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Pakistan opens its arms to 67 Kashmiri students charged with sedition in India.

oye @Armstrong yaar,tere kashmiri bhai aa rahe hain tujhse milne :D

Koi kahi nahi ja raha. Let fake Kashmiri rot in Pakistan. :devil:
We don't claim, we are one of the biggest Democracy in the World. It's one of the most brutal fact. It doesn't sound good when Pakistani national gives lessons to other on Democracy.

I've never seen any Pakistani speaking or condemning heinous exodus of Kashmiri Pundits by the hands of islamist militants. WHY SO MUCH HYPOCRISY? :p:
ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS:disagree: actually this is real HYPOCRISY!:disagree: you ppl keep parroting it but outsiders WILL CRITICISE if u wud go against what u proudly claim all da time:unsure:

if anything is against humanity i wudnt mind condemning it whethr its hindu pandits or wht....trust me....neithr wud most of Pakistanies in Pakistan...atleast i wudnt sound like an xtremist n inhuman like u(those indians defending blindly to wht ur Gov n ppl just did wid Kash students:disagree:...m pretty shockd n in a way pleased to c ppl showing their true colors esp those who portray them here as Neutral ppl n frends of humanity:oops:.....)

u shud hav think abuve nationalism n codemn it rather being typical nationalist Parul...:enjoy: dun xpect this from u!
dun support wht is naturally wrong just cuz u belong to india:disagree: dint xpect this from u....

i thought u @Ayush @Parul @levina @arp2041 are neutral indians just like many pakistanies who think abuv nationalism when its abt humanity:what:

Wait I'll show you something.....
Amidst all this....



Theres no ill will towards Kashmiris. :-)
the kashmiris should have shown restraint.talking anti-india in UP?perhaps they didnt realise the seriousness of the situation they could get themselves in.
also i hope that the authorities look into this matter again,and atleast drop the sedition charges.
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I think we should swap Pakistani Hindus with these so called Pakistan loving Indians, win win situation for both
This is nothing, tell GoP to invite all the kashmiri students and give them education and job then only we'll know what actually Pakistan wants, the land or the people.
dun support wht is naturally wrong just cuz u belong to india:disagree: dint xpect this from u....

i thought u @Ayush @Parul @levina @arp2041 are neutral indians just like many pakistanies who think abuv nationalism when its abt humanity:what:
and what do you think of GOP welcoming them in there.....is it right or wrong......
I will remain neutral ..as long as my country interest is not hampered.........
I many times talk pro pakistan......and have been accused by my people here .......because I still believe we can have a better relation and we can stay together.......but not at the cost of my nation.........
I think we should swap Pakistani Hindus with these so called Pakistan loving Indians, win win situation for both
Well, if the sedition charge is truly slapped, then they wont be allowed to leave India till they are tried in a court of law.
because I still believe we can have a better relation and we can stay together.......but not at the cost of my nation.........

I support that.
Well, if the sedition charge is truly slapped, then they wont be allowed to leave India till they are tried in a court of law.

I am not taking about just these 67 :D
one thing just learned today...dat India n indians are more intolerent than Pakistan n Pakistanies:enjoy: although we are given a tag of Xtremist n Terrorist :unsure:

thought i still have lot of respect for ppl like @levina sista:police:
one thing just learned today...dat India n indians are more intolerent than Pakistan n Pakistanies:enjoy: although we are given a tag of Xtremist n Terrorist :unsure:

thought i still have lot of respect for ppl like @levina sista:police:
The sudden % decrease of population of Hindus in Pakistan itself tells who is more tolerant but let us not derail the thread and discuss the topic in hand.
lol, you are not able to manage people already living in your country and you are making promises of providing shelter to kashmiris, ask your govt whether they can afford it or not.

we will gladly accept them and help them all we can.
one thing just learned today...dat India n indians are more intolerent than Pakistan n Pakistanies:enjoy: although we are given a tag of Xtremist n Terrorist :unsure:

thought i still have lot of respect for ppl like @levina sista:police:

So coming down strongly on someone who takes the benefits of Indian citizenship and then cheers against India is xtremism. :lol:.. Go to New York and in the next game, cheer for Red Sox against NY Yankees sitting in a manhatten Sports Bar, and you will know what extremism is :lol:
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