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Pakistan: Man accused of blasphemy shot dead at court trial

It is Pakistan, IF you are living here you are supposed to follow the constitution. Where it is clearly stated that:

Followers of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani are non Muslims.

If Muslim/non Muslim committed blasphemy the penalty is death and same for Murdering an Innocent.

The baseless story of old woman and Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) is untrue you idiot.

If killing the blasphemer is extremism then i am an extremist.

Why he killed him? Why culprit was in court..?

Don't compare Blasphemer with minority. By the way is there an exception for any religion in this law???

You need a mental checkup. Blasphemy is not a minor thing, is it? You can leave this society simple and find a better one which allows you to disrespect their religion.

Do you think judges are fools. He was under trials since 2018.

Death if it is so!

This is not a common matter. where you are trying to be very noble.

Please post some thing about The burning of Masjid al-Dirar (Arabic: مسجد الضرار‎).

If i say in public that i am you father will you ignore???
Any how we are not bound to follow you.

It is blasphemy!!!!!!!!!! not Gora kala matter.

Discussing Killing and Blasphemy, Are they same???

Good one!

Shut all the courts. WAH WAH WAH
Give this reference (old lady).

Islam will never change, Nobody can!



Is it for specific religion???

They have done the best with those pigs. Try if you can change instead of behaving like a burning @&&.

Killing a blasphemer is a right thing as per our courts are not trustworthy.

Very bright! IN SHAA ALLAH!

What if there is no justice???

Death for blasphemy!!

Then why don't you leave.

Jahil may be supporting a blasphemer?

What is the relevance of it with this issue?


It is ISLAM not allowing blasphemy. What version?

Relevance with this issue??

What about illegal decision? Protesting is a right!

We love our heros and proud to follow!

I see a dog barking!

Do you think From SHO to High court every one was stupid?

When they don' deliver it happens.

Don't compare Pakistan with India!

Keep boiling. Death for blasphemy!

Our Prophet Muhammad saw gave us the way that is no mercy on blasphemer. Even Allah called blasphemer as Zaneem(Harami, and he was a harami infact) Exposing the reality.

Kutton ko chihiye k chup rhyn.
Ok but is the govy who should give justice or any tom dick and harry who can kill another person...
If there was an instruction by our holy prophet or khulfa it was a govt decision...
It was the court decision to hang him.... not this asshole deluded kid who took the law in his own hands (for which he will and must be hanged)...
Aur insan ka qatal , insaniyat ka katal hai
. . .
A death sentence for blasphemy is too much, I see Indonesian law is quite perfect

Man in Medan sentenced to three years in jail for desecrating Quran
  • Apriadi Gunawan
    The Jakarta Post
Medan / Wed, August 5, 2020 / 03:48 pm


Illustration of a man standing before judges in a courtroom (Shutterstock/MR. Yanukit)

A panel of judges at the Medan District Court in North Sumatra has handed down a three-year imprisonment for a 44-year-old man after finding him guilty of blasphemy for having desecrated the Quran at a mosque earlier this year.

"[We] sentence defendant Doni Irawan Malay to three years in prison," presiding judge Tengku Oyong said while reading out the verdict on Tuesday.

The punishment was one year lighter than the prosecutor's demand, as the court said the defendant had behaved politely during the trial.

Doni was charged under Article 156 of the Criminal Code on religious defamation.

Both the defendant and prosecutor Nur Ainun accepted the verdict.

In the previous hearings, prosecutors said Doni had committed a blasphemous act by tearing out pages from the Quran he took from Al-Mashum Mosque in Medan Kota district on Feb. 13.

"The defendant removed the cover from the Quran, threw it into a garbage bin inside the ablution room and then proceeded to tear out pages from the Quran with both of his hands."

They said Doni then exited the mosque and threw the ripped Quran pages onto the streets before running away. He was later caught by locals and reported to Medan Kota Police.

