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Pakistan, Russia agree to boost defence cooperation

Delusions of paksitanis ..let me tell u the reasons,i hope ur brain could understand...you ppl suffer from superiority complex which is just like bubble ..

1)Russia wants to negotiate harder with U.S which is closing ties with pakistan by getting closer to pakistan.The more russia will get close to pakistan or will try to pretend,more rissia will get from U.S...coz 2014 is near and U.s wants to abandon the pakistan dependence on supplies and rest of the things like sanctions will tight the screws on pakistan later on...
Oye hue! Wat a smart prediction, Your Rissia(Russia) is investing specially in Trans-regional projects and supporting IP Pipeline just to get closer to U.S ? Supporting Iranian stands (even for national interests) just to get closer to U.S ? I don't understand wat benefits they are going to get from financing Thar coal project, How that will bring closer Russia to U.S? and why just investing in long-term projects which will directly going to benefit us when they just need us for 2 years as par your preception? :cheesy:
2)The Russia have concerns on Missile shield and U.s hv solved their problem on it by giving dem missile codes.

3)if russia can abandon iran then who is pakistan?...

so moral of the story is simple,Two super powers wants to negotiate with each other by making the pakistan as football...

so enjoy it...

and those pakistani who are bringing india,let me tell u ..even no western nation is ready to abandon india for paksitan ,even china have taken and separated india from pakistan and deal independently.

so keep laughing on delusions :wave:
Ooo! Karan seems to be more realistic then you.

It will be foolish to assume that USA cares about Indian concerns.

"No country in this world (yes, including China and Russia), care for anything else except the national interests of their own.. and its a diplomatic tango all the countries play on an ongoing basis."............
i hope ur brain could understand...you ppl suffer from superiority complex which is just like bubble ..
Lol...even indian military officers and navy had visited China, they had even offered attack helicopters to India that doesnot mean china will abondone pakistan....
Lol...even indian military officers and navy had visited China, they had even offered attack helicopters to India that doesnot mean china will abondone pakistan....

Andhe ke haath Bater lagne wali kahawat suni hai kya???
i dont know why Indians have such a big problem with Pakistan Russia joining hands, thats the kind of mentality that has prevented improvement of relationship between india and pakistan. grow up man, having a common friend which is a big player in international affairs is only gonna do good to the indo-pak relations. indians here are behaving like kids saying "yai mera hai tera nahi" we should always feel good if we improve on number of common friends. same goes for india china relationship how this will help is if things go wrong between india and pak then there will be many countries that will try to normalize the condition.
And with what money will Pakistan buy these Russian Weapons?

I highly doubt that Pakistan can use US Aid Money to buy Russian Weapons.
Forget the tantrum by India, but Pakistanis on this forum seem to be jumping up and down on a set of diplomatic niceties by a host nation where PAF chief went for a visit.. ;)

The host country didn't need to offer defense co operation as diplomatic niceties , did he ? ... :azn:

Lol...even indian military officers and navy had visited China, they had even offered attack helicopters to India that doesnot mean china will abondone pakistan....

Seriously China has offered India Helicopters ? :lol: Any link , amigo ? :azn:

The question is not about abandoning , nobody's here saying that Kremlins planning to abandon India but the recent developments undoubtedly suggest that Russia is warming upto Pakistan , for reason at least unknown to me ...
We were jumping earlier when Zardari visited Russia, but nothing happened. So, right now just take it as a positive sign for Pak-Russia cooperation. We will discuss defence deals with Russia when it is done.
I am sure the co-operation would be like for Rd-93 sale and may be more Mi-17 or just some spares of it? lolz.... And what we are suggesting is building missiles and 5th generation fighters.:rofl::rofl::rofl::whistle:
so moral of the story is simple,Two super powers wants to negotiate with each other by making the pakistan as football...

3)if russia can abandon iran then who is pakistan?...

1)Russia wants to negotiate harder with U.S which is closing ties with pakistan by getting closer to pakistan.The more russia will get close to pakistan or will try to pretend,more rissia will get from U.S coz 2014 is near and U.s wants to abandon the pakistan dependence on supplies and rest of the things like sanctions will tight the screws on pakistan later on...

2)The Russia have concerns on Missile shield and U.s hv solved their problem on it by giving dem missile codes.

Well there's a more simple moral too , even if the two superpowers want to negotiate to each other , its Pakistan that will gain the most in the end , heard of the Russian engine supplies , bidding for IP and other projects and assistance in Steel Mill not to mention billions from US and advanced weapons ? :azn: ...

The same can be true for your country too :azn: ... Let me remind you that Russia doesn't need to buy weapons from India , it is the other way around ... You are the largest importer of weapons , dependent on Moscow for even basic ammunition ... Already paid the money for overpriced AC , PAK FA and the Sukhios and now rapidly switching to US weapons which come with strings attached ... Possibly , Russia wants to find a new market for their weapons ? :azn:

Negotiate for what , since you declare that Moscow has already been provided with missile codes :lol: in your very post ? So somehow Russia wants to help Pakistan which will come under sanctions ( as you say ) after 2014 :P

Congrats to Pakistan and guys pls stop jumping in excitment you were doing same thing when your govt was on final stage to sign JF17 avionic deal with french......

Sorry , but I offered the same suggestion to Indians when they jumping up and down just because of a rumor that Russia has cancelled the RD-93 sale to China :rofl: ... Yeah , that deal really was in the final stage , hadn't France wanted to increase its chances in the MMRCA ...

We were jumping earlier when Zardari visited Russia, but nothing happened. So, right now just take it as a positive sign for Pak-Russia cooperation. We will discuss defence deals with Russia when it is done.

Sorry , bro ... But a lot has happened since he visited Moscow ... Heard of all the recent Russian offers for Pakistani projects ?
Just ignore the Indians. They infest every thread like vermins. The thread is not even India specific but this infestation has no cure than ignoring, so just ignore.

Back to the topic.

Russia has always been forthcoming to Pakistan. Even in the times of Soviet Union. Since our leadership had this slavish adherence to anything english, it went after US and its allies in supplication. They ignored Soviets time and again and the result was that Soviets signed a treaty of strategic importance with our arch rival while we kept looking westwards in vain. In the medium and long term, this has not benefited the country but may have benefited a few individuals.

The important thing for Pakistan is to strengthen relations with the regional powers - China and Russia. Our strong relationship will protect us from a type of threat evolving in our neighborhood where gang of rich western nations use non-state terrorists to create controlled chaos and change governments. For Pakistan, this type of adventure has serious consequences for our strategic assets.
Pakistan having no money for big ticket purchases from Russia and India having the money and opposing any Russia-Pak tooth and nail will be enough to keep the said relationship to minimum..above that Putin and Russian administration is very pro-Indian and Indo-Russian relationship is way beyond buyer seller relationship

Sorry mate , but the day the law and order situation improves , load-shedding and gas shortage no longer exists , you will find that Pakistan has more than enough money to buy anything and believe it or not the time is coming soon :azn: ... If you doubt , just think what 180 million with resources can do , look at state of your country's economy during the 90's ! Indian opposition hasn't been effective and I really doubt it will be this time , since Russia came to shake hands with Pakistan not the other way around , a major shift in foreign policy by Kremlin , it will be really foolish to assume that they do not have a strategy and agenda in mind :azn: ... The same Putin declared Pakistan the most important partner in the region a few months ago :lol:
who needs the Russians China can provide same quality weapons at reduced price

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