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Pakistan, Russia agree to boost defence cooperation

Gen Ashfaq Pervez Kiyani is visiting Russia Today.

Dwan News

ISLAMABAD: With Russian President Vladimir Putin’s cancelled visit still a hot issue at home, Army Chief Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani will be visiting Moscow next week on a four-day visit.

“Dates for Gen Kayani’s visit to Russia have been finalised and he would be in Moscow from Oct 3-6,” a close aide to the army chief told Dawn.

Gen Kayani’s visit was in the planning for months, but got additional focus because of cancellation of Mr Putin’s visit to Pakistan, which would have been a landmark trip because he would have been the first Russian president to visit Pakistan.

The army chief was originally expected to carry forward the strengthening of military-to-military relations initiated by Russian Military Chief Col-Gen Alexander Postnikov’s visit to Pakistan in May last year. But now Mr Kayani would additionally have to address the temporary hiccup in the reset of ties and seek continuation of the process that led to vast improvement in the relationship after decades of mistrust.

President Putin had decided against visiting Pakistan on the pretext that engagement lacked substance and was more rhetorical.

During his visit, Gen Kayani will have several high-level engagements with the Russian political leadership in addition to the dialogue with his counterpart on expanding relations between the two militaries.

Interestingly, Gen Kayani’s last visit to Moscow in 2009 at the invitation of then Russian Ground Forces Chief Gen Vladimir Boldyrev led to the meeting between then Russian President Medvedev and President Zardari on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation. The Medvedev-Zardari meeting in 2010 set the ground for the silent rapprochement that followed.

A senior defence official described the army chief’s visit as a major breakthrough in the Pak-Russia defence ties.

A diplomat at the FO, meanwhile, said that engagement with Russia was meant to “safeguard national interests as well as deepen consultations”.

The renewal of Pak-Russia ties is based on a two-pronged strategy — building economic/trade cooperation chiefly through infrastructure and energy projects and security collaboration.

Some of the ideas that Pakistan and Russia have been discussing for expanding security relations include joint military exercises, exchanging trainees and trainers and sale of military hardware.

:undecided:I think some defence deals are expected.
No investment can be secured , without strong defence!
Russian intersts in pakistan are totaly bassed on defence relations , midleest situation & growing occupation of arab countries by NATO & USA is the prime concern of both russia , china,& pakistan & iran!
That is the bassic reason why all of sudden everyone needs every one these days.
If you have money.....go buy Russian stuff.

what happen... no to Chinese stuff.

Dont worry you will have limited access to Russian stuff unlike India...

Yes and an Indian would decide if Pakistan should have a limited access or full :smokin:
Pakistan doesn't need much from Russia other than some key components which includes Engines. China like always is a great resource and ally to bet our future upon.
Russia is regional power , Cordial relations are important , Afghanistan end game , US Regional interests, iran israel tension leading to future war , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,all these new steps in game need to be regional allies .
So hope for good
Gen Ashfaq Pervez Kiyani is visiting Russia Today.

Dwan News

ISLAMABAD: With Russian President Vladimir Putin’s cancelled visit still a hot issue at home, Army Chief Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani will be visiting Moscow next week on a four-day visit.

Gen Kayani’s visit was in the planning for months, but got additional focus because of cancellation of Mr Putin’s visit to Pakistan, which would have been a landmark trip because he would have been the first Russian president to visit Pakistan.

The reason behind Putin's cancellation of visit to Pakistan is the adorable personality of Mr.Z:D. Putin has never met him in the past, the word in mouth is that he is not interested in meeting Mr.Z in future. Russian Foreign minister and Army chief's recent visit to Pakistan and Kiyani's visit to Russia are enough examples of good gestures from both sides.
Very important devolpment!
It shows there no space of NATO & US in the region, all the major developments in the future will be depending on the raw thinking of the regional powers like russia , china ,Iran & pakistan!
Very well said i am fully agreed with you, we will see some big defence deals when Pakistani peoples will remove Mr.Z with the power of thier votes. Current visits are for ground settings for the next govt for formal annoucments.
as per geo new russia wants to improove defence ties in every defence filed with pakistan


no defence ties till PK gives exclusive contract for gas pipelines to Russia - its called tit-for-tat
no defence ties till PK gives exclusive contract for gas pipelines to Russia - its called tit-for-tat
Yes thts the trump card which crupt civilian GOP is playing now with US, bt I feel positive, tht even we had to call a marshallaw in , we will goin for it!
Its the dam survival of pakistan?
Iran to kick off World War Three
The world is perhaps standing on the brink of another major war, which may kick off in Iran. Sources close to special services of different countries even come up with dates when the war may begin. The Southern Caucasus borders on Iran. Russia's borders are near the country too. GeorgiaTimes and a scientist of politics of the Tbilisi State University (Georgia) tried to predict what consequences the armed conflict may lead to for separate countries of the region.

