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Pakistan Navy Chief Desires a Nuclear Submarine to restore Balance of Power in the region

Despite the Pakistan Navy always getting the smallest portion of the budget (this year merely 680 million dollars), it has always striven to modernize into a potent force. These efforts have also been acknowledged by the Indian Navy.

Yahan we r defaulting or inko hati gari sojh rhi ha
I was saying it for decades but few stupid thought we can install missiles on agostasa sub specially a guy Aftab who runs a show how illetrate they are they poke their nose where it never fits we need nuclear sub which runs on nuclear reactor and can deliver ballistic missiles like SSBN boomers they call it in usa
So we dont have money to run the country beyond a month without foreign assistance and we are talking about nuke sub.... seriously? :lol: :lol: :lol:
The gap or balance of power does not equalize with weapons and from here on the gap will only increase. Theya re on course to be 5 trillion economy and we are going backwards...
Who will tell these babus that buying weapons will get you nothing if you have a sinking economy!
We don’t know what strategy is being devised that such statement are coming out.

Economy comes first, it lets you buy what you need when you need it. I don’t think this is a statement about procurement this decade but for something in the 2030s; a vision or goal for the PN. Besides, I expect western powers to chastise Pakistan if it considers going down this route, which is why Pakistan will need to get a major ECONOMIC deal from China to offset the potential blowback .
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Maybe China can do a joint venture with Pakistan to make an advanced nuclear submarine.
Last 3,4 years East India Company made a deliberate effort to sabotage & undo CPEC & now they are hitching their G**** on BRI again ?
That’s the thing, every few years they change their minds and strategies. If this comment is accurate then what else can be inferred then Pakistan needs to build up its relations with a partner to support its lifestyle.

There are some very surprising trends.

First, the silly are getting sillier. It is quite clear that some characters are incorrigible.

Second, there is a lot of resentment against the Army. The whole question of how this will turn out depends on very many unpredictable factors. IF the Army gets it on board that the old ways are finished and done for, and some accommodation must be reached with civil power, there is hope. That will come only from the Colonels and Majors.

Third, there is considerable emphasis on economics. That is the brightest feature of the situation. Pakistan has to manufacture and to export; manufacturing (some basics at least) will reduce the dependence on imports, reduce the significance of the Karachi mafia. Export will allow her to stop sucking the blood out of her migrant workers, whose remittances run the country.

There are a fourth and a fifth thing that can happen, and in my opinion must happen, but no signs of those yet.

I laughed, btw, because this was such an apparent truth, and because it seemed necessary to actually say so.
What are those 4th and 5th things?
the biggest problem is that india has a close military relationship with Russia, and the US U.K. France would never risk the possibility of nuclear Sub to India. They don’t share that technology with anybody. Pakistan will have to get ssbn maintain balance ( china )
The Indians cannot even use the radar on it without Russia's permission. The Russians know its location 24/7/365, crew complement, and heck even the lunch menu.

The Indians leased it just for the sake of having it. Doubt the Russians will deny China any intelligence on the rusted old piece of crap for example.

Pakistan needs to build its own nuclear sub, otherwise it is pretty useless with too many attached strings.

We don’t know what strategy is being devised that such statement are coming out.

Economy comes first, it lets you buy what you need when you need it. I don’t think this is a statement about procurement this decade but for something in the 2030s; a vision or goal for the PN. Besides, I expect western powers to chastise Pakistan if it considers going down this route, which is why Pakistan will need to get a major deal from China to offset the potential blowback .
The ties with the West are too important for Pakistan.
Im one of those folks here that would NOT support Pakistan acquiring a nuclear submarine.

Reason being is that we should focus on creating a indiginous AIP submarines including AIP batteries within Pakistan. We literally bought Agostas with TOT back in the early 90s and since then have not developed even 1 damn submarine.

Submarines are force multipliers especially electric AIP powered submarines have far less acoustic signature that large/loud nuclear submarines and are far cheaper to build as well. Significant cost saving can be recognized if built in Pak to the tune of being atleast 75% less in costs compared to western or even Chinese variants.

