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Pakistan, Russia agree to boost defence cooperation

Array yaar to my indian friends why are you guys boiling your blood with hate .. tommrow is your independence day enjoy karo aur yaa sub Pakistan aur Russia ke gal chardo .. :P

actually not tomorrow but today is our INDEPENDENCE DAY...
Array yaar to my indian friends why are you guys boiling your blood with hate .. tommrow is your independence day enjoy karo aur yaa sub Pakistan aur Russia ke gal chardo .. :P

We were not boiling, We very well know very well who boiled to a great extend when F-16IN was offered to India, which is more advanced than the pakistan F-16 Fighting falcons.

Few civilian projects seems on table , extension & modernization of Pakistan steel Mills, Damier basha Dam may commersial utilization of Gwadar port. Later on Air defence, helis, engines and other equipments for defense Industry. People must remember that SAIL of Pakistan The PMS was erected by Soviets.
@ Markus ...Yes my mistake i do live in the states my friend several hours difference i just relized that anyhow enjoy your indpendence day.

@ Danger 007..Correction noted just as i stated to your other indian buddy i live in the US and there is a several hours difference with that being said i have corrected my post ;)
This is not cold war period Pakistan can buy from any one any equipment it wants, from any one, When India can buy equipments from United States, Pakistan can do the same with Russia.
Small steps are always better then none.. so lets not get too excited yet be hopeful.. and for the people that are hoping that nothing ever happens between Pakistan & Russia understand everything is business simply don't expect to show your A$$ to the Rusians and then expect ever thing else to be gravy A saying we say here in the States ;) lets mind your own business and let Russia decide what it wants to do with who .

Dude , what makes you think that Russian arms supply to Pakistan is not Indian buisness...Come on , how can you forget that we are follower's of Chankaya.

In the final analysis, we want Russia to contribute more to our security and stability ....what better way than to have more control on Pakistan's armaments and supply chain and engagement with Pakistan.

What happens behind scene between India and Russia will always be between India and Russia.

Russia continue to be India's most important friend . America or any other country is not expected to replace Russia.
Yea right.. a lot of you indians just live to hate Pakistan thats why alot of you but not all are here to bash Pakistan at any given moment you get this site is not much for a learning process or adding your two cents but more for some of as a past time hobby to express your hate/troll which is very sad to see shame really come towards peace my indian friends there is no pain in it we are not all that different.

Russia may surprise everyone this time---it got nothing left in the middle east---syria is almost gone---russia needs to plant its feet one more time---india---even though it has many a deals signed with russia---it cannot do russias bidding as pakistan can do.

Indian investment in russian products may not be enough this time----. If russia does not make a move on pakistan this time---russia will be lost for a long time----. The republicans will win the elections---if they do---pakistan will not be a bad boy any more---.

Russia may want to make a move sooner---it does not have to be starting with defence---there may be other investment oppurtunities.

The news release that Putin wants 600 plus new air craft for air force is an interesting news. pakistan may come out a winner----.

Egypt, libya, syria---russia is hurting real bad---good ole pakistan it is going to be a salvation---only if pakistan can play the cards right---.

With syria on its way out---it must really be a depressing feeling in the russian white house----they have never been beaten so bad ever----. Losing all their assets in the middle east in one go in one year-----wow---can you imagine----how expensive that one slap to the fruit vendor been---can you imagine how terrible the russian generals are feeling at this time. Putin will roll some heads.
Dude , what makes you think that Russian arms supply to Pakistan is not Indian buisness...Come on , how can you forget that we are follower's of Chankaya.

In the final analysis, we want Russia to contribute more to our security and stability ....what better way than to have more control on Pakistan's armaments and supply chain and engagement with Pakistan.

What happens behind scene between India and Russia will always be between India and Russia.

Russia continue to be India's most important friend . America or any other country is not expected to replace Russia.

And DUDE you don't hold a crystal bowl rather more or less... i never said they are going to seel jack i said it's a small step to who knows what so read, understand and then speak and write don't waste thread space with childesh remarks DUDE.
Advantage of having relations with Russians their weapons are not sanction prone,Russian air defence systems are best in the world. In Certain fields like fighter aircraft's they are still behind Western countries. Although their infantry weapons like Ak-47 are state of art when compared to M-16. Transfer of Technology is not a problem with them.

Dis Advantage: Cost escalation, Extension in Delivery dates can be assumed.

To be more frank It will be more advantage to have relaitons with russia when compared to Western Countries.
Pakistan having no money for big ticket purchases from Russia and India having the money and opposing any Russia-Pak tooth and nail will be enough to keep the said relationship to minimum..above that Putin and Russian administration is very pro-Indian and Indo-Russian relationship is way beyond buyer seller relationship
Whatever we say now is nothing more than Speculating, even if Russia decides to go Pakistan's way against Indian interest is not going to happen in the near future. Pakistan has just shook hands and there is a long, long way ahead before Russia can gain confidence to supply high end def tech.

Russia may surprise everyone this time---it got nothing left in the middle east---syria is almost gone---russia needs to plant its feet one more time---india---even though it has many a deals signed with russia---it cannot do russias bidding as pakistan can do.

Indian investment in russian products may not be enough this time----. If russia does not make a move on pakistan this time---russia will be lost for a long time----. The republicans will win the elections---if they do---pakistan will not be a bad boy any more---.

Russia may want to make a move sooner---it does not have to be starting with defence---there may be other investment oppurtunities.

The news release that Putin wants 600 plus new air craft for air force is an interesting news. pakistan may come out a winner----.

Egypt, libya, syria---russia is hurting real bad---good ole pakistan it is going to be a salvation---only if pakistan can play the cards right---.

With syria on its way out---it must really be a depressing feeling in the russian white house----they have never been beaten so bad ever----. Losing all their assets in the middle east in one go in one year-----wow---can you imagine----how expensive that one slap to the fruit vendor been---can you imagine how terrible the russian generals are feeling at this time. Putin will roll some heads.

A very logical analysis and i think you may be right about Russia surprising everyone.
MK you should be a TT
Congrats to Pakistan and guys pls stop jumping in excitment you were doing same thing when your govt was on final stage to sign JF17 avionic deal with french......

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