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Pakistan’s missile capability

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Shaheen in Copy of Chinese M-11/M-18 MRBM and Ghauri is a repainted North Korean No-dong missile.
Pakistani Missile program is not just Shaheen and Ghauri, It now has much more than those. With newer warhead designs coming up, the missile program will also evolve in line. As for those claims (Such as qouted by FAS) they are nothing more than the statements and opinions. For example, even for the missile programs underdevelopment, FAS has already figured how which missles are to be copied:whistle:. Secondly, some of the missles are also reported under incorrect catagories with incorrect ranges. For first step, may be we copied the Chinese and Koreans products. But now with proper human skills and technology in house it doesn't seem logical. The bottom line is that what you are saying is a 4 decade old story (which only has same credibility as that of a word of mouth) , the world today is much more different from then.
We got ballistic missile from other countries as people claim here but still no one can put any sanctions on us based on the claims........ Thats you call how to handle international politics.
Shaheen in Copy of Chinese M-11/M-18 MRBM and Ghauri is a repainted North Korean No-dong missile.


M-11 has a max range of 300 km. Shaheen series has ranges much more than that. Furthermore, Shaheen-II is 3 times heavier than M-18, delivers double the payload of it at 2.5 times its range. (sources: GlobalSecurity & MissileThreat http://www.missilethreat.com/missilesoftheworld/id.67/missile_detail.asp)

Kindly dig up some facts before believing senseless propaganda and posting.

Shaheen-I version 1 (500-600km range) was somewhat a Pakistani effort at rebuilding the M-11A. The version-2 (750km range) and version-3 (1000-1200km range Shaheen-IA) are further successful Pakistani attempts at improving that design.

Shaheen-II's development may have been assisted by China, but the world has yet to see a credible picture of the M-18 just for the sake of size comparison, as facts say otherwise.

Ghauri is "license-produced" Nodong, however it is an obsolete system and most probably will be replaced by Shaheen-IA.

For further information:
We got ballistic missile from other countries as people claim here but still no one can put any sanctions on us based on the claims........ Thats you call how to handle international politics.

Loll A country unable to handle its own politics will now handle international politics. :rofl:

M-11 Missile

DF-15/M-9 missile

Development of the M-series of ballistic missiles reportedly began in 1984, to be built for the export market. The four missiles in this family, known in China as M-7, M-9, M-11 and M-18, all have conventional HE warheads. The M-series missiles all use solid fuel, and operational preparation time is short. They are all transported by highly-mobile cross- country trucks which have the capacity to launch the missiles.

The M-18 was originally shown at the 1987 [1988?] Beijing air show as a two-stage missile with 1,000 km range carrying a 400-500 kilogram payload. This M-18 missile had the longest range of any of the current M-series missiles. The M-18 is a larger two-stage version of the M-9 missile [the missile also designated as the DF-15 in China and CSS-6 by the US].

The M-18 design was displayed in Iran in 1991, but apparently work on M-18 design was not continued in China. According to some reports the four missiles launched by the Second Artillery Corps on 13 March 1996 were not of the M-9 type, as widely reported, but actually missiles of the M-18 type launched from "No. 2054" base in Hunan Province. Again in April 1997 it was reported that Iran was involved with both the Chinese M-18 missile program [known as the Tondar-68 in Iran] and DF-25, which China had abandoned in 1996.

The Shaheen-II is evidently a Pakistani version of the Chinese M-18, which was originally shown at the 1987 Beijing air show as a two-stage missile with 1000 kms range carrying a 400-500 kilogram payload. This M-18 missile had the longest range of any of the current M-series missiles.

The Shaheen series of missiles are evidently based imported from China by the PAEC's National Development Complex. The Shaheen, which was tested with considerable publicity on 15 April 1999, is evidently the Chinese M-11 which Pakistan purchased in the early 1990s. The Shaheen-II would appear to represent the Chinese M-18, although it is questionable whether Pakistan has actually obtained these missiles from China. There was no indication that China had transferred such missiles to Pakistan.
LOL indians here make me laugh, copied or not, at the end of the day, they are pointing directly at you :cheesy:
M-11 Missile

No, that is the DF-11A missile, with extended range (500 km). The original DF-11 (M-11) had a range of 300km. Pakistan's Ghaznavi SRBM is a local version of DF-11.

DF-15/M-9 missile

I think I should compare the exact figures for "better" understanding, since you were in too much hurry to prove me wrong. It would have been better if you compared Shaheen-I with DF-11A.
And the M-18? b**tch please! :lol:

Range500 km600 km600-1200 km (all versions)
Payload500 kg500 kg700 kg
Weight~5500 kg6200 kg9500 kg
Length8.5 m9.1 m12 m

Range1000 km2000-2500 km
Payload500 kg1050 kg
Weight7000 kg25000 kg
Length12 m17.5 m
Diameter1.1 m1.4 m

Sources are the same :P
The Shaheen series of missiles are evidently based imported from China by the PAEC's National Development Complex.

