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Is Pakistan once again about to miss a vital rare opportunity in Afghanistan?

afghansitan can go to hell

we have our economy sinking and you guys worry of this hell hole country
Leave Afghanistan alone, have a strict border control. concentrate intenally...bahir chatiyaan marna chorni parain gi agar andar ki halat durust karni hai.
Leave Afghanistan alone, have a strict border control. concentrate intenally...bahir chatiyaan marna chorni parain gi agar andar ki halat durust karni hai.
@Imran Khan

I would also love this but Afghanistan is one of the key areas to put an end to terrorism in Pakistan.
@Imran Khan

I would also love this but Afghanistan is one of the key areas to put an end to terrorism in Pakistan.
why there is no terror in uzbikistan tajikstan and turkmanistan ? they all have borders with afghanistan and all of these countries are anti taliban
why there is no terror in uzbikistan tajikstan and turkmanistan ? they all have borders with afghanistan and all of these countries are anti taliban
They choose Pakistan because of the specific amount of love they have for you ❤️ 💕

(Mainly because the border on our side is harder to manage, there are many sympathisers and refugees, plus they despise Pakistan while don't care about the others)
@Imran Khan

I would also love this but Afghanistan is one of the key areas to put an end to terrorism in Pakistan.
What kind of twisted logic is this?

but anyways,
Hence, the reason strict border control.

If you would have said that Afghanistan is very important for Pakistan's Economic growth because of the CPEC etc. that will be more understandable that why Pakistan can not totally close off Af Pak Border.

perspective / Understandings / problems / Solutions.....seems lost in generations.
What kind of twisted logic is this?

but anyways,
Hence, the reason strict border control.

If you would have said that Afghanistan is very important for Pakistan's Economic growth because of the CPEC etc. that will be more understandable that why Pakistan can not totally close off Af Pak Border.

perspective / Understandings / problems / Solutions.....seems lost in generations.
How? You realise Afghanistan is used as the safe haven and training grounds until they cross-over, which allows them to regroup and grow to sustain long-term insurgencies.

I'm not advocating for closing it off actually but have maximum security and surveillance.

Yes on the economic front Pakistan and Afghanistan should co-operate but security must also be considered.
they cross-over
Manage the border and dont let even a fly cross over, and them enjoy their culture and safe heaven.

No one can blame or get angry with Pakistan for manning border and keeping it safe from cross border terrorists.

Pakistan will have better relations with Afghanistan when they finally realize, its serious. as of now Pakistan is behaving like a joker on all borders.
Manage the border and dont let even a fly cross over, and them enjoy their culture and safe heaven.

No one can blame or get angry with Pakistan for manning border and keeping it safe from cross border terrorists.

Pakistan will have better relations with Afghanistan when they finally realize, its serious. as of now Pakistan is behaving like a joker on all borders.
100% agreed. We are on the same page.

As you know, since the Taliban has come to power there has been a lot of international debate about their morality and treatment of women and ethnic minorities which the media has been focusing on.

Within Afghanistan itself, as present by the talks of the diaspora, there is a lot of ethnic strife and their unity is eroded.

Many Tajiks and Hazaras are campaigning for their rights, with many protests and viral hashtags - and many have given up on the idea of Afghanistan as a viable country!

Pakistan should leverage this political instability and the weight of western media propaganda to it's advantage by a covert online propaganda campaign to break the morale of the Afghan people and their belief in their nation as a whole.

Using talking points of Afghanistan:

-Being a failed nation that has only known war, destruction and civil war

-Ethnic violence and tension

-Human rights abuses and genocide against ethnic minorities

-No hope left for it's redemption or salvation!

-The Taliban should be highlighted as an ethnic Pashtun hegemony in Afghanistan seeking to subdue all other ethnic groups + women in general.

Many propaganda videos can be made and shared of this violence, you can hire Tajiks to make speech videos of these demands and talking about the abuses of their ethnicity and the above talking points. They could otherwise propagate the idea of independence if the below demands are not met.

The goal here for Pakistan is to get rid of Afghanistan's strategic leverage over Pakistan using the ethnic basis of Pashtuns!

