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Pakistan media declare war on Indian counterparts

Indian prime minister didn't balem Pakistan (directly) in his address.
Foreign minster said some elements in Pakistan are responsible, which Mr. Zardari also accepted
Pakistan blames 'non-state actors' for attacks - Yahoo! News
Till now officially no one has blamed ISI directly.

Where does Zardari accept some Pakistani elements are responsible in that? He says they got no links to the government. Pakistani intelligence has not even arrived on the scene to know who they are! You're simply going to make yourself look silly like this. Wait till a neutral team can invetigate this, or until Pakistani personnel can speak to him, report his name, and then check the village he claims to have come from.
Non-state actors cannot hijack nations: Zardari

* President says architects of Mumbai attacks have managed to raise new threat to divert Pakistan’s attention from war on terror

MUMBAI: President Asif Ali Zardari asked India not to blame his country for last week’s attacks in Mumbai, saying non-state actors could not hijack nations.

“Such a tragic incident must bring opportunity rather than the defeat of a nation,” Zardari said in an interview with a private TV channel on Monday. “We don’t think the world’s great nations and countries can be held hostage by non-state actors.”

“Even if the militants are linked to Lashkar-e-Tayyaba, who do you think we are fighting?” asked Zardari in an interview with the Financial Times. “Now, events in Mumbai tell us that there are ongoing efforts to carry out copycat attacks by militants. We must all stand together to fight out this menace.”

Zardari warned that provocation by rogue non-state actors posed the danger of a return to war between the nuclear-armed neighbours.

“We live in troubled times where non-state actors have taken us to war before, whether it is the case of those who perpetrated (the) 9/11 (attacks on the United States) or contributed to the escalation of the situation in Iraq,” said Zardari. He renewed his earlier promise to “do everything in our power to go after these militants” if India was to share findings about the attack. He said India had shared no tangible evidence with Pakistan so far.

Pakistan’s attention: The paper said a war on two fronts would put great strain on Zardari’s democratic government, which is trying to rescue the country from near bankruptcy while also resisting a terror threat.

“The architects of this calamity in Mumbai have managed to raise a threat on our other (Indian) border. As we have these people on the run along our western border (with Afghanistan), our attention is being diverted at this critical time,” Zardari told the Financial Times. To a question in his TV interview, he said there was complete harmony between the political and military leadership of Pakistan. He said Pakistan was in contact with the US administration more than India was. The president praised the Pakistani media for its role in the wake of the Mumbai attacks. daily times monitor/agencies

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
This is what president said. Where did he mention Pakistanis were involved.

Though one thing worth mentioning is that all this happened at a time when Pakistan is finally gaining a upper hand in its own wart against terror. Perhaps India does not like to see these terrorists loose and have taken advantage of the situation.

With relocation of troops to Indian border the only one winning are the terrorists.
Where does Zardari accept some Pakistani elements are responsible in that? He says they got no links to the government. Pakistani intelligence has not even arrived on the scene to know who they are! You're simply going to make yourself look silly like this. Wait till a neutral team can invetigate this, or until Pakistani personnel can speak to him, report his name, and then check the village he claims to have come from.
When Mr. Zardari said some non-state actors are involved, I thought he meant " Look GOP, ISI or military is not involved in this" which means someone in personal capacity could have done this to destabilize the region. Thats my interpretation.
When all sorts of theories are are going around, I am entitled to my interpretation
This is what president said. Where did he mention Pakistanis were involved.

Though one thing worth mentioning is that all this happened at a time when Pakistan is finally gaining a upper hand in its own wart against terror. Perhaps India does not like to see these terrorists loose and have taken advantage of the situation.

With relocation of troops to Indian border the only one winning are the terrorists.

Better sense have prevailed (Or Uncle Sam's Wish)
No troop movement on border, ceasefire is still on.
When Mr. Zardari said some non-state actors are involved, I thought he meant " Look GOP, ISI or military is not involved in this" which means someone in personal capacity could have done this to destabilize the region. Thats my interpretation.
When all sorts of theories are are going around, I am entitled to my interpretation

Right, someone in personal capacity could have. But he didn't suggest they were Pakistanis.
Any of the Indian posters , can you tell me where you get these Pakistani channels in India , channels like Geo or Dawn whose names I have only heard , earlier PTV used to come but now it dosen't.

