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‘Pakistan missile project ahead of India’s’

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While the Anza and Bakhtar Shikan system could be considered ToT - the development of the Shaheen, Babur and Raad missiles indicates that the infrastructure is in place. Even if the initial knowhow was from the Chinese, the fact that Pakistan was able to increase the range of both the Shaheen and Babur, and then develop the air launched Raad (along with reported development of a naval version) indicates that Pakistan has moved quite ways beyond simple ToT.
I dont disagree mate. Pakistan too has moved beyond simple ToT but *i* feel that it is in its initial stages. For example converting a cruise missile from LACM to air launched is not extremely complicated. Even BrahMos aerospace ltd is doing that, using one platform for all three services. But again, it comes back to the point that yes, Pakistan has started building on its equipment.

An ADS is reportedly in the works, something Musharraf publicly demanded, and pointed out the gap in our air defense capability. Nothing that takes away from India's capability though.
I was trying to point out that there are stand alone missiles like Shaheen, and there are missile systems. Like for the ADS, the Akash, has the Rajendra III radar along with 3D CAR radar, all developed inhouse. Barak 8 being a JV based on Barak, and our own BMD. All this takes a lot of money being pumped into a blackhole ie research. Takes years of pumping money to develop the basic skills for missile and its associated platforms. This is what again *I* feel Pakistan lacks. This is something Pakistan has not done owing to other reasons ,lack of resources or will or whatever. But it has not done so.

Pakistan can build over the equipment, after ToT and research on it, but not produce the system from start.For example, PAF will get SLAMRAAM or something of the sort for its ADS. But it is not close to the home grown system that India is developing(not capability wise!), with the inherent advantages of being an indigenous system.

Again, this is my view and i can be wrong as well. But i feel that Pakistan has different objectives. Its objectives NOW are to match India's conventional superiority with minimum conventional detterence. SO while India spends heck of a lot on its research and other fruitless pursuits as some call it like LCA, Arjun, IGMDP among others which bear fruit decades later, Pakistan merely buys the most cost effective stuff with or without ToT, and then builds on it. In the end, India's extensive efforts are checked with minimum detterence and investment, thus Pakistan succeeds at a fraction of the cost. ANd rightly so, for Pakistan applied a smarter approach. And India has never been able to field a decisive advantage over Pakistan quality wise.

Now i feel this approach while good in the beginning will not hold good in the future starting now.There is a reason why China tries to reverse engineer all the equipment it buys. Otherwise it could keep on buying from Russia. It wants self sufficiency. For all the money that was poured in, a critical level of competence has been built in India in research as well as a huge industrial capacity, now that will start bearing fruits faster and faster. As the Chief of DRDO also mentioned, as an example,now the Agni program is on automatic mode. They can churn out missiles in a couple of years, with great increases in range and accuracy, as a basic threshold has been crossed. Same for everything else. The technology has matured in India, same for everything else.I hope you understand what im trying to say here.
Nothing to laugh at but its true that DRDO is a white elephant being fed by Indians for 25years and only God knows why.

Is it really true? Mate get it confirm?

Firm which has excel in techs like AAD and PAD techs which are among the elite techs in the world next only to US and Russia. Has pakistan got anything on the line of AAD and PAD? Has Pakistan even launch its own SLV?
If it is not open to anyone, then only you manage to unravel superiority of Pakistan Missile tech over Indian one.

What an incredible sixth sense you have got!

Stay in your dream world kent!

No one can wake you if you are sleeping like dead!
Once again another tredgey has took place within this article, once from Jane defence weekly or Rakesh Bedi, just look at the date of the articles "January 16, 2008"

once such article about submarine accident being posted in Naval thread with same date manipulation.

i dont understand your logic - lets suppose the date is in-correct which it isnt, it dosnt take anything away from the contents of the article - furthermore its written by a indian journo!
i dont understand your logic - lets suppose the date is in-correct which it isnt, it dosnt take anything away from the contents of the article - furthermore its written by a indian journo!

I don't find anything wrong with articles content, afterall in democracy any can write and harp whatever that come in their mind. There is no need to waste our logic to understand something which is written in spontenous manner like in this is a date.
I don't find anything wrong with articles content, afterall in democracy any can write and harp whatever that come in their mind. There is no need to waste our logic to understand something which is written in spontenous manner like in this is a date.

whats your fetish with the dates!
Firm which has excel in techs like AAD and PAD techs which are among the elite techs in the world next only to US and Russia. Has pakistan got anything on the line of AAD and PAD? Has Pakistan even launch its own SLV?

Kent, a suggestion, if you think some one is trolling, ignore them or at best encourage them!

These kinds of people write such messages to get people angry, like you got and wrote stupid posts in return.

Understand what the other wants and deny him that. Use common sense man!
YOU should not try and provoke others, thats all that matters, stay calm. No need to reply to fools.
I thought such talk of Pakistani missile project being ahead would stop after the BMD tests in the recent past.

Apparently no! The difference is India's successes and failures are in the public domain.
Let em confess of their deeds for the past decades in which mad claims were made!
I thought such talk of Pakistani missile project being ahead would stop after the BMD tests in the recent past.

Apparently no! The difference is India's successes and failures are in the public domain.

Wrong. The only difference is that Pakistan has a good record of it ballistic missiles compare to India. Ever heard of The Patriots? ;)
Wrong. The only difference is that Pakistan has a good record of it ballistic missiles compare to India. Ever heard of The Patriots? ;)

Could you come up with some detail description regarding Pakistani Missile Supremacy?
Wrong. The only difference is that Pakistan has a good record of it ballistic missiles compare to India. Ever heard of The Patriots? ;)

May be it is true. The whole world knows that the Indian program started 3 decades back. There were a string of failures before the sweet smell of success (as happens in any high-tech field). Such programs require the country to either have a strong Industrial infrastructure or develop one specifically for it as happened in India's case.

Now no one knows when the Pakistani program started, what kind of infrastructure is there in place to support such a program, what is the roadmap etc.? Never heard of a single test that ever didn't meet all the objectives (whatever that means) and the missile goes into serial production the next day. Even the USA and USSR coudn't achieve such feats! So either the Pakistani technicians and scientists are so brilliant (without parallel even in the Superpowers) in which case at least some of it should also reflect in other technical fields, or as the world suspects the missiles are proven missiles from some other source!

So may be Pakistan may possess some missiles which are ahead of their Indian counterparts but that does not mean what the report suggests. Pakistan will struggle to keep up the momentum in the absence of the requisite infrastructure. China may not be interested in supplying ICBMs etc. which could become a potential threat to them one day and which are not required for balancing India.
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