:no: NDC is a subsidiary of NESCOM, without any dependent links with PAEC. Talk about "reliable" :lol: sources, eh?
I don't know but why Indians are so much itchy about Pakistan's developments in any field? Every neutral observer agree that Pakistan's missile program is far ahead in comparison to India. Regarding the blame that all Pakistani missiles are of Chinese or North Korean origin.. I can safely claim that US missile program as well as Russian missile program is based on stolen technology from Germans. Indian missile program is totally based on Russian's cyrogenic engines. Indians are the only shameless country in the world who first acquired technology (both nuclear & missile) in the name of peaceful civilian purposes and then use it for military purpose.:flame:

A simple point that one failed to understand is that technology is always acquired from the one who first invent it. Missiles were first developed by Germans in WW-II, all other countries missiles programs were based on their technology. No one reinvent the wheel.

Pakistan acquired know how from the sources it can, mastered the technology and now has a successful program of its own. Basic technology remain the same but our scientist added new inputs and we have now got different missiles for different roles. So Indians stop negative propaganda about Pakistan, its 20 years old stuff you are still posting, come up with something new:wave:
^ No, actually India's missile development program is ahead of Pakistan's. But then it depends on requirments and funds too.
^ No, actually India's missile development program is ahead of Pakistan's. But then it depends on requirments and funds too.

True, there is no need to match tech by tech. Pakistan has sufficient for its current requirement.
Is there any research activity going on in the field of medium to long range SAM & ABM missiles which is the backbone of any air defence system in present days. If a country has a system like that no adversary can dare to attack it or violate its air space. I heard before that IISC has developed Anza-3 shoulder fired SAM but there is no evidence of that on internet e.g. pictures or production details as available in case of Anza-2.
Other very important thing is the RADAR technology. Is any research of any kind in progress in air defence or other type of RADAR technology.
I know about the asssembling of Garifo and assembling n TOT manufacture of KLJ-7 airborne RADARs at PAC.
. Indian missile program is totally based on Russian's cyrogenic engines. Indians are the only shameless country in the world who first acquired technology (both nuclear & missile) in the name of peaceful civilian purposes and then use it for military purpose.:flame:

Cryogenic Indian missile:lol:

OK..just a newbie..........
No, that is the DF-11A missile, with extended range (500 km). The original DF-11 (M-11) had a range of 300km. Pakistan's Ghaznavi SRBM is a local version of DF-11.

I think I should compare the exact figures for "better" understanding, since you were in too much hurry to prove me wrong. It would have been better if you compared Shaheen-I with DF-11A.
And the M-18? b**tch please!

Range500 km600 km600-1200 km (all versions)
Payload500 kg500 kg700 kg
Weight~5500 kg6200 kg9500 kg
Length8.5 m9.1 m12 m

Range1000 km2000-2500 km
Payload500 kg1050 kg
Weight7000 kg25000 kg
Length12 m17.5 m
Diameter1.1 m1.4 m

Sources are the same

NDC is a subsidiary of NESCOM, without any dependent links with PAEC. Talk about "reliable" sources, eh?

You see weight and range comparisons are not a correct measure as to what extent Pakistani solid fuel missiles are influenced or copied from Chinese missiles.... which we all know it is...

Chinese DF-11 & Pakistani Ghaznavi

Chinese DF-11A & Shaheen I

Chinese M-18 missile & Shaheen 2

All blown up Chinese missile... even the motor used is from China Hexi Chemical & Mechanical Company Solid motors for first stages are L-SpaB.
For Shaheen-2 the engine is L-SpaB-140B with 1.40 m in diameter and a length of 7.15 m.
For the second stage there is a shorter solid motor SpaB-140.


The Domestic industry of Pakistan is incapable of manufacturing such motors... and they are imported from the Chinese firm China Hexi Chemical & Mechanical Company
Cryogenic Indian missile:lol:

OK..just a newbie..........

Great, truth does make Indians itchy:agree:
And "Oldie" try to respect others. It would have been much better if u have enlighten us with some useful info instead of your usual rhetoric.
You see weight and range comparisons are not a correct measure as to what extent Pakistani solid fuel missiles are influenced or copied from Chinese missiles.... which we all know it is...

Chinese DF-11 & Pakistani Ghaznavi

Chinese DF-11A & Shaheen I

Chinese M-18 missile & Shaheen 2

All blown up Chinese missile... even the motor used is from China Hexi Chemical & Mechanical Company Solid motors for first stages are L-SpaB.
For Shaheen-2 the engine is L-SpaB-140B with 1.40 m in diameter and a length of 7.15 m.
For the second stage there is a shorter solid motor SpaB-140.


The Domestic industry of Pakistan is incapable of manufacturing such motors... and they are imported from the Chinese firm China Hexi Chemical & Mechanical Company

Wow, so you know so much about Pakistan.. Educate yourself dear, then post such crap.
Provide proof of your claims.
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