Id rather Pakistan focus on homegrown submarine industry over even ship building. Frigate/Corvette wise we are fine with available inventory. Wouldnt mind 4 jinnah class frigates to build a homegrown industry but the major focus should be on building homegrown electric submarines built and designed in Pak.

For the cost 1 of Nuclear submarine Pak could build dozen S80/Agosta class submarine at home.
The Indians cannot even use the radar on it without Russia's permission. The Russians know its location 24/7/365, crew complement, and heck even the lunch menu.

The Indians leased it just for the sake of having it. Doubt the Russians will deny China any intelligence on the rusted old piece of crap for example.

Pakistan needs to build its own nuclear sub, otherwise it is pretty useless with too many attached strings.

The ties with the West are too important for Pakistan.

You’re correct, They don’t own it. The Indian navy has leased it limiting Delhi in what they can do with it without the owner’s permission that’s Moscow.
The Indians cannot even use the radar on it without Russia's permission. The Russians know its location 24/7/365, crew complement, and heck even the lunch menu.

The Indians leased it just for the sake of having it. Doubt the Russians will deny China any intelligence on the rusted old piece of crap for example
You’re correct, They don’t own it. The Indian navy has leased it limiting Delhi in what they can do with it without the owner’s permission that’s Moscow.

The infrastructure is ready to take on the more challenging and larger S5 class of Submarines. These submarine designs are more refined and will in league of Ohio-class submarine of United States of America.
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What like We make the funny section in R&AW or ORF’s morning briefs or something legit? Can I be quoted in StratNewsGlobal :)

I do notice some topic that get discussed on PDF end up in some vlogs, but what following does PDF actually have? Any nice legit think tanks?

There is one fairly professional (largely Turkish run) place that brings up (legacy era) PDF from time to time before the current rot really set into it after the core folks there were given the boot from here (largely because of the breakdown of earlier professional agreement here in order to please 2-3 specific troll-groups here).

To say more might get me in trouble though. But a few of them do follow the few remnants of professional competent types still here....but these are not really associated with what PDF at large has become now....in fact they are used to contrast away from rest of PDF.

PDF unfortunately really over-values clickbait toxic spam...overall 10 quantitative units of that has deliberately been made to take precedence over 1 qualitative unit of what once was here.

"Quantity" has a "quality" all of its own is the motif here at large now. It drives away certain things and festers other things in the end....you see it in social media at large.

This is probably the strongest indicator that Pakistan is hitching its cart more firmly to the BRI horse.

If it were so, its strange that CCP have deliberately not bailed out Pakistan by now with that clear long term picture in mind. While sitting on 3 trillion USD stockpile.

What percentage does say 10 billion make of it?

You can even use just PRC foreign investment denominator if you prefer.

All questions not really explored in any depth here. Guess we will let one more year play out....and then one more year after that and so on.

One should never look a gift horse in the mouth I suppose....especially to keep up the pretense it is one in the first place.

Narratives are some strange oasis in the expanses of sand dunes of reality.

which is why Pakistan will need to get a major ECONOMIC deal from China to offset the potential blowback .

It would have already happened if it were the case surely?

Or are we at some high water mark on certain things given other things the Chinese are long uncomfy/untrusting with?

Have enough of the Pak establishment commited to learning the Chinese language in basic way?

Have a sufficient amount of the Pak establishment coterie packed up their bags and left western shores to live and make their bread (economic and political musical chair exile divvying up for circus theatrics organised more by the CCP this time) in China?

Be it papa johns wherewithall or a majority of political movers and shakers being in london all the time depending who is exiled to their properties there, dual citizenship and all.

PRC comfy with this dual citizenship Pak establishment uses with the west?

Or the regular laypeople raw connections with the west (esp anglo saxon countries) for economic sustenance that will always be something the PRC will never provide and onshore a substitute for.

What percentage ought to be displayed on actual real trust and commitment on these matters to the CCP?

Is it 0.1% now or 1% to begin with?....does it need to get to 10% or higher than that to get say a commensurate unlocking of what CCP has (and now getting overleveraged on itself)?

What does the Pak establishment keep close to its chest for various reasons regarding DC to begin with that the CCP might want forked out to show trust to progress things?

