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Pakistan scores a diplomatic brownie point: Kayani gets Russia to 'ignore'

who are really a sunni contries .i thought they were islamic or say muslim countries. according to your argument then iran wont he much helpfull to russia because it is not sunni country .

second which sunni contries would be helpfull to russia.i donot think russia is dependent upon any sunny countries for gas and other products. most of sunny countries are presently dependent upon america for its protection . most use american weapons.would pak would be able to prsude other sunni countries to buy russian weapons

Now that russia would become friend to pakistan(according to def.pk) would OIC wont talk about chechnya .
russia has already good relationship with china what kind of help pakistan would be doing in that

Gaddafi, Saddam, and now Assad were/are dependent upon russia and not other way round

Iran is isn't that useful for Russia. Iran doesn't even have real airforce. Iran isn't useful to Russia.

The only reason Russia is friends with Iran, is because Iran is an enemy of USA.

Had Pakistan and Saudi Arabia been on the side of Russia, that would have been even more useful.
Russian Ties With NATO Strained by Disputes, Says Lavrov | The St. Petersburg Times | The leading English-language newspaper in St. Petersburg
The Associated Press
Published: October 12, 2012

MOSCOW — Russia's foreign minister says a dispute over the U.S.-led missile defense plans and other frictions have strained Moscow's ties with NATO.

Sergey Lavrov said Wednesday that Moscow is continuing to seek guarantees that the planned shield wouldn't pose a threat to Russia's nuclear forces. He said the failure to negotiate a settlement was rooted in Washington's refusal to accept any limitations on the missile shield.

The U.S. says the missile defense plan is aimed at fending off an Iranian missile threat, but Moscow has rejected the claim, saying the system may eventually grow powerful enough to threaten Russia's nuclear deterrent.

Lavrov said Russia was ready to continue cooperate with NATO on Afghanistan and other issues. But he voiced grievances about the alliance's expansion plans and its activities near Russian borders.
Russian Ties With NATO Strained by Disputes, Says Lavrov | The St. Petersburg Times | The leading English-language newspaper in St. Petersburg
The Associated Press
Published: October 12, 2012

MOSCOW — Russia's foreign minister says a dispute over the U.S.-led missile defense plans and other frictions have strained Moscow's ties with NATO.

Sergey Lavrov said Wednesday that Moscow is continuing to seek guarantees that the planned shield wouldn't pose a threat to Russia's nuclear forces. He said the failure to negotiate a settlement was rooted in Washington's refusal to accept any limitations on the missile shield.

The U.S. says the missile defense plan is aimed at fending off an Iranian missile threat, but Moscow has rejected the claim, saying the system may eventually grow powerful enough to threaten Russia's nuclear deterrent.

Lavrov said Russia was ready to continue cooperate with NATO on Afghanistan and other issues. But he voiced grievances about the alliance's expansion plans and its activities near Russian borders.

They keep playing the cat and mouse game i.e. the NATO and Russia and milk the remaining world with their weapon sales. Russia their allies and US their's. China must have been roped in and might be getting a high commission to spread paranoia in the South East resulting in the rush for arms purchases from either Russia or the US/Europe. :D
They keep playing the cat and mouse game i.e. the NATO and Russia and milk the remaining world with their weapon sales. Russia their allies and US their's. China must have been roped in and might be getting a high commission to spread paranoia in the South East resulting in the rush for arms purchases from either Russia or the US/Europe. :D

well its more thn buying & selling !
you need to improve your I Q?
russia is comming back at the world scene as a key player, & it has enough gas for the eroupeans!
american economic downfall , is becomming re-defining of who is who!
well its more thn buying & selling !
you need to improve your I Q?
russia is comming back at the world scene as a key player, & it has enough gas for the eroupeans!
american economic downfall , is becomming re-defining of who is who!

It was just a joke and my IQ is 136 so am pretty set in that department don't worry about that. and, I couldn't make out what were you saying there.

