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Pakistan needs $230b to end energy crisis: Expert


May 25, 2010
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Pakistan needs $230b to end energy crisis: Expert

SWABI - Dr Shaukat Hameed Khan, Executive Director of Society for the Promotion of Engineering Sciences and Technology in Pakistan (Soprest), has said that Pakistan requires about $230 billion to meet its increasing energy requirements in the next two decades.
Dr Shaukat was speaking in a one-day seminar on “Energy Issues in Pakistan” here in Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology on Wednesday. Jehangir Bashar, Rector of GIK Institute graced the occasion.
The faculty members, engineers, graduate and undergraduate students and administrative officers attended the seminar.
Dr Shaukat said that the energy is the serious challenge, and there is a need to work to meet the power needs on war footings. Pakistan should aggressively pursue Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India pipeline (TAPI) and the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline.
Dr Shaukat, who founded the laser programme in Pakistan and retired as Chief Scientist in 2005 from Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, said that the energy crisis in Pakistan is now one of the serious issues of the country.
The power problem should be tackled because the electricity demands have been increasing further with the passage of time.
He replied in affirmative when asked that there was a great gap in the formulated policies and implementation process. The successive governments have failed to implement the adopted energies policies during the last 20 years. The available energy must be spent, transfer or diverted while meeting the needs of the people and the industry, he said.
Speaking about the energy generation, consumption and utilization, he said that across the world oil is the main component of producing electricity.
About Tarbela and Mangla Dams, he said that primarily these projects were not designed to produce electricity, as their main purpose was the water storage for irrigation purposes. In Pakistan, he said, the high growth rate in the agriculture could not be sustained through the present technology, practices and attitude.
Prof Dr Fazal Ahmad Khalid, Pro-Rector (academic), said that the GIK Institute has initiated a series of seminars and distinguished scholars and speakers from across the country would be invited to speak about various issues.
There are enough resources locally to make it possible, if only they are harnessed and managed properly.

capital is needed for that. That's what the article is suggesting IMO. The capital sits in places where its member countries ( donors)are not keen and happy with Pakistan's economic bookkeeping and of course the other 800 lb gorilla in the room.
There are enough resources locally to make it possible, if only they are harnessed and managed properly.

Brthr what u r saying is correct but u know in South Asia cost of development projects escalates at rocket speed so better start utilizing the already discovered reserves before somebody sell them out:D
Pakistan in long run like 15 yrs will have over 300 million people. Maybe one day take over america. They need some crazy energy to sustain this nation. India adds about 20000 Mw to its grid every year, China about 80000-100000Mw. This is the time to build power plants. Pakistan needs to improve its credit rating and get as much financial help to over come this burden.

Investments need to be done in research of future fuels and sources of energies. And Pakitan can't achieve this alone or even with finiancial support from China, they need to attract power companies and foreign investment.
Pakistan needs $230b to end energy crisis: Expert

SWABI - Dr Shaukat Hameed Khan, Executive Director of Society for the Promotion of Engineering Sciences and Technology in Pakistan (Soprest), has said that Pakistan requires about $230 billion to meet its increasing energy requirements in the next two decades.
Dr Shaukat was speaking in a one-day seminar on “Energy Issues in Pakistan” here in Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology on Wednesday. Jehangir Bashar, Rector of GIK Institute graced the occasion.
The faculty members, engineers, graduate and undergraduate students and administrative officers attended the seminar.
Dr Shaukat said that the energy is the serious challenge, and there is a need to work to meet the power needs on war footings. Pakistan should aggressively pursue Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India pipeline (TAPI) and the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline.
Dr Shaukat, who founded the laser programme in Pakistan and retired as Chief Scientist in 2005 from Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, said that the energy crisis in Pakistan is now one of the serious issues of the country.
The power problem should be tackled because the electricity demands have been increasing further with the passage of time.
He replied in affirmative when asked that there was a great gap in the formulated policies and implementation process. The successive governments have failed to implement the adopted energies policies during the last 20 years. The available energy must be spent, transfer or diverted while meeting the needs of the people and the industry, he said.
Speaking about the energy generation, consumption and utilization, he said that across the world oil is the main component of producing electricity.
About Tarbela and Mangla Dams, he said that primarily these projects were not designed to produce electricity, as their main purpose was the water storage for irrigation purposes. In Pakistan, he said, the high growth rate in the agriculture could not be sustained through the present technology, practices and attitude.
Prof Dr Fazal Ahmad Khalid, Pro-Rector (academic), said that the GIK Institute has initiated a series of seminars and distinguished scholars and speakers from across the country would be invited to speak about various issues.

I respect the dear professor. However the figure is a bit over the top.

We perhaps need around $160 billions over next 10-15 years. This averages out to be 1,5-2 billion dollars (some years less and other years more) per year. May be 10 billions right away and the rest spread over so many years.

