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Pakistan likely to extend MFN status to India

Sorry feeling is mutual I do not think you know ABCD of trade and business.

And u r world's known Economist and business man.

after so much grief from Indians, i think it will be a wrong idea to do business with India.

Pakistan never had so much grief from anyone else except Indian and their silly ways of trying to patronize us.
And u r world's known Economist and business man.

after so much grief from Indians, i think it will be a wrong idea to do business with India.

Pakistan never had so much grief from anyone else except Indian and their silly ways of trying to patronize us.

It is unfortunate that you think that it is wrong idea to do business with India, however your government thinks otherwise. Please refer to news item “Pakistan likely to extend MFN status to India”
Now don't get me wrong, i have heard that in India many household have a cow on the side of the house and every morning before the head of the house goes to work he sprays himself and the housewith cow urine.

My apologise if i am wrong but i have seen it on utube. can u honestly answer this honestly and tell me how can we in Pakistan be sure that the products comming from India will not not sparyed with cow urine, it may be holy for u and i have no quams about it, but for us it is not acceptable.

There may be many other issues about Infian products such as food stuff, i hear that lots of HEENG is used in many products and lots of spices used are not acceptable in Pakistan, how can u do business when such is the case.


Thanks for trying to ascertain facts at least. As far as YOUTUBE is concerned, it is finally 'YOU'tube! I.E. any person can post a video (with reasonable limits?) But is that the 'only truth' or 'the whole truth'; you can choose for yourself. Just as there may be some body who may choose to drench himself with cow's urine or his own urine! So we have to be wise before we believe the "world according to youtube".
Well, there is Mcdonalds, KFC, PizzaHut , Kareem's Kababs and Lalaram's Chhole Bhature among millions (and millions) of food creators and vendors in India. Do you think they spray their products with urine? No-brainer there!
i'm pretty sure that you can think for yourself; ergo you can decide for yourself. i'm aware that you have sensitivities regarding some kinds of food, i respect them. And since you are paying, you can choose what to buy. But i'm sure you'd like to get the best and most for your bucks.
i've seen your objections to MFN and improved trade with India, with reasons for them. i've no dispute with that. If you want to read 'my mind' on this subject; please feel free to read my posts on this subject in this thread. But i'll ask you a question- If Pakistan does'nt give MFN to Canada, does it make a whit of a difference to Canada? You live in Canada, you should know.
And coming back to my post about holy cows, even in my Grand-Mothers time; people ate cows, she did'nt. Or for that matter some people ate pork, and some did'nt (same with monkeys or bears). Even then there was a choice. That is why we choose to live in India. Freedom of choice-- Secularism.:wave:
please read this and tell me that this isnot true, as per u it is very rare, but this article says otherwise.

Yes, Hindus Really Do Drink “Holy” Cow Urine Therearenosunglasses’s Weblog

Hi, we live in the 21st century!(though its not too different from the 20th)
Look hard around you, on TV for instance; how many Indians that you see are likely to be pouring cow-urine (holy or not) on their heads, leave alone drinking it! Or make a mental survey of the Indians on this forum- how many seem likely to be indulging in this? Or in downtown Toronto when you pass an Indian, i'm pretty sure that you'll be able to guess. Maybe you could ask your neighborhood 'Sardarjee' store keeper about it.
Don't get taken in by all you see/read on the net.
Is'nt it the 'virtual world?!'

Hey, you don't need to believe all that you see on TV or the Net as being representative of all reality. You can decide for yourself, don't let the box decide for you. When i wrote about people eating monkeys, i was describing what one tribe in a remote corner of a jungle in India did (because i saw it). But would i conclude that any significant number of people in that state ate monkeys?
And for starters, why don't you try the exercise that i suggested; you can come to some 'reasoned conclusions'.
If you eat beef as part of your food, should i conclude that you have horns on your head?
Pakistan can extend MFN status to India but trade with india can only be possible without destroying our local industries..
ASQ/Indian Members

Thanks for Derailing the thread. You guys seems to have covered everything, from Cow urine to wars. Let me see, if we can get back to subject.

You guys do realize the meaning for MFN? .. In case you have skipped it, let me state.

MFN status or Not. The trade between Pak-Ind continues. Pak importers will import Indian goods (and vice versa). Granting MFN to India only means Pakistan is treating India on equal parity as it does with other countries with whom it has trading relationship. For India it means better profit margins. For Pakistan it means lower material cost.

