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Pakistan’s missile capability

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Apr 25, 2012
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Pakistan started planning its missile program to equip its forces with short and medium range missiles to enhance its defense capabilities in 1987. It has, now, various types of missiles programs, including ballistic missiles, based on highly accurate technology. It developed its ballistic missile program rapidly to counter the enemy’s attack. Anza was developed under the shoulder-fired ground-to-air missile program. Later on, anti-tank Baktarshikan missile programs was introduced in 1987. Pakistan tested its short range surface-to-surface ballistic missile in 1988. The pace of production of short-range missiles is reasonable.

The modest range of Hatf I is 80 kilometers and it can carry a load of 500 kilograms. Efforts continued to improve its performance, resulting in Hatf II with an enhanced range of 250 kilometers and the same payload of 500 kilograms. Both are free flight missiles with inertial guidance systems following a ballistic trajectory. The Hatf II was produced in 1989. Both were possibly designed and developed by the Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO). The testing of Hatf III seems to be a major break-through in the development of missiles technology in Pakistan. It has a range of 600 kilometers with a payload of 500 kilograms and a proper terminal guidance system giving it an accuracy of 0.1 per cent. The main features of Hatf III missile are its two-stage rocket ability for war-head separation, a terminal guidance system and five different types of warheads. The most difficult part of the missile was its guidance system which was developed by Pakistani engineers and scientists. The test firing of Hatf III was necessary to tackle with difficult situation in hard times.

There is a possibility of conventional and nuclear clash between India and Pakistan. Naturally Pakistan needs to develop its missile program to a large-scale industry. India deployed its medium-range ballistic missiles near Pakistan’s border in 1997. It was a matter of serious concern for Pakistan. In fact, it was dangerous signal towards Pakistan’s safety. Pakistan carried out its medium range surface ballistic missile program in 1998. It is pertinent to mention here that ballistic missile reaches its target faster than other weapons and is difficult to defend against its attack. The missile system plays vital role in the modern defense technology.

Pakistan made a successful test of medium range surface ballistic missile Hatf V named Ghauri in 1998. It can cover a vast area of India excluding southern and eastern regions, along the Bay of Bengal. It can target its prey 1500 kilometers away. It weighs 16 tons and can carry a payload of about 700 kg. Its flight time is 8 minutes. Its terminal guidance system has been developed by skilful, diligent and dedicated Pakistani scientists and engineers working on the research and development of missile technology. It may have its impact on regional circles. It contributes enormously to the military strength of the nation. A potential aggressor would think hundred times before attacking Pakistan. The Ghauri series are liquid-fuelled ballistic missiles while Shaheen series are solid-fuelled ballistic missiles. The missile system plays key role in the modern war games based on scientific strategies. It is now an essential element in the defense planning of a nation. Moreover, it is an effective and reliable deterrent. Pakistan is now in a position to retaliate its enemies with great force. India, in the past, created a dangerous security atmosphere and made violation of Pakistan’s air space. Naturally Pakistan got every right to take measures for its security. Shaheen I and Shaheen II, medium range solid-propellant missiles, are the solutions of the enemy’s evil designs.

The missile technology is still in the research and development phase in Pakistan. It is key part of the Integrated Missile Research and Development Program. The successful tests of Hatf V and Hatf VI confer on Pakistan a reliable indigenous missile capability.Pakistan tested Hatf VII Babur ground-launched cruise missile in 2005. It has a range of 700 km and can carry a payload of 450 kg. It can carry nuclear warheads and is guided by stealth technology. Pakistan possibly relies mainly on ballistic missiles to overpower India’s defense system. Pakistan has developed Inter-continental Ballistic missile too. It is ready for test flight. History tells us that weak nations have no place in the world community in the presence of ruthless imperialistic forces. Pakistan’s missile program is an effective and reliable deterrent and provides foundation for lasting peace and security all over the world. Pakistan should deal with the world forces on the basis of sovereign equality and fundamental principles based on human values. Pakistan possesses several different types of missiles and these are led and supervised by the Armed Forces of Pakistan. Several lethal types of missiles are under development process. It is believed that Pakistan is already working on long range Missiles Shaheen 4 and Taimur. Pakistan’s missile Shaheen-IA was reportedly shot southward to the Indian Ocean and managed to cover some 4,000-4,500 kilometers. This missile covers the whole of Indian region. Indian Agni-V intercontinental ballistic missile Agni-V has a range of 5,000 km. It can target any part of China and some regions of Europe. It is generally believed that Pakistan and India have more capable missiles yet not announced publicly. Pakistani scientists and engineers have Intercontinental range ballistic missiles technology in their range.