The war may begin when Israel strikes "nuclear" objects in Iran. The United States will support the attack. If it happens, the new large-scale war will become inevitable. Iran is not Libya, and not even Iraq. *In addition, anti-Iranian enemies have failed to build the "axis of hatred" around Iran. Therefore, many countries in the region will support Iran either directly or by implication. In particular, it goes about China. Chinese President Hu Jintao stated that if the USA or any other country attacked Iran, China would take responsive measures immediately. As for Moscow, sources at Russia's Defense Ministry said that the forces in the region had already been mobilized in case of a possible war.

Many Iranians come to Armenia, a republic of the former Soviet Union, for weekends. Women feel more liberated there, whereas men can drink cognac freely. The times, when Iran was separated from the Caucasus with the iron curtain of the Soviet Union, have become a thing of the past. Nowadays, for many residents of Armenia and Azerbaijan, Iran is not an exotic state at all.

Armenia and Azerbaijan only border on Iran; the countries can only careless about the problems of their neighbor. However, it only seems so. The war with Iran, if it ever happens, is not going to be a regional conflict.

Georgian scientist of politics, Solomon Lebanoidze, is pessimistic about the future of the region. As he said in an interview with GeorgiaTimes, the war in Iran is very likely to happen. "It may happen that this war may grow into World War III. No one is going to stay aside. There are many nuances here that will not give any country of the Caucasus an opportunity to remain a serene harbor," the expert said.

Russia will obviously stand up against the war with Iran. It will not be possible for Russia not to be involved in the conflict. Russia may come into a military alliance with China in case of the conflict. The alliance may gradually develop into the anti-Western coalition of forces against Israel and the USA, if they get involved in the war too.

"If the war begins, the Russian army base in Armenia will find itself isolated. If it happens, Russia may try to take measures to make a corridor via Georgia, the expert believes. "Georgia and Iran have pragmatic and friendly relations. I believe that Georgia will try to play a passive role in the process," the scientist of politics said.

According to the Nezavisimaya Gazeta newspaper, Russia is already concerned about the security of its army base in Armenia. Servicemen's families have left the base, whereas the personnel have moved to another area, closer to the borders with Turkey.

The isolation of the Russian base in Armenia may push Azerbaijan towards another war for Nagorny Karabakh. "Azerbaijan may use Russia's weakening position in Armenia and launch the war for the liberation of Karabakh. The way how the war develops depends on larger participants, such as the United States and Turkey. I do not think that the States will be passive in this situation," the scientist of politics said.

For the Southern Caucasus, the war with Iran may resemble the time in the beginning of the 1990s, when the region was "depressurized" from its common condition. Many conflicts and wars sparked because of them, and many of them are still unsolved.

Anton Krivenyuk


Read the original in Russian*

Russia to liberate the world from US occupation

Yevgeny Fyodorov
A State Duma deputy, the head of the Committee on Economic Policy and Entrepreneurship of the Russian State Duma, Yevgeny Fyodorov, told Pravda.Ru of his impressions from visiting the APEC summit in Vladivostok. According to him, the meeting showed that the U.S. gradually loses absolute power in the world economy and politics. The power and influence of other countries, such as Russia and China, grows against such a background.

State Duma deputy, the head of the Committee on Economic Policy and Entrepreneurship of the Russian State Duma Yevgeny Fyodorov:

"APEC is a very interesting and important event, although it seems to be an ordinary one. The leaders get together and discuss important issues, but in reality it is the key event in today's global scenario. With the onset of the global economic crisis,with political and economic turbulence, the APEC is a key event in terms of the demonstration of new vectors of unity of the international community outside the United States.
It is clear that it is not a split - everyone still plays by American rules, but the countries already demonstrate their independence in economic policy. I was there and saw how angry Mrs. Hillary Clinton was when she came from China, where several Chinese leaders - especially those who are to become top officials of China next year - did not even want to meet her. In China, Clinton was told no when she wanted to take on mediator's functions in resolving China's territorial disputes with Asian countries.