Second, while some Pakistani members did comment that granting MFN status is linked to political settlement on issue's & thereby India should not be granted MFN status... This is politically incorrect. MFN relationship are supposed to be reciprocal. In case I grant you a MFN status, i expect you to extend me the same benefit. The whole reason of MFN is to enhance trade relationship in a mutual and non discriminatory way.

Third, Kindly do not link Political issue's with trade policies. Just look around in the whole world. Let me know any country which does not have even single political issues with its neighbor. Nations, will have disagreements, different views. Continue with talks to settle those. But don't mix those up with trade relationship.

Fourth, i guess you are correctly worried about adverse effect of such a move considering India is a big economy (and your immediate neighbor). Somebody correctly suggested that Pakistan will need to put in safeguard measures (anti dump policies, etc) in case it extends the MFN status to India.

Hey, you don't need to believe all that you see on TV or the Net as being representative of all reality. You can decide for yourself, don't let the box decide for you. When i wrote about people eating monkeys, i was describing what one tribe in a remote corner of a jungle in India did (because i saw it). But would i conclude that any significant number of people in that state ate monkeys?
And for starters, why don't you try the exercise that i suggested; you can come to some 'reasoned conclusions'.
If you eat beef as part of your food, should i conclude that you have horns on your head?

where the hell u get these anologies, that if i eat beef I will grow horns, man o man people beem eating beef for millaniums, but donot have anything to do with cow urine man, this is only in India and rest of the humanity does not do this.

get some sense in your head and stop saying things which make no sense.

comming back to the topic, if Pakistan is going to do business with India they better know the culture of the people when doing business.

Is this culture prectices that we don't.
Is this culture trustable with products to be Halal.
Is this culture equiped properly to seal products to avoid contaminations. etc etc.

MFN is in my openion should be extended to those countries with whom we see eye to eye, in all aspects.

So kashmir comes first and formost before any business can be done.
Pakistan can extend MFN status to India but trade with india can only be possible without destroying our local industries..

Straight from the Horses mouth, this is the truth, a sense of insecurity.
Right from the days of partition you guys have been living in a sense of insecurity, which has led to all the troubles. Try getting out of it and try the hand of friendship then see the difference.
Very simple if MFN status by India is of no value to Pakistan then they can decide against giving MFN nation to India, Otherwise its not a choice but obligation.
where the hell u get these anologies, that if i eat beef I will grow horns, man o man people beem eating beef for millaniums, but donot have anything to do with cow urine man, this is only in India and rest of the humanity does not do this.

get some sense in your head and stop saying things which make no sense.

comming back to the topic, if Pakistan is going to do business with India they better know the culture of the people when doing business.

Is this culture prectices that we don't.
Is this culture trustable with products to be Halal.
Is this culture equiped properly to seal products to avoid contaminations. etc etc.

MFN is in my openion should be extended to those countries with whom we see eye to eye, in all aspects.

So kashmir comes first and formost before any business can be done.

I do not know about cow urine, but Columbia University in New York has scientifically proven through a study conducted over 35 years on 16,000 people that eating red meat does decrease brain activity. It is because of certain chemicals present in the red meat. Green and leafy vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, cauli flower etc. were proven to increase brain activity, again due to release of certain chemicals. The study is available publicly. You should be able to google it. In fact in charts across clinics in the US, there are handouts which ask patients to control the consumption of red meat and eat more green and leafy vegetables.
:pakistan:Politics aside i am in favor of trade with india.for one simple reason,at present our economy is nothing.even in the seminars in cu we are always given the economic policy of south korea and india.if i am not wrong they opened their economy in 1992 and since then they have been on their way to become self reliant.
As for us we need growing economy.we are already destroyed by this war against terror,we need our economy to grow like south Koreans and india.While i was preparing a project i came across a report that when tatas started facing competition in their domestic market they came up with world class products.

Thats what we need in our country also,we have immense talent in IT and science.we can create more job's so that more of our country men are employed in their own land.by increasing trade our company's will also try to counter indian counter parts by churning out more competitive products.then there is always a scope for joint ventures.Both the nations speak common language so as we can see there is no barrier's.it will also help in building Confidence between both the nation's.
on the other hand our government can keep negotiating the kashmir and water issues.and trust me at that time indians will listen because of our mutual trade.the world doesn't look at us as a responsible nation,now its time for each and every pakistani to stand up to the occasion and help in building up the economy of this great nation.
"PAKISTAN ZINDABAD"long live PAKISTAN.:pakistan:
Well the Chinese eat a lot of pork, you do business with them. How do you know the food your family eats isn't laced with pork?

You do know the Chinese think pigs are the cutest animal right, the way Americans love their dogs?

If we love pigs, then why we eat them?:lol:

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