The balkanisation of Afghanistan may not be in our interest but we should try to force the Afghans into accepting at least two demands:

- Re-naming Afghanistan to Khorosan to fairly represent all groups rather than a single ethnicity.

-Push for federalism where Tajik and Hazara lands have more autonomy themselves. Similar to Pakistan's provincial structure.

This will weaken the narrative Afghanistan has used in the past and may use in the future to pressure Pakistan as they have done with claiming KPK/Balochistan using the "Afghan" card.

1. Due to federalism in Afg, we will have the power to retaliate if they choose to interfere in our internal affairs the same way they do in ours.

2. By using the name 'Khorosan' - they can no longer use the ethnic argument of 'every Pashtun is Afghan so that land belongs to Afghanistan' - they will simply both be multi-ethnic states.

With greater federalism and Tajik/Hazara representation we can more easily pressure them to not engage in anti-Pakistan activity.

As other ethnicities won't have the appetite to continuously engage Pakistan in conflict like last time

Even if this goal is not achieved, the political instability will increase and their morale will be broken - which is still a win for us as this can be used as a bargaining chip against the Taliban covertly - clamp down on the TTP or we will use other ways to retaliate and make life difficult for you! A two-way street.

@PanzerKiel @Signalian @blain2 @R Wing @villageidiot @Menace2Society

Pakistan needs to fix its own problems first bro !!!!
It will not be easy, NATO should have done that. There is nothing that separate Khorasan from Pashtunistan. Apart from rivers and moutains in between which are not that hard to cross. No West/east Pakistan like situation here.

Only possible if world decide to declare Khorasan as independent state and then go all in support with weapons and money.

First there should be established fact that Khorasanis and pashtuns are two different nations and ethnic groups. That differentiation will mean ethnic cleansing in both sides where each other are majority. But eventually there will be hard borders between both nations and centuries old conflict will end.

Pashtun nationalists should love the fact that they will have state with 99% pashtuns where they can follow their own pathanwali ways without bothering anyone else. But they are hypocrites, they don't want pashtun state out of Afghansitan. They want it out of Pakistan which will never happen.
Nobody takes text books seriously in pakistan. You shud really add it as another hadeeth and Quran passage. Pak beardos love that.

Quran can't be amended unlike your pagan demon worshiping dothead fiction.
It will not be easy, NATO should have done that. There is nothing that separate Khorasan from Pashtunistan. Apart from rivers and moutains in between which are not that hard to cross. No West/east Pakistan like situation here.

Only possible if world decide to declare Khorasan as independent state and then go all in support with weapons and money.

First there should be established fact that Khorasanis and pashtuns are two different nations and ethnic groups. That differentiation will mean ethnic cleansing in both sides where each other are majority. But eventually there will be hard borders between both nations and centuries old conflict will end.

Pashtun nationalists should love the fact that they will have state with 99% pashtuns where they can follow their own pathanwali ways without bothering anyone else. But they are hypocrites, they don't want pashtun state out of Afghansitan. They want it out of Pakistan which will never happen.
Use this map

Ofcourse it can be changed. When you find sonething wrong or inappropriate you change it and move on. Otherwise you'll be stuck in medieval mess
Use your brain mate, unlike your cow worshipping stuff there are thousands of people who have memorised the quran, with thousands of original copies at easy access. It is impossible to do such a thing.

Neither does anyone want to
The balkanisation of Afghanistan may not be in our interest but we should try to force the Afghans into accepting at least two demands:
With Pakistan’s forex reserves touching nil, how Pakistan is going to force ANYONE to do ANYTHING?

And you think you will force Afghanistan to change her name ? 😆
With Pakistan’s forex reserves touching nil, how Pakistan is going to force ANYONE to do ANYTHING?

And you think you will force Afghanistan to change her name ? 😆
We personally won't force anything
I doubt Pakistan would do that after decades of harboring, training and helping haqqani network and other groups. Tajik, uzbeks and hazaras also hate Pakistan.
They don’t. They have their grievances but for the most part they are always ready to work things out. It’s the Afghani pushtuns that have ethnic hatred and Durand line up their rear all the time.
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