She also heard no in response to her requirement to set the yuan rate. It is an annual requirement of the United States to China to set the yuan rate for political reasons to pump resources and opportunities from China to the U.S. It is an additional form of tribute from China, which China had to deal with every year for political motives. Nowadays, the U.S. was refused. The world is changing.

Russian President Vladimir Putin clearly expressed his attitude to the dollar as the world reserve currency. In fact, he offered the countries of the world to start building a large number of regional currencies as an alternative to the reserve system of the dollar. This is a strong step and a strong move, including the initiative to switch to mutual payments. He also said that Russia and China had already switched to the system and he urged other countries to follow the example. This shows that the world begins to change fundamentally, and Russia's role at this point is to become the leader in changing the world. I would say that Putin as the leader of the national liberation movement in Russia, demonstrated himself at the event as a leader and provider of ideas for the world national liberation movement against the system of occupation, which was formed after 1991 not only about Russia but also China and many other countries.

From this point of view, it is the key and turning meeting of the leaders of world's largest economies, which creates conditions to reformat the entire economic system of the world - moving away from the U.S. Do not forget that the U.S. consumes a half the world's GDP, despite the fact that there is only 4.5 percent of the population living there. In other words, they eat ten times as much as compared to the citizens of all other countries. And they eat at the expense of China, Russia, India, Brazil - all other countries.

Today, the world begins to unite against the colonizer - USA. For the time being, it is a conceptual and preparatory process, but it takes place. In this regard, I would call the preliminary results of the meeting in the Far East the meeting of the future members of the world national liberation movement to free the world from the U.S. occupation.

Elizaveta Lavrentieva


Read the original in Russian

*this was all the background of pakistan,s growing importance & very expected D- co-opreation to russia !
Pakistan, Russia to boost military cooperation

Pakistan and Russia agreed to boost defence cooperation during a meeting on Monday between Russian Ground Forces Commander-in-Chief (C-in-C) Colonel General Vladimir V Chirkin and Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani at the General Headquarters (GHQ) Rawalpindi to discuss military collaboration between the two countries.

The two generals discussed matters of mutual interest with emphasis on improving defence cooperation, army-to-army relations the security situation in the region, especially in Afghanistan post 2014.

General Chirkin also attended a wreath-laying ceremony at the Shuhada Monument and was presented a guard of honour by a contingent of the Pakistan Army.

The general also met Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee Chairman General Khalid Shameem Wynne.

They discussed cooperation between the two armies.

“The regional situation with an emphasis on Afghanistan was also discussed during the meeting,” said an official statement released by Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR).

The Russian commander’s visit is a follow-up of the major breakthrough between the two countries for boosting military ties.

Russia and Pakistan share a history of strained military relations, especially in wake of the 1979 Russian invasion of Afghanistan.

Following the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) invasion of Afghanistan, Pakistan had supported the Afghan mujahideen.

The USSR forces were defeated and the UUSR consequently disintegrated.

Talks on military cooperation began in May 25, 2011 when the then Russian Ground Forces Commander-in-Chief Colonel General Alexander Postnikov visited Pakistan and met General Kayani and other military commanders.

He was the first Russian senior military official to visit Pakistan after the 1980s Afghan war.

In October 2012, General Kayani visited Russia where he was received by General Chirkin.

Pakistan, Russia to boost military cooperation | Pakistan Today | Latest news | Breaking news | Pakistan News | World news | Business | Sport and Multimedia
Relations between the two nations have been improving at a stead pace, much to the dismay of the US. I can see Russia and Pakistan become allies and strategic partners in the future.
i think pakistani armed forces chief and PM specially make trips regularly to russia and buuildup confidance level and offer tehm sea ports of karachi i think we are better prepare to deal with russia than this offer russia cannot ressist becuase out of india they will not going to get anything atleast sea port for their naval ships we can offer as ukraine already not happy to give them space and doing that we cut of indian russian ties as india doing to us we play same way russian hardware are better than US made bellieve me or not and they dont come with codes in fighter jets as US most equipment to muslim nations are junk as far as im consern

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