Russia is comming back at the world scene as a key player - ok, & i has enough gas for the eroupeans! - ok and I might add a good quantity of oil as well.

american economic downfall , is becomming re - defining of who is who! -

I guess you mean to say Russia will take the place of the US, so the new superpower will be Russia according to you...right?
Agreed. I am just pointing out what few Pakistani thinks. They are way oo emotional about certain things.

i think you should replace Pakistan with india in your sentence to make it accurate.....the last Russia-Pak visit related thread was de-railed by your people.
well its more thn buying & selling !
you need to improve your I Q?
russia is comming back at the world scene as a key player, & it has enough gas for the eroupeans!
american economic downfall , is becomming re-defining of who is who!
here is something more for you to increase your IQ!

Russia resumes cooperation with world's most isolated country
Russia resumes cooperation with world's most isolated country - English pravda.ru
Russia and North Korea signed an agreement to settle the debt of $11 billion. 90 percent of the debt is forgiven, and the remaining amount will be used in exchange for aid. Russia made it clear that it was ready for partnership. But will the courage of Moscow return North Korea into the ranks of the allies?
The DPRK debts stem from the loans granted by the former Soviet Union, said Deputy Finance Minister of Russia Sergei Storchak. Russia wrote off 90 percent of the debt, the remaining $1.1 billion will be invested in joint projects in education, healthcare and energy sectors. This is a rather large amount, so why has the Russian government made such a clearly political move when it is obvious that the debt will not be paid back?
For North Korea, because of its model of government, Russia has always been the most acceptable among the unacceptable partners. This is indicated by at least three visits of Kim Jong Il to Russia. But so far the agreements reached on construction of the transit gas pipeline, railway and power lines in South Korea remained on paper. In addition, Russia as part of its participation in the six-party talks on North Korea's nuclear program has always supported the toughest Western sanctions against it, leading to its isolation, hunger and dangerous prospects.

It seems that finally the Russian government has changed its point of view with regard to "the North Korean issue" inspired by the West. Of course, it was helped by the change in leadership and the rise to power of Kim Jong-un, who in eight months has proven his ability to govern the state and his readiness to change. Clearly, the question will now be seen not only from the point of view of using the DPRK for energy transit to South Korea, but also cooperating with it as a possible geopolitical partner.

North Korea gets a clear benefit from the recovery of the Russian presence. This, in effect, means the destruction of the economic blockade, the removal of unilateral energy dependence on China, and increase of the budget by at least $500 million a year in transit fees alone. Not only that, at the recent APEC summit in Vladivostok President Vladimir Putin has secured support of the president of South Korea in the implementation of the ambitious plans for the construction of *infrastructure. Therefore, it is a three-way partnership.

In the meantime, the trade between Russia and North Korea is very small, even by the meager standards of the latter. Over the last 15 years the Russian-North Korean trade has fluctuated around 100 - 250 million, whereas, over the same period, the volume of Chinese-North Korean trade increased nearly ten-fold in the last year, to 5.6 billion dollars. Yet, the prospects are good. Suffice to say that Russia has a common border with the DPRK and the long history of relations. It was the Soviet Union in 1945 that initiated the establishment of the North Korean state, and for a long time, the countries were allies.

However, some experts do not think so. For example, Andrei Lankov, Associate Professor of the History Department of the University Kunming in Seoul, believes that today Russia's foreign policy is pragmatic and Russia is not going to spend money on such "vague goals" as the prestige and political influence search outside the former Soviet Union. In addition, the new leader Kim Jong-un is unlikely to be able to keep the country in his hands, it would join South Korea under a revolutionary scenario, so it is dangerous to invest money there and private Russian investors would not invest, said Lankov.

However, the facts suggest otherwise. After coming to power of the "new" Putin, the initiator of the EurAsEC "from Lisbon to Beijing" (how is that for the prestige and ideology?) Russia began relying on the Far East and cooperation with the countries of East Asia. The latest summit AZES in Vladivostok was a clear confirmation of that. $20 billion spent to "overhaul" Vladivostok show that Russia has money and will develop the region with ambitious intentions. It is the state, not private investors, who determines the policy of the largest energy companies "Gazprom", "Rosneft", and RAO UES.