And correspondingly , how is there so much talk about Indian media over there , do they get our channels , I though they were banned.
Nihat google it , but can get on desitv.net . or geotv.net and dawn webiste has TV link
Non-state actors cannot hijack nations: Zardari

* President says architects of Mumbai attacks have managed to raise new threat to divert Pakistan’s attention from war on terror

MUMBAI: President Asif Ali Zardari asked India not to blame his country for last week’s attacks in Mumbai, saying non-state actors could not hijack nations.

“Such a tragic incident must bring opportunity rather than the defeat of a nation,” Zardari said in an interview with a private TV channel on Monday. “We don’t think the world’s great nations and countries can be held hostage by non-state actors.”

“Even if the militants are linked to Lashkar-e-Tayyaba, who do you think we are fighting?” asked Zardari in an interview with the Financial Times. “Now, events in Mumbai tell us that there are ongoing efforts to carry out copycat attacks by militants. We must all stand together to fight out this menace.”

Zardari warned that provocation by rogue non-state actors posed the danger of a return to war between the nuclear-armed neighbours.

“We live in troubled times where non-state actors have taken us to war before, whether it is the case of those who perpetrated (the) 9/11 (attacks on the United States) or contributed to the escalation of the situation in Iraq,” said Zardari. He renewed his earlier promise to “do everything in our power to go after these militants” if India was to share findings about the attack. He said India had shared no tangible evidence with Pakistan so far.

Pakistan’s attention: The paper said a war on two fronts would put great strain on Zardari’s democratic government, which is trying to rescue the country from near bankruptcy while also resisting a terror threat.

“The architects of this calamity in Mumbai have managed to raise a threat on our other (Indian) border. As we have these people on the run along our western border (with Afghanistan), our attention is being diverted at this critical time,” Zardari told the Financial Times. To a question in his TV interview, he said there was complete harmony between the political and military leadership of Pakistan. He said Pakistan was in contact with the US administration more than India was. The president praised the Pakistani media for its role in the wake of the Mumbai attacks. daily times monitor/agencies

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

What a load of Crap !!

If they are operating out Pak & are located ( if not based in Pak) who will be responsible for them & their action ??

I bet even as he said these words the impotent President must have felt these words sound hollow to him as well.

Non state actors .. !! Coining new words cannot absolve the state of its responsibility of controling what happens or what should not be allowed to happen in its boundaries.
The Communists explode bombs every month in India. Obviously they don't work for the government.

But there's no evidence the terrorist is from Pak. Except an admission to Indian interrogators while probably being tortured, after he'd already admitted to being from Hyderabad beforehand.
Army official calls Baitullah Mehsud, Fazlullah ‘patriots’

ISLAMABAD: All main militant groups fighting in Fata, from South Waziristan to Bajaur and from Mohmand to the Khyber Agency, have contacted the government through different sources after the Mumbai bombings and have offered a ceasefire if the Pakistan Army also stops its operations.

And as a positive sign that this ceasefire offer may be accepted, the Pakistan Army has, as a first step, declared before the media some notorious militant commanders, including Baitullah Mehsud and Maulvi Fazlullah, as “patriotic” Pakistanis.

These two militant commanders are fighting the Army for the last four years and have invariably been accused of terrorism against Pakistan but the aftermath of the Mumbai carnage has suddenly turned terrorists into patriots.

A top security official told a group of senior journalists on Saturday: “We have no big issues with the militants in Fata. We have only some misunderstandings with Baitullah Mehsud and Fazlullah. These misunderstandings could be removed through dialogue.”

The Indian allegations against Pakistan have suddenly forced the military establishment in Pakistan to finally accept that they are not fighting an American war inside the Pakistani territory.

On another level, the parliamentary leader of the 12 Fata members in the National Assembly, Munir Orakzai, has expressed optimism in this regard, saying: “I see a bright ray of peace in the tribal areas and if we come out of the American pressure, I can guarantee that there will be peace in the tribal areas in a few days and we will be ready to fight against India on the eastern border along with the Pakistan Army.”

The change in the attitude of the Pakistani military establishment is remarkable. Thanks to India, the security officials, who used to criticise the Pakistani media, are now praising its role in the recent days, saying: “You have proven that you are patriotic Pakistanis.”

Last year, the same officials were part of a decision to impose a ban on many Pakistani TV channels because of their alleged anti-state behaviour. Meanwhile, Army Chief Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani has made it clear to President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani that if India escalates tensions, then Pakistan has to move its troops from the tribal areas to the eastern borders and it would not be possible to continue the war against terrorism.