It is believed that Pakistani engineers and scientists are making rapid progress in the field of MIRV technology. It means military would be in a position to fit several warheads on the same ballistic missile and launch them at separate targets in different regions. Pakistan has acquired ballistic missile technology without outside assistance. Nonetheless, it is believed that China have assisted Pakistan in its efforts. It is the duty of every government to protect the country from foreign aggression and internal subversion. Pakistani scientists and engineers have ability to build missiles of short, medium and long range with proper guidance systems. This program can make Pakistan a strong, stable and prosperous nation.

Pakistan’s missile capability
When the Damn Gahuri 3 and shaheen 3 will be tested???n when they'll think about ICBM? :(
wait karo aajaiengay gahuri 3 aur shaheen 3 bus thora sabar karo bhai
well what u guy's think about Tipu or taimur etc are they really in pipe line or just in thought's?
Shaheen 1 A is Scramjet powered . and now 4000 km range wow are u serious ?
Pathetic article.

1. The mentioned Hatf-II (range 250km) miserably failed test flights. Instead, Abdali was developed and introduced as Hatf-2.
2. The mentioned two-stage Hatf-III (range 600km) was never tested, because the Hatf-II "Shadoz" failed test trials. Instead the Ghaznavi (home-produced M-11) was introduced as Hatf-III.(maybe the article misreported Hatf-IV Shaheen)
3. India didn't have any in-service Medium range Ballistic Missiles in 1997. Only Prithvi SRBM was deployed, with Agni-II in development.
4. Pakistan does not have any ICBM in development as of now. ANY missile system with the name of Taimur/Tipu does not exists.
5. Shaheen-IA is an IRBM, of 1000-1200 km range. It seems to be the replacement for 1000-1300km range Ghauri.
6. No, Pakistan HAD massive outside assistance for the development of missiles (~1995-2005). Pakistan continues to seek foreign assistance to some extent.
When the Damn Gahuri 3 and shaheen 3 will be tested???n when they'll think about ICBM? :(

Pakistan should build satellite launch rockets first...
Strapping a warhead to same rocket for use as ICBM wont be too difficult.
Or building an ICBM will slap too many sanctions on Pakistan.
Shaheen 1 A is Scramjet powered . and now 4000 km range wow are u serious ?

Correction: it is REPORTED to travel at scramjet velocities (nothing claimed officially), not powered by a scramjet engine. It is powered by a single solid-fueled missile motor.
Correction: it is REPORTED to travel at scramjet velocities (nothing claimed officially), not powered by a scramjet engine. It is powered by a single solid-fueled missile motor.

It is a ballistic missile. It is given that it would reach scramjet, or more, velocities.
They just exist on internet forums to keep pplz happi....... thats all.....:smokin:
Well there is always a truth to some rumours, otherwise why would it keep coming up. But Pakistan can never test an ICBM in this environment. Imagine Europe and USA pizzing in their pants and will place all sorts of sanctions on Pakistan. First we have to make our economy strong and then like China did and then show our military muscle. For now, let there be more speculation.
Capability is there, but is there the leadership that will not keep them sitting as decoration pieces? :coffee:
Pakistan's missile capability is nothing beyond some understanding of propulsion systems and rocket momtors. Rest is all chinese effort. keep deluding yourself. Get back the day Pakistan can divert its technology to make a rocket to launch satellites.
Well there is always a truth to some rumours, otherwise why would it keep coming up. But Pakistan can never test an ICBM in this environment. Imagine Europe and USA pizzing in their pants and will place all sorts of sanctions on Pakistan. First we have to make our economy strong and then like China did and then show our military muscle. For now, let there be more speculation.
Sory bt china wht china has done is to make its defence stronger , china didn't made its defence on its economy , its the other way around!
Read the history of socialist republic of china before putting ur post anywhere sir!
ICBM of pakistan will never lead us into any sanction cause it will be seen as a tit for tat with india, its just a bogus fear spread by our captalist big brother uncle sam?
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