In addition, the concerns about the young Kim Jong-un are rather groundless. After the removal of the second person in the state, the influential "hawk", the DPRK army commander Ri Yong Ho, the President has shown that he completed the consolidation of power in a very short time without any hindrance and is heading for cautious economic reforms while preserving the state strategy of survival. He has already introduced requisitioning, promising farmers to take only 70% of the crop. This means that a revolution from above is not expected, and the people accustomed to obey will not have a revolution from below.

North Korea's political system can continue to offer the community a new social and ideological project and continue to exist at a new level. For Russia, this would be the ideal scenario.

Therefore, Russia must follow the initiative of China that is already creating a free economic zone on the border with North Korea, and establish relations on a new basis. North Koreans have long been working in Siberia and the Far East, and in contrast to other immigrants - from the CIS and China - legally. Why not increase their quota, which currently is at around 20 thousand people? Incidentally, they are considered the best workers in the region and are ready to work for ridiculously low wages.

The myth of the North Korean nuclear threat, which is nothing but a "double" of the Iraqi chemical threat that led to the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, must be dispelled. If there is a bomb in North Korea, it is no more dangerous than the Israeli one. When the threat is removed, the Russian government will have an extra argument against the deployment of the U.S. missile defense in Europe. If this does not become an argument, Russia might think about its military base in North Korea.

Lyuba Lulko
It was just a joke and my IQ is 136 so am pretty set in that department don't worry about that. and, I couldn't make out what were you saying there.

Russia is comming back at the world scene as a key player - ok, & i has enough gas for the eroupeans! - ok and I might add a good quantity of oil as well.

I guess you mean to say Russia will take the place of the US, so the new superpower will be Russia according to you...right?

i hve already posted something to increase your IQ about this world, how it is shaping now days!
well, era of superpowers is gone now, this is a time when this world ours , wouldbe divided into strategical zones!
can you get , wht i am digging on!
i hve already posted something to increase your IQ about this world, how it is shaping now days!
well, era of superpowers is gone now, this is a time when this world ours , wouldbe divided into strategical zones!
can you get , wht i am digging on!

Thank you for yr attempt at increasing my IQ, alas, that did not do much for my IQ which is already high. Let's forget about my IQ for now and look at what you are digging on.

The era of superpowers is still prevalent and will continue, the US is still the superpower and China is on its way to becoming one.

Russia is losing its allies or areas of influence, they lost out on Libya and now on the way to lose out on Syria. From the article it looks like they want to maintain their influence on NK.

Forming of strategic alliances has been going on from time immorial and not something that you think that you discovered now and are so eager to teach me.

The European Union, SCO, Asean,OIC, NATO are attempts at economic, regional or security alliances.
same goes for the allies, axis powers, the crusaders etc in the past.

So, conclusion is you are digging an already dug out spot.
i hve already posted something to increase your IQ about this world, how it is shaping now days!
well, era of superpowers is gone now, this is a time when this world ours , wouldbe divided into strategical zones!
can you get , wht i am digging on!

By posting,you cant approve anything.There are millions of articles who are farting on servers..you can pick any body :lol: ..let the time come and i hoped that your myth of getting arms from russia got shattered last day but its not ;)
By posting,you cant approve anything.There are millions of articles who are farting on servers..you can pick any body :lol: ..let the time come and i hoped that your myth of getting arms from russia got shattered last day but its not ;)

I think the indian superiorty complex is farting your brains, friend come to the real world if you guys didn't get your energy needs solved this summer , there would be no shining india!
& jst belive me man-mohan-jee is a worried cow here, well educated masses always present their point of view with knowledge for tht very reason this fourm already had a method inplace , which guide us to present some thing credble like of some my posted articles already in place !t if you are dumb enough to understand them thn wht can I do more?
Well getting arms from russia?
Its enough for pakistan if russia jst close its eyes , wht ever pakistan puts its finger around the list from chinese made russian goods?
Like S-300mpus, J-16s(most modifiyed form of SU30mkk) or even the N-SUB tech transfered to pakistan.
Thts enough if , russia delebritly can't see them!
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