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Pakistan opens its arms to 67 Kashmiri students charged with sedition in India.


sources?? or are these random
Read it myself in the paper.
Dear Sir Shadow Hunter I hope there is some insecurity in you which lead you to make such childish comments .Yes they did apply for citizenship in 1948 and also your great nation promised to give them chance to join any party .Let it be fair contest do lobby with your government asked them for voting which side they want to join ,then comment .

You don't even know what citizenship means or what happened in 1948 or anything for that matter. You are here only to troll. There is a reason why plebiscite wasn't held on Indian side, we have already given that reason in UN. Since you don't know all that first maybe you should get your head out of sand and read before commenting here and making yourself look like a fool.
Since you have already accepted you don't know the reason, maybe it is time to think about it rather than making such sweeping statements about what GoP will do when you are sitting in US. It only makes you look like an idiot.
i don't care why they didn't come or why pakistan didn't accept them or what ever the case may be. they are in pakistan even today its just occupied by enemy forces.
if they want to come to azad pakistan then they can come when ever they want especially these students who got beaten! i will personally help settle in pakistan if possible
i don't care why they didn't come or why pakistan didn't accept them or what ever the case may be. they are in pakistan even today its just occupied by enemy forces.
if they want to come to azad pakistan then they can come when ever they want especially these students who got beaten! i will personally help settle in pakistan if possible

Exactly, if they wanted to come, they would have come in last 67 years.
Exactly, if they wanted to come, they would have come in last 67 years.
they don't need to come they already live in a occupied part of pakistan. so technically they are in pakistan by coming to pakistan would mean surrendering their home to india. which is not an option.
occupied pakistan will be freed
Still I doubt any of them will accept that invitation.

Its their free choice.
@ Shadow Hunter Troll ? Are you joking .You and your nation is trolling this issue for last 67 years .Mind it Sir also regarding UN we all know what role it has played .Seeing and reading such articles suggested that you cant tolerate even some one with fredom to like/dislike any team is this what you called as democracy .Also i would suggest you to first look into mirror and answer this Am I fool bcas your country has put 700,000 troops to control over 12 Mio Kashmiris Wow What a fool am I .Please ask this question before going to bed
A group of protesting students, however, said on Thursday that most of the toppers in the university are from Kashmir. That has irked local students. Muneer Ahamd, a BBA student, said that even the teachers would always tell the local students that Kashmiri students were far more hardworking then others. “One of the reasons for their hostility is also this. In almost three courses all the toppers in the university are Kashmiri students, which is also the reason behind the simmering anger against the Kashmiri students,” he said.
Read more at: http://www.firstpost.com/india/ange...eered-pak-1422041.html?utm_source=ref_article
They are free to choose.

Of course they are..!!..

BTW,I believe they wont go:disagree:. bcz they must be knowing their future will be safe in India only.
Ok Iam Un evolved & you a high class User .and sir Madrassas never uses Computer to answer and you know it very well .
If you cant tolerate truth just try not to comment .Other wise it will appear as you are totally iliterate
Mashallah! Mashallah!

And we would be most happy to send more!

Send them all, they deserve better treatment than Hindus forcing their will on them, forcing their choices.

Kashmiris are brilliant students, its only fitting they achieve greatness and a successful life than a sad one forced by a regressive and conservative community.

These are students, humans not your cattle to be enclosed in cages until your "Jai-hind your only choice" harping is forcefully embedded on their tongues.
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