In 2018, the Medan District Court had also sentenced police officer Brig. Tommy Daniel Patar Hutabarat to 16 months in prison for shredding and dumping copies of the Quran into the gutter. He, too, was found guilty of blasphemy and charged under Article 156 of the Criminal Code. (vny)

Guys from the legal and ethical point of view doesn't matter how wrong that killing us but he really asked for it. First you are from a ahmedi community and then you declare yourself another prophet of Islam in a Muslim majority country.I can't believe he was that dumb.
You hurt sentiments of millions and expect no one will hurt you??
Guys from the legal and ethical point of view doesn't matter how wrong that killing us but he really asked for it. First you are from a ahmedi community and then you declare yourself another prophet of Islam in a Muslim majority country.I can't believe he was that dumb.
You hurt sentiments of millions and expect no one will hurt you??
Here is issue, we easily get intimidate ...we forget the Holy Prophet PBUH preach " akhlaq" and debate social issue for his early 40 years. Right of people, for example respect of women , honesty and lot..
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Here is issue, we easily get intimidate ...we forget the Holy Prophet PBUH peach " akhlaq" and debate social issue for his early 40 years. Right of people, for example respect of women , honesty and lot..
That's true and I agree but what if in India in Hindu majority area I go and start to abuse their dieties and gods . I will sign my own death warrant.
That's true and I agree but what if in India in Hindu majority area I go and start to abuse their dieties and gods . I will sign my own death warrant.
Our economic issues are more binding then socio-Islamic issue, a muslim in Hindu majority area try his best to bring comfort for his surrounding , but never try migrate from fire to cold place.. Even Allah promise security and wealth when one try to migrate only for to preserve his faith ...Oneness of Allah and basic principle of Islam .
Then question is ...where should they move ...
A death sentence for blasphemy is too much, I see Indonesian law is quite perfect

Man in Medan sentenced to three years in jail for desecrating Quran
  • Apriadi Gunawan
    The Jakarta Post
Medan / Wed, August 5, 2020 / 03:48 pm


Illustration of a man standing before judges in a courtroom (Shutterstock/MR. Yanukit)

A panel of judges at the Medan District Court in North Sumatra has handed down a three-year imprisonment for a 44-year-old man after finding him guilty of blasphemy for having desecrated the Quran at a mosque earlier this year.

"[We] sentence defendant Doni Irawan Malay to three years in prison," presiding judge Tengku Oyong said while reading out the verdict on Tuesday.

The punishment was one year lighter than the prosecutor's demand, as the court said the defendant had behaved politely during the trial.

Doni was charged under Article 156 of the Criminal Code on religious defamation.

Both the defendant and prosecutor Nur Ainun accepted the verdict.

In the previous hearings, prosecutors said Doni had committed a blasphemous act by tearing out pages from the Quran he took from Al-Mashum Mosque in Medan Kota district on Feb. 13.

"The defendant removed the cover from the Quran, threw it into a garbage bin inside the ablution room and then proceeded to tear out pages from the Quran with both of his hands."

They said Doni then exited the mosque and threw the ripped Quran pages onto the streets before running away. He was later caught by locals and reported to Medan Kota Police.

In 2018, the Medan District Court had also sentenced police officer Brig. Tommy Daniel Patar Hutabarat to 16 months in prison for shredding and dumping copies of the Quran into the gutter. He, too, was found guilty of blasphemy and charged under Article 156 of the Criminal Code. (vny)

cancer should be operated at first stage
A death sentence for blasphemy is too much, I see Indonesian law is quite perfect

Man in Medan sentenced to three years in jail for desecrating Quran
  • Apriadi Gunawan
    The Jakarta Post
Medan / Wed, August 5, 2020 / 03:48 pm


Illustration of a man standing before judges in a courtroom (Shutterstock/MR. Yanukit)

A panel of judges at the Medan District Court in North Sumatra has handed down a three-year imprisonment for a 44-year-old man after finding him guilty of blasphemy for having desecrated the Quran at a mosque earlier this year.

"[We] sentence defendant Doni Irawan Malay to three years in prison," presiding judge Tengku Oyong said while reading out the verdict on Tuesday.

The punishment was one year lighter than the prosecutor's demand, as the court said the defendant had behaved politely during the trial.

Doni was charged under Article 156 of the Criminal Code on religious defamation.

Both the defendant and prosecutor Nur Ainun accepted the verdict.

In the previous hearings, prosecutors said Doni had committed a blasphemous act by tearing out pages from the Quran he took from Al-Mashum Mosque in Medan Kota district on Feb. 13.