Why might the Pak establishment be reluctant to give anything past a point there to keep things open and hedged there?

Give it another year or two and see for yourself I guess.

If its just status quo top off stuff rather than drastic instrumental change in something here...., it would be clear at least to some what the actual reality is imposing itself and what rock and hard place Pakistan establishment is stuck in and tied Pakistan at large to it as well.
We know what we need and we will find the means and the wherewithal to get it iA.
View attachment 934147
The infrastructure is ready to take on the more challenging and larger S5 class of Submarines. These submarine designs are more refined and will in league of Ohio-class submarine of United States of America.
The Ohio class, ok lol!!

Easy on that mutra beer!
There is one fairly professional (largely Turkish run) place that brings up (legacy era) PDF from time to time before the current rot really set into it after the core folks there were given the boot from here (largely because of the breakdown of earlier professional agreement here in order to please 2-3 specific troll-groups here).

To say more might get me in trouble though. But a few of them do follow the few remnants of professional competent types still here....but these are not really associated with what PDF at large has become now....in fact they are used to contrast away from rest of PDF.

PDF unfortunately really over-values clickbait toxic spam...overall 10 quantitative units of that has deliberately been made to take precedence over 1 qualitative unit of what once was here.

"Quantity" has a "quality" all of its own is the motif here at large now. It drives away certain things and festers other things in the end....you see it in social media at large.

If it were so, its strange that CCP have deliberately not bailed out Pakistan by now with that clear long term picture in mind. While sitting on 3 trillion USD stockpile.

What percentage does say 10 billion make of it?

You can even use just PRC foreign investment denominator if you prefer.

All questions not really explored in any depth here. Guess we will let one more year play out....and then one more year after that and so on.

One should never look a gift horse in the mouth I suppose....especially to keep up the pretense it is one in the first place.

Narratives are some strange oasis in the expanses of sand dunes of reality.

It would have already happened if it were the case surely?

Or are we at some high water mark on certain things given other things the Chinese are long uncomfy/untrusting with?

Have enough of the Pak establishment commited to learning the Chinese language in basic way?

Have a sufficient amount of the Pak establishment coterie packed up their bags and left western shores to live and make their bread (economic and political musical chair exile divvying up for circus theatrics organised more by the CCP this time) in China?

Be it papa johns wherewithall or a majority of political movers and shakers being in london all the time depending who is exiled to their properties there, dual citizenship and all.

PRC comfy with this dual citizenship Pak establishment uses with the west?

Or the regular laypeople raw connections with the west (esp anglo saxon countries) for economic sustenance that will always be something the PRC will never provide and onshore a substitute for.

What percentage ought to be displayed on actual real trust and commitment on these matters to the CCP?

Is it 0.1% now or 1% to begin with?....does it need to get to 10% or higher than that to get say a commensurate unlocking of what CCP has (and now getting overleveraged on itself)?

What does the Pak establishment keep close to its chest for various reasons regarding DC to begin with that the CCP might want forked out to show trust to progress things?

Why might the Pak establishment be reluctant to give anything past a point there to keep things open and hedged there?

Give it another year or two and see for yourself I guess.

If its just status quo top off stuff rather than drastic instrumental change in something here...., it would be clear at least to some what the actual reality is imposing itself and what rock and hard place Pakistan establishment is stuck in and tied Pakistan at large to it as well.
I would rather that intelligent observers like you did not challenge the Pakistani fanboy equivalent of Nephelokokkugi.

Instead, let them see for themselves
  1. The drastic reduction in population, trending towards an aging population and insufficient younger workers earning enough to pay for the maintenance and upkeep of older citizens;
  2. The debt overhang of individual Chinese provinces, that will soon lead to defaults, or to papered-over compromises to hide the truth;
  3. The increasing amount of infrastructure, created to keep up the tempo of development, that exceeds foreseeable demand, and that has led to a crisis in the housing market, and outstanding quality high-speed trains that run empty,
  4. The inability to give their young graduates jobs;
Nobody is going to be a sugar daddy. Nations, as well as individuals, have to earn their own livelihood.
All different names for the same mafia
sorry, but no.
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