Salaam all!
I think this failed state index (American think tank and so on), is another way of pychologically undermining any potential country. it is also a way of informing the American citizens and it's like minded counterparts across the world that if you keep repeating 'failed state' then stigmatizing a nation will bear a hostile and a negative 'nuke em all' it's a failed state (ive had so many westerners make this comments in a discussion).
The west has a tactic of demonising a country...telling lies upon lies....and then undermining the regimes/leadership/parliament of those countries....and then saying...'I told you so'....then if their interest suits them.....launch an attack on them....under the justification of a failed state....being a failed state it will then pose a threat to the rest of the so called civilzed world.
The biggest terrorist to the world have been arrogant powers, such as the USA and other western nations. They have dictated their ways around the world and if they do not get what they want...they with their CIA agencies start to undermine those countries....for instance the CIA has been given funds to undermine Iran, Sudan and many other countries in the world as they did previously with Columbia and other South american states....thus it would be no surprise to see those countries who oppose the USA's hegemony in their regions to be labelled as a failed state. The USA funds alot of these so called think tanks....who will 'engineer'....the words that their funders want....such as the illegal invasion of Iraq.....their own dossier were engineered so that they could have the 'moral' right to invade another sovereign nation.
The west has got it's economic power at the moment, but it's a spiritually dying states...just look at the amount of crime waves in the USA alone, the increase in illegitimate childrens (i.e Bastards), murder rates (it has more killings each year than the entire vietnam war), the spread of sexual diseases, the increase in the breakdowns of family - through adultery/fornication, look at the daily increase in their prison populations....what does it show....possibly a failed state in some ways!!!
Pakistan and other countries have not done well, because the developments of these nations had been undermined by corrupt individuls in cohoots with the Western arrogant powers.
My personal belief is that Pakistan has not done well. because it has not implemented Islam as a complete way of life....I mean ISLAM the religion of Peace. If it had been implemented then there would be no divisions of whether on is a baluchi or punjabi or any one one person is superior to another unless in piety.
There is no extremism or loose following in this religion....Islam is the middle way...the straight path. However, sadly it has been hijacked by 'hypocrites' ....these people have made it hard. there is no racism in Islam (look at the hajj....people of all colour...standing shoulder to shoulder....the same uniform....the rich standing next to the at the hajj...all are equal in the sight of the ALLMIGHTY. In pakistan there should be no ethnic problems if they implemented Islam....Furthermore, the non-muslims would be treated with respect/courtesy as in the days of the Prophets...yet we see abuse by illiterate so called religios leaders.
Islam is the most tolerant religion on this planet...however...the 'idiot's...who clearly have not studied Islam have shown on the contarary. Pakistan and to that effect other muslim nations...should not follow any other ideology....any form of communism/socialism/capitalism...or any other ism.....Islam is a complete way of life and has the answers for the domestic/social/economic/military proven by it's past.
At the moment...the west and it's allies are trying their best to discredit this great religion....but to no avail....just look around at the 'flocks' of people coming into this religion. I american alone...since sept 11....there have been 1.5 million new american muslims converting!