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Pakistan not ‘gouging’ over NATO’s Afghan routes: Khar

In fact Pakistan should not scale down the demand for money..Ramp it up and ask more money per truck....as USA is now tasting the bitterness of their Arrogance..
100 Million a months...Lets see for how long they can sustain that.
Indefinitely, certainly.

Then why bother Pakistan if that's not a Problem for USA?
Specially when Looking at the fact that the route through Pakistan is no more safe due to Public anger,even if opened by the Government.
What about time scale,
Pakistan route is shortest as compare to russian where the turn around time is many time higher and during winter its like impossible to use
Pakistan should just ignore americans request and stay strong, we dont need this blood money
but not yet scaled down apology

Khar persists on apology for Nato strike

Updated 2 hours ago
From Web Edition

[Khar persists on apology for Nato strike]

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KABUL: Pakistan on Thursday called again for an apology for a Nato cross-border strike that killed two dozen of its soldiers last year before it considers reopening supply routes to foreign troops in Afghanistan.

Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar, speaking to reporters in the Afghan capital Kabul, also rejected reports that Pakistan was haggling with the United States over transportation fees for the supplies.

“Pakistan still wants an unconditional apology and the reassurance that the Salala type of incident does not happen again,” she said, referring to the border area where the incident took place.

The supply lines for goods shipped to the Pakistani port of Karachi and trucked to Afghanistan have been vital for US-led forces in their involvement in the landlocked country, a conflict now in its eleventh year.

Now, the routes are seen as important for the withdrawal of most foreign troops from Afghanistan before the end of 2014.

The United States has rebuffed Pakistan’s demands for an apology for the air strike in November and last week Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said the United States was at the limits of its patience over the existence of safe havens for militants in Pakistan who were carrying out attacks in Afghanistan.

Khar said Pakistan was not supporting any militant group and that it was doing whatever it could to advance the peace process in Afghanistan which she said must be “Afghan-led, Afghan-owned.” (Reuters)

Khar persists on apology for Nato strike - thenews.com.pk

That's for public consumption in pakistan, reality is different.
USA has already offered to rebuild the highway network.

VCheng where is the source, any link?


Come on man you live in the UK, you should know better. Like VCheng said USA can afford $100 million dollars extra indefinitely but if they can, they would like anybody try to save that money. In addition using the NDN puts the US at Russia's mercy, something that they don't like. Moral of the story: They would prefer to use the Pakistani route but if they have to they can use NDN as they already have done for 6 months.

However what I am lost is why are you guy's so insistant that a poor ( that is why millions of us are sat in the West ) and fragile country like Pakistan should want to annoy a superpower. Living in UK, you must be aware that as a NATO member along with rest of Europe they all are attached to the USA.

I mean do you really want the West to impose sanctions on us? Next time one of our F-16s needs a spare part what if the US decides to play 'can't be bovered' or as is about to happen ( rumours are rife ) that sooner or later because of the dire situation of the economy Pakistan is going to knock at IMF's door. We will need Western support for this.
Then why bother Pakistan if that's not a Problem for USA?
Specially when Looking at the fact that the route through Pakistan is no more safe due to Public anger,even if opened by the Government.

because they already have billion dollars of supply in Pakistan.
VCheng where is the source, any link?...............


Excerpt from: Panetta calls for mending U.S.-Pakistan ties as supply talks continue » National News » The Joplin Globe, Joplin, MO

U.S. officials are determined to keep the fee below $1,000 per truck. As an added incentive to Islamabad, Washington has offered to rebuild those torn-up highways under the U.S. civilian aid program.

Note also this from the same source:

It seems that Pakistan is willing for now to park two other key grievances: its opposition to U.S. drone strikes in the tribal areas and demands for a U.S. apology for the deaths of the 24 Pakistani soldiers.
VCheng where is the source, any link?


Come on man you live in the UK, you should know better. Like VCheng said USA can afford $100 million dollars extra indefinitely but if they can, they would like anybody try to save that money. In addition using the NDN puts the US at Russia's mercy, something that they don't like. Moral of the story: They would prefer to use the Pakistani route but if they have to they can use NDN as they already have done for 6 months.

However what I am lost is why are you guy's so insistant that a poor ( that is why millions of us are sat in the West ) and fragile country like Pakistan should want to annoy a superpower. Living in UK, you must be aware that as a NATO member along with rest of Europe they all are attached to the USA.

I mean do you really want the West to impose sanctions on us? Next time one of our F-16s needs a spare part what if the US decides to play 'can't be bovered' or as is about to happen ( rumours are rife ) that sooner or later because of the dire situation of the economy Pakistan is going to knock at IMF's door. We will need Western support for this.

You are playing the broken old record.
There are millions of israelis living in USA--does that mean israel is a poor country?
While i am not saying pakistan is a rich country but reasons of living abroad are not limited to finances.

Every nation wants self respect.self reliance and freedom.
And USA is consistantly taking away all these from Pakistan,thats why pakistanis are annoyed.
F-16s can go to scrap yard,they have always been white elephants.
............Every nation wants self respect.self reliance and freedom.
And USA is consistantly taking away all these from Pakistan,thats why pakistanis are annoyed.

These things cannot be taken away by anybody, but only if Pakistanis work hard to get them in the first place.
These things cannot be taken away by anybody, but only if Pakistanis work hard to get them in the first place.

Cannot be done while foreign intrusion is there.

and yes these things can be taken away......
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