Top military officials conveyed the same message to the media representatives on Saturday. It was learnt that Washington and London were very concerned over the rise of tension between the two nuclear powers.

The Pakistan Army officials have been describing 48 hours as very important. These sources claimed on Sunday that the situation was now stabilising. A very responsible government official in Islamabad told this scribe on Sunday that nothing would happen in the next 24 hours. Some late night telephone calls made from Washington and London helped to cool down the temperature in New Delhi and Islamabad.

Despite the assurances made by President Asif Zardari on sending a director of ISI to India for helping the Mumbai carnage investigations, it has also been decided by Islamabad that no ISI official will visit India, at least, in the next one week.

On the domestic level, thanks to the uncalled for Indian allegations, some ministers of the Yousuf Raza Gilani cabinet got an opportunity to criticise their prime minister on his face for giving an assurance to India that the ISI chief will go to New Delhi without consulting even his cabinet colleagues.

Angry ministers told Gilani clearly in Saturday’s cabinet meeting that his decision was not good and he should concentrate on “institutionalised decision-making” rather than going for solo flights in the future. Gilani was forced to change his decision. The cabinet, after discussing the Mumbai carnage and the Indian allegations in detail, also advised the prime minister that no ISI official should be sent to India in the near future.

It was discussed in the meeting as to why the militants made a ridiculous demand of liberating the Hyderabad Deccan (Andhra Pradesh). This issue was never raised by any hardline Muslim militant in India or Pakistan in the past. Why did they not demand the liberation of Kashmir, which was the prime objective of banned Lashkar-e-Taiba in Pakistan?

The Indian government claimed that these militants reached Gujarat from Karachi by boat through a 500-km sea route. Why did the Indian Navy fail to stop this boat? The cabinet unanimously agreed that Pakistan will not come under any Indian pressure but efforts will also be made to decrease tensions without annoying the public opinion.

One minister was of the view that the Indian media war against Pakistan had helped Islamabad indirectly as the local media ignored all the domestic political issues and got involved in the tension created by India.

National Assembly Speaker Dr Fehmida Mirza was the most disturbed soul in Islamabad because of the media war between India and Pakistan. She talked to some journalists and advised them not to instigate the public opinion against India because this tension could hurt economies of both countries.

She fears a big conspiracy behind the Mumbai tragedy. She thinks that another attack like Mumbai will definitely create a war-like situation between the two neighbours. She is planning to call the Congress leader Sonia Gandhi and Indian President Pratibha Patel to remove doubts and misgivings between the two nations. She told me: “As a mother, I am thinking to make a mothers’ alliance between India and Pakistan. Let the mothers come out and stop their sons from fighting each other.”
Is these article true.If it is would Pakistani people forget the atrocities committed by these people and weren't these same people accused of being raw puppets
It was discussed in the meeting as to why the militants made a ridiculous demand of liberating the Hyderabad Deccan (Andhra Pradesh). This issue was never raised by any hardline Muslim militant in India or Pakistan in the past. Why did they not demand the liberation of Kashmir, which was the prime objective of banned Lashkar-e-Taiba in Pakistan?

That's another thing to note, why the militants were demanding the liberation of Andra Pradesh. It's not even majority Muslim.

I wouldnt mind if they stopped fighting Mehsud. Mehsud are a tribe, they're just resilient. In 10 years everything will be forgotten. If Mehsud agrees to stop harbouring foreigners then it's a great result. Perhaps he's agreed given the external forces pressuring Pakistan.
I don't know what to make of this article other than it doesn't sound very authentic and is probably out of context. Maybe this is just a couple of officials trying to make our western allies uneasy by suggesting that militant threat to Pakistan will die down (which is true, as far as it goes) if India decides to threaten us again. And the media over-playing it a bit (as usual).

Personally I don't think that anything on the western front will change unless India tried something really stupid which despite my less than complimentary views about them, is not something I feel they won't try.
Terrorist had little idea about Hyderabad and came up with Deccan Hyderabad ,Deccan Plateau is large plateau in India, making up the majority of the southern part of the country,and no one calls them deccan Hyderabad or deccan pune or deccan Mumbai ,even the largest city in deccan plateau is Bangalore,i have visited Hyderabad several times in my life never heared Locals even mentioning deccan ,while many leading news paper start with this names like deccan herald,deccan chronicle this seems like a major goof up by them

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