yea gentlemen?
Yea then he should quit coz he is more liability to the army than good!
PLUS the reports kept changing even in 2010 until they found one that was convincing enough! In addition to that she got the worst treatment in jail when awaiting her trial, her trial was really brief and her treatment after jail was worse!
World knows about guantanamo bay and its nastiness YET human rights activist have no balls to raise any issues on it or
ANY other American private prison that imprisons blacks ....There was a whole research on the disproportion of blacks given jail time for petty theft it is no different from systematically marginalizing a people!
American prisons go on the blind spot of EVERY human rights groups...Fake groups at best cry only where money is/ or where they can make the news to make brown wanna be whites go hawwww
yea this one is an old nail