Pakistan's projected need is around 80,000+ megawatts by the end of next 10-15 years. With 2 billion dollars for one 1000 MW nuke plant. (please hold of your comments until you read the rest of the post. Thank you)

However we Paks are in deep deeeeeeeep deeeeep $hite at the moment and largely due to our making. For energy production we are using adhoc approach, chalta hai approach that is so terrible that it is hard to put in words.

1. Thar coal can provide 10 to 15 thousand MW, but Sindh government in particular and Pakistani federal government in general are not serious due to many many reasons.

2. Hydro - We can get another 10-15 thousand MW from Kala bagh and Bhasha but again our petty squabbling and our corruption and our ineptitude is stopping this deal. Also WB and IMF have backed out of these. So no money.

3. Shale gas - This is new thing. Americans are the leaders in this field. They can help, but we have brick-dog hatred with Americans. So no go there. Even if we have the money, we can get 5-10 thousand MW from this source.

4. LNG import - The least expensive gas will come from the USA. They are the leaders and new Saudi Arabia for gas. Again our hatred means no go there. Even if we have the money, we can get 5-10 thousand MW from this source.

5. gas pipeline- from TAPI or IP. We got no money and no one wants to give us any. Iran is under sanctions so no IPI, and Afghanistan is not at peace so no TAPI. Even if we have the money, we can get 5-10 thousand MW from this source.

6. Wind - solar: This can provide 100 to 200 MW in the next 5-10 years but again the tech will come from Germany and USA + panels from China. Cost of this energy is 10-15 times more for the equivalent amount of energy from nuclear. And we need cold hard cash that is for it that we do not want to spend or we cannot spend because we don't got any.

7. Nuclear: This is perhaps the only long term source for us. But we prefer bumb over energy, so no go there either. We must say trade nuke bumbs for nuke plants right away. India cannot dare attack us if we have 1 million man army + other forces. But lack of energy will tear us apart and then India or even Afghanistan can occupy us. So our priorities must be changed on nukie bumbs. Out of projected need of 80,000 only 30,000 MW or so will come from non-nuclear sources.

As I said, we due to our mad rabid dog behavior are shunned by every respectable institution. We have shut ourselves down and shot ourselves in our feet on daily bases.

So we will remain in this energy hell for a long time to come. I hope we wake up before things collapse totally.

Are you sure $230 billion...that is more than Pakistan GDP :D

I respect the dear professor. However the figure is a bit over the top.

We perhaps need around $160 billions over next 10-15 years. This averages out to be 1,5-2 billion dollars (some years less and other years more) per year. May be 10 billions right away and the rest spread over so many years.

Pakistan's projected need is around 80,000+ megawatts by the end of next 10-15 years. With 2 billion dollars for one 1000 MW nuke plant. (please hold of your comments until you read the rest of the post. Thank you)

However we Paks are in deep deeeeeeeep deeeeep $hite at the moment and largely due to our making. For energy production we are using adhoc approach, chalta hai approach that is so terrible that it is hard to put in words.

1. Thar coal can provide 10 to 15 MW, but Sindh government in particular and Pakistani federal government in general are not serious due to many many reasons.

2. Hydro - We can get another 10-15 MW from Kala bagh and Bhasha but again our petty squabbling and our corruption and our ineptitude is stopping this deal. Also WB and IMF have backed out of these. So no money.

3. Shale gas - This is new thing. Americans are the leaders in this field. They can help, but we have brick-dog hatred with Americans. So no go there.

4. LNG import - The least expensive gas will come from the USA. They are the leaders and new Saudi Arabia for gas. Again our hatred means no go there.

5. gas pipeline- from TAPI or IP. We got no money and no one wants to give us any. Iran is under sanctions so no IPI, and Afghanistan is not at peace so no TAPI.

6. Wind - solar: This can provide 100 to 200 MW in the next 5-10 years but again the tech will come from Germany and USA + panels from China. Cost of this energy is 10-15 times more for the equivalent amount of energy from nuclear. And we need cold hard cash that is for it that we do not want to spend or we cannot spend because we don't got any.

7. Nuclear: This is perhaps the only long term source for us. But we prefer bumb over energy, so no go there either. We must say trade nuke bumbs for nuke plants right away. India cannot dare attack us if we have 1 million man army + other forces. But lack of energy will tear us apart and then India or even Afghanistan can occupy us. So our priorities must be changed on nukie bumbs.

As I said, we due to our mad rabid dog behavior are shunned by every respectable institution. We have shut ourselves down and shot ourselves in our feet on daily bases.

So we will remain in this energy hell for a long time to come. I hope we wake up before things collapse totally.


Wher will you get that money.....How much loan to be paid in next 10-15 years
what ever the number . if Pakistan does not take steps now to improve her credit ratings and create a better investment environment , we may see Pakistan in darkness in a decade or so .
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