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Commander Pakistan Fleet, Vice Admiral Arifullah Hussaini visited Pakistan Navy Fleet units at sea today and reviewed the operational preparedness. The admiral showed satisfaction over Pakistan Navy’s Fleet readiness in keeping vigilant watch over country’s maritime frontiers.
He also mentioned about the ongoing Naval Exercise RABAT in which PAF fighters are also participating.


Military Capabilities

Pakistan's maritime patrol vessel programme progressing rapidly

Mrityunjoy Mazumdar, Alameda, California - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

06 October 2016

The Pakistan Maritime Security Agency's (PMSA's) Maritime Patrol Vessel (MPV) programme is progressing fast, according to Pakistani media reports.

Under the programme six new patrol vessels - now confirmed to be four 600-tonne and two 1,500-tonne platforms - are being sourced from China Shipbuilding Trading Company (CSTC) under a June 2015 agreement signed with Pakistan's Ministry of Defence Production.

Pakistan's state-owned shipbuilder Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works (KSEW) is constructing two of the vessels (one of each type) locally using Chinese-supplied materials, while the remaining four are being built by CSTC in China.

CSTC is the trading arm of the China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC), which announced in February 2016 that it had held a steel-cutting ceremony for a 1,500-tonne OPV for the PMSA a month earlier at the Guangzhou-based Huangpu Wenchong Shipyard.
With this development, we are not going to go after the GR cutters from the US.
ISPR Official.

A 10 member delegation of National Assembly Standing Committee on Defence, headed by Mr. Shaikh Rohale Asghar, undertook a 3 days visit to facilities and installations of Pakistan Navy at Karachi and coastal areas.
At Karachi the delegation visited Pakistan Navy Dockyard, Karachi Shipyard & Engineering works and Headquarters Pakistan Maritime Security Agency. During the visit, briefings were given to the Committee on the emerging contemporary challenges in the region, Pakistan Navy’s role in safeguarding the country’s maritime interests and role/ tasks of various PN Commands. The Committee was also briefed on the ship & submarine repair capabilities and indigenization programmes of Pakistan Navy.

Later the Committee undertook detailed visit of Jinnah Naval Base at Ormara, where they were briefed on various developmental projects. Besides, the Committee was also briefed on Pakistan Navy’s contributions towards nation building through initiatives for special empowerment of coastal communities residing along the Makran Coastal belt. During visit of the Cadet College Ormara, where 50% of the cadets are from Balochistan whose education is free, the Committee members were apprised about the quality education and training being provided to the Cadets. Similarly, during the visit of 100 bed hospital PNS DARMAAN JAH, the Committee was briefed about the quality health care facilities afforded to the local population in addition to PN personnel. Later the committee visited Gwadar port where it was briefed on the importance of Gwadar port for the CPEC project and the effective measures PN has taken for the maritime security of the port and its seaward approaches. The Committee also witnessed the exercises of Pakistan Navy at sea off Gwadar onboard PN Ship Zulfiqar.

On the occasion, the Chairman National Assembly Standing Committee on Defence showed satisfaction over the operational preparedness of Pakistan Navy for protection of CPEC and Gwadar port projects. The Committee assured its full support to PN for its future developmental plans in order to safeguard maritime interests of Pakistan in the Indian Ocean Region.



3rd AIP .... for Agosta sub ....

Says DCNS.... :-)

The Committee assured its full support to PN for its future developmental plans in order to safeguard maritime interests of Pakistan in the Indian Ocean Region.
Sea Platforms

China confirms plans to export eight submarines to Pakistan

Gabriel Dominguez, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

18 October 2016

The China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation has confirmed a project to export eight attack submarines to the Pakistan Navy (PN).

The corporation held a conference to discuss the details of the arrangement, the People's Daily Online news site reported on 16 October quoting China Shipbuilding Online.

According to previous media reports, four of the submarines will be built in China and supplied to the PN between mid-2022 and 2023.

