, your nasty mentality....chinese military build up causes more worry to ruskies than afghan etc....they are not fools to change suddenly...

Please do not quote this bigot my friend. Some have habit of either eating their own inflated air (aerophagia) and then do mega farts or starve/fast and then pretend victim of unfair treatment by all.

What Hamid Gul is saying absolutely correct because Indians have pounded Pakistani psyche so in detail that everything they do they do to score brownie points against/over India. Even their symbolic diplomatic relationship with Russia which they could have sustain without even mentioning India smoothly. But since they themselves have nothing to offer not even a steel mill in last 20 years they are out to sell Afghanistan who should be fiercely independent and who can independently sustain its bilateral relationship with Russia. Other thing they are selling to Russia is warm salty waters of Arabia in a old bottle (old bluff) when Russians only drink vodka (money).
Cud anybody explain the details of brownie point? :blah: :blah:

or its another sensational headline of tabloid?

Indians kids here brag "Oh oh we have alot of projects with Russia" blah blah...While Russians don't give a sh!t about Indian Defence Minister and instead prefer to meet General Kiyani!!! :lol:

Bhartiyon ki aukat hi yeh hai...

Tere se pooch ke and tere ko detail batayi thee saarey plan ki? :P :lol:

Kami nahi hai tere jaison ki yahan pe
What exactly was that brownie point?

This I expect

"Russian defence minister Anatoly Serdyukov postponed a high-level annual meeting with defence minister A.K. Antony in New Delhi so that he could meet Kayani in Moscow.
Earlier, Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov, who was to visit India on October 4, landed in Islamabad instead to hold talks with the Pakistan foreign minister."

Juvenile journalism..
Wonder if the brownie was delicious. How many more articles does one have to read and pity Pakistanis celebrate over news, deals that only remain wish lists till now. If there was anything positive, knowing Pakistanis pretty desperate situation right now they would have gone wild with reporting it.

His visit was very historic indeed but the pressing question: Did he get only a brownie in return???
What a joke,

One can imagine the extent of incompetence and stupidity prevalent in ISI buy just checking out there former leader Hamid gul.

Dose anyone even fr one moment think tht HAmid Gull looks or sounds like anyone competent enough to lead an "intelligence" agency? this is Ironic on so many levels. No wonder they cant achieve anything.
bringing religion into every thread showing, your nasty mentality....chinese military build up causes more worry to ruskies than afghan etc....they are not fools to change suddenly...

unless indians had built a cult of these ruskies' ***** that i didn't know about, i fail to see where i mentioned religion. i am plainly not a religious person
What a joke,

One can imagine the extent of incompetence and stupidity prevalent in ISI buy just checking out there former leader Hamid gul.

Dose anyone even fr one moment think tht HAmid Gull looks or sounds like anyone competent enough to lead an "intelligence" agency? this is Ironic on so many levels. No wonder they cant achieve anything.

Hamid Gul is more competent than you or any Indian could ever imagine to be.

His resume proves it.
Hamid Gul is more competent than you or any Indian could ever imagine to be.

His resume proves it.

LOL resume , just give two looks at the way he conduct himself and his oration ..he sounds even worse than Zaid Hamid.

I don't give two hoots to what his resume is or was. U consider him competent enough fr ur ISI ,i think this man or anyone similar to him couldn't hold a candle to most of the ppl we got here.....and thats actually prising him.

to lead an intelligence agency, ppl need to have intelligence.
Russian defence minister Anatoly Serdyukov postponed a high-level annual meeting with defence minister A.K. Antony in New Delhi so that he could meet Kayani in Moscow.
Earlier, Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov, who was to visit India on October 4, landed in Islamabad instead to hold talks with the Pakistan foreign minister.

just to get things clear....so was the Russian minister in Moscow or Islamabad? or was he at the two places at once?
Gul's tenure as the director of the ISI coincided with Benazir Bhutto's term as the Prime Minister of Pakistan. Later, Gul established the Islamic Democratic Alliance (IDA), a far-right conservative wing against the secular MQM and the democratic socialists, the Pakistan Peoples Party

Real nice. This man is more competent in self destruction than what i gave him credit for.

HE stands against democracy essentially .
If one thinks that it is Indian money vs Pakistan partnership in Afghanistan, then he/she is sadly mistaken. It is the SCO vs Indian money - nothing more, nothing less. But Russia will not pull the trigger first against Indian partnership. Russia willl build her relationship with Pakistan but would wait for how India's foreign policy shapes up along with its economy in the next decade.

I donot think what @ajtr is saying is wrong...Russia is eyeing something more than just Afganistan....Russia would like to increase its influence starting from Pakistan/Afgan/iran/Syria to Central Asia as a whole...And what more can be a big win rather than to bring Pakistan to sides...Its better India should get prepared and make necessary foreign policy change in accordance with it...

Now what i feel that although Pakistan scores more from Political point of view...but from relation point of view...Pakistan is nothing to loose...Pakistan will get all the political backing from Russia in future...but from the changing geo political relation between India and Pakistan....I can forsee a future where India may join the axis of RUSSIA China and Pakistan Afgan Iran combine to create a strong ASIAN Block in near future....
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