"The defendant removed the cover from the Quran, threw it into a garbage bin inside the ablution room and then proceeded to tear out pages from the Quran with both of his hands."

They said Doni then exited the mosque and threw the ripped Quran pages onto the streets before running away. He was later caught by locals and reported to Medan Kota Police.

In 2018, the Medan District Court had also sentenced police officer Brig. Tommy Daniel Patar Hutabarat to 16 months in prison for shredding and dumping copies of the Quran into the gutter. He, too, was found guilty of blasphemy and charged under Article 156 of the Criminal Code. (vny)

it was 2 years in 1947 then increased to 7 years1970s and then 14 years 1980s and death planty in 1990s . you know our favorite time pass is to kill other :lol:

we are special muslims on earth :D
It is Pakistan, IF you are living here you are supposed to follow the constitution. Where it is clearly stated that:

Followers of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani are non Muslims.

If Muslim/non Muslim committed blasphemy the penalty is death and same for Murdering an Innocent.

The baseless story of old woman and Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) is untrue you idiot.

If killing the blasphemer is extremism then i am an extremist.

Why he killed him? Why culprit was in court..?

Don't compare Blasphemer with minority. By the way is there an exception for any religion in this law???

You need a mental checkup. Blasphemy is not a minor thing, is it? You can leave this society simple and find a better one which allows you to disrespect their religion.

Do you think judges are fools. He was under trials since 2018.

Death if it is so!

This is not a common matter. where you are trying to be very noble.

Please post some thing about The burning of Masjid al-Dirar (Arabic: مسجد الضرار‎).

If i say in public that i am you father will you ignore???
Any how we are not bound to follow you.

It is blasphemy!!!!!!!!!! not Gora kala matter.

Discussing Killing and Blasphemy, Are they same???

Good one!

Shut all the courts. WAH WAH WAH
Give this reference (old lady).

Islam will never change, Nobody can!



Is it for specific religion???

They have done the best with those pigs. Try if you can change instead of behaving like a burning @&&.

Killing a blasphemer is a right thing as per our courts are not trustworthy.

Very bright! IN SHAA ALLAH!

What if there is no justice???

Death for blasphemy!!

Then why don't you leave.

Jahil may be supporting a blasphemer?

What is the relevance of it with this issue?


It is ISLAM not allowing blasphemy. What version?

Relevance with this issue??

What about illegal decision? Protesting is a right!

We love our heros and proud to follow!

I see a dog barking!

Do you think From SHO to High court every one was stupid?

When they don' deliver it happens.

Don't compare Pakistan with India!

Keep boiling. Death for blasphemy!

Our Prophet Muhammad saw gave us the way that is no mercy on blasphemer. Even Allah called blasphemer as Zaneem(Harami, and he was a harami infact) Exposing the reality.

Kutton ko chihiye k chup rhyn.

@Kaleem.61 thank you for letting us know you are the classic case .. why dont find Pistoool shareef and wait for new dream
. .
@JackTheRipper Main point is you have nothing to support him!

I asked for the reference. Is there any???

You know well about Rundians

The case was 2 years old.

Choosing to be father is better.

I follow Islam n m not a liberal kinda du%%er.

Hang'em! If there are Mullahs like you GOVT must take action.

I speak with reference unlike you.

Abu Jee ko aisay nahi boltay..

@JackTheRipper : Wesy meny kutton ko kha hy apky abu ko nhi

If the accused is indeed found to be guilty of blasphemy and seek forgiveness then leniency can be shown in the verdict. Forgiveness is a Godly characteristic.

295C MEANS DEATH! No mercy for a blasphemer regardless the religion!

Decision was not illegal.

What was the agreement signed with TLP:
Asia Maloona's case will be restored!

Kaleem.61 thank you for letting us know you are the classic case .. why dont find Pistoool shareef and wait for new dream

Stay on point! Does not matters that was a sword or pistol.

Hang them. What about Universities, Colleges, Schools and even cinemas(Ref: Emporium Mall).

Why do you think Law & Order system exist?

I never did it. My cousin's husband was killed by some people his case is still unresolved .
I don' believe in it.
. .
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