The remaining four boats will be built at the Karachi Shipbuilding and Engineering Works (KSEW) following a technology transfer programme and handed over to the PN by 2028.
Thursday, October 20, 2016

Submarine exports to Pakistan officially confirmed

People's Daily Online
Yao Jianing


A model of the S-20 submarine.

On Wednesday, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation confirmed a project to export 8 attack submarines to Pakistan, China Shipbuilding Online reports. The corporation held a conference to discuss the details of the arrangement.

The corporation's chairman, Hu Wenming, said the conference aimed to continue the spirit generated by Chinese President Xi Jinping's speeches on the Belt & Road Construction Work Symposium.

In addition, the conference was an action to promote timely and high quality export projects, Hu said.

Reuters reported back in April that Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif approved the deal and called the deal could be "one of China's largest overseas weapons sales once it is signed".

The deal could cost between 4 billion to 5 billion USD, Reuters quoted a Financial Times report.

Four of the eight submarines will reportedly be built at Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works (KSEW) while the remaining four submarines will be built in China.

When being asked about the deal last year, China's Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said:" China and Pakistan are neighbors of traditional friendship with close cooperation in various fields. The normal cooperation between the two sides in the field of military industry and trade is in line with their respective international commitment".

Posted by Coatepeque at 10:49 AM


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C4iSR: Maritime

New periscope, optronic mast for Pakistan Agosta 90B submarines

Richard Scott, London - IHS Jane's Navy International

25 October 2016

Key PointsPakistan Navy Agosta 90B submarines will be modernised with the SERO 250 periscope and OMS 200 optronic mastSTM is prime contractor for the Agosta 90B upgrade

Airbus DS Optronics - shortly to be rebranded under the Hensoldt imprint - is to replace the existing search and attack periscopes on the Pakistan Navy's three Agosta 90B submarines with a new search periscope and a low profile optronic mast.

The three Agosta 90B boats were commissioned into the Pakistan Navy between 1999 and 2008. The first boat, PNSKhalid , was built by what was DCN - now DCNS - at its Cherbourg yard in northern France; the second, PNS Saad, was assembled by Karachi Shipbuilding and Engineering Works (KS&EW) from a materiel kit; and the third, PNSHamza, was built locally by KS&EW.
Details emerge of Pakistan’s Agosta 90B upgrade program
IHS Jane’s had secured initial details regarding the intended upgrade program for the Pakistan Navy’s three DCNS Agosta 90B air-independent propulsion (AIP)-powered submarines.

As per IHS Jane’s Richard Scott, the Agosta 90Bs will have their search and attack periscopes upgraded to the Airbus Defence and Space (DS) Optronics SERO 250 periscope and OMS 200 optronic mast.

The Airbus DS Optronics SERO 250 is a night-vision capable periscope. Its integration requires “little or no structural modifications” in legacy submarines, making it ideally suited as an upgrade unit. The OMS 200 is an electro-optical and infrared (EO/IR) unit with the capability to acquire and track targets.

Notes & Comments:

In June, Pakistan awarded the Turkish naval vendor Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik A.Ş. (STM) with a contract to upgrade the Pakistan Navy’s three Agosta 90B AIP-powered submarines. STM won because of its “technically and commercially superior” offering. In September, the Turkish Minister of Defence Fikri Işık reportedly informed Defence Turkey that the Agosta 90B upgrade program was valued at $350 million.

As the prime contractor, STM will be responsible for securing its proposed set of subsystem upgrades. It is now evident that STM will be drawing on non-Turkish vendors, such as Airbus DS, to fulfill the Pakistan Navy contract. The upgrade will be carried out in Pakistan with STM’s guidance.

Given the value of the upgrade program, it is certain that additional subsystems will be sought. Although DCNS was not selected as the prime contractor, it is still possible that Thales’ solutions could be sought. Turkish subsystems, such as Aselsan’s subsurface countermeasure solutions, may be procured as well.

The first upgraded submarine is expected to be delivered to the Pakistan Navy in four to five months of the integration work commencing at Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works Ltd. (KSEW). The remaining submarines will be upgraded within one year of one another.
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