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‘Pakistan is for Islam’

Who are these we because my country was ruled by Central Asians, not wannable Central Asians. :enjoy: How can we rule we in Punjab and Sindh. :cheesy:

Agree. Can I apologize on behalf of my confused countryman - Put it down to to poor grasp of facts and even more poorer ability to apply logic.[/I]

Fact is we in Punjab, [Afghania]Khyber-Paktunkwa, Azad Kashmir, Sindh and Balochistan [Pakistan] were ruled by these Central Asians just like you guy's in Bihar, Bengal, Uttar Pradesh etc.

@ Solomon-2 Take that statement by Kayani as a antidote being given to the troops who are battling the Taliban. Those Talibs claim they are fighting Islam and appeal to those soldiers to join them instead of fighting them if they are true Muslims. That speach is to immunize the troops against the effects of Talib propaganda which claims that those who fight thenm do so for the infidels and fight against Islam.
I don't have a high opinion of Kayani
And you think your opinion matters? You are the biggest defender of Jewish Land and you want to criticize Kayani for this?He is trying to raise the morale of troops.
‘Pakistan is for Islam’ | The Nation

Few comments from the article....

"Some one please tell General Kayani and others that Jinnah never wanted an "Islamic Republic". They need to listen to Jinnah's speaches. Unless and until we seperate religion from the state affairs, Pakistan cannot move forward and make progress. Religion must be respected but must remain a private and indivual affair. Please stop distorting history and teach & convey the truth to the people of Pakistan." - Waheed Arshad

"Every year on 14th august we have to bear these old rhetoric. My humble request to General Kiyani is that sir please whatever you do and say but don't drag Islam into all this Monkey Business of state affairs. Islam had nothing to do whatever Civil and Military leadership is doing. Sorry to say we had no clue what actual Islam is all about. whatever you and nation have been doing is their own selfish interest and personal gains." -Muhammad Tariq Suhail

People of pakistan do understand whats right and whats wrong....May the force be with these guys...
to learn lesson from the past experiences

To learn from Past experiences...

Like not to shake hands with people who have EFFICIENTLY stabbed others in the back (I.E. America going against Saddam, Ghaddafi and Mubarak- Where America was only present when IT needed them)

Like do not vote for looters who have EFFICIENTLY looted Pakistan over and over and over!

Like to not Beg money and then pocket it and then proclaim to be a poor country.

Like to fix power problems and PLAN for at least 50 years to come too...or keep projects running so that Pakistan won't be in the situation it is now...

And many more

‘Pakistan is for Islam’ | The Nation

Few comments from the article....

"Some one please tell General Kayani and others that Jinnah never wanted an "Islamic Republic". They need to listen to Jinnah's speaches. Unless and until we seperate religion from the state affairs, Pakistan cannot move forward and make progress. Religion must be respected but must remain a private and indivual affair. Please stop distorting history and teach & convey the truth to the people of Pakistan." - Waheed Arshad

"Every year on 14th august we have to bear these old rhetoric. My humble request to General Kiyani is that sir please whatever you do and say but don't drag Islam into all this Monkey Business of state affairs. Islam had nothing to do whatever Civil and Military leadership is doing. Sorry to say we had no clue what actual Islam is all about. whatever you and nation have been doing is their own selfish interest and personal gains." -Muhammad Tariq Suhail

People of pakistan do understand what right and whats wrong....May the force be with these guys...

I am sorry but I disagree! Islam is not just a religion its a way of life. I am sorry our MULLAHs do not portray it that way BUT

When a man says Shahadah they sign a contract that their life and ITS affairs are for ALLAH and to walk upon HIS chosen path in EVERYTHING from living to eating...

Now if a NATION proclaims ISLAM...
Agree. Can I apologize on behalf of my confused countryman - Put it down to to poor grasp of facts and even more poorer ability to apply logic.[/I]

Fact is we in Punjab, [Afghania]Khyber-Paktunkwa, Azad Kashmir, Sindh and Balochistan [Pakistan] were ruled by these Central Asians just like you guy's in Bihar, Bengal, Uttar Pradesh etc.

@ Solomon-2 Take that statement by Kayani as a antidote being given to the troops who are battling the Taliban. Those Talibs claim they are fighting Islam and appeal to those soldiers to join them instead of fighting them if they are true Muslims. That speach is to immunize the troops against the effects of Talib propaganda which claims that those who fight thenm do so for the infidels and fight against Islam.

Why should you, if I may, my master, the lord of grasping facts, the seeker of apologies for tanned brown sahibs and protector of illiterate Pakistanis, the great Atanz the Hunk, seek an admission of guilt through a confession at the alter of Aryan God, for the confused and downtrodden, subjugated and oppressed, demoralized and exploited peoples of a faraway land known as Pakistan.

Oh my lord and protector, the great Atanz the Hunk, who also flies a Union Jack to impress his pre-eminence over the dung of the earth, us Pakistanis, and tell us that being Muslim is not the in-thing these days. And therefore, we who currently hold the cradle of an ancient civilization are but hordes of invaders of the lost ark, emanating from the steppes of godforsaken Central Asia. Oh what a shame indeed.

We are but confused, because alas we the bearers of a skin colour which is flanked between the horrifying whiteness of a Union Jack and the mellowing Dravidian dark, shame our head between the trembling knees of a cowardly and pusillanimous face, called the liberated literati of Pakistan.

You my lord are one of the those liberated literati. Who not only shame the place which gave them their identity, a name and owned them through thick and thin and stuck with them in times of their grief.

You my dear Sir, shame the country whose flag you fly on one side by not standing up for it and is ashamed of being called a Pakistani, because it is not an in thing these days.

You Sir are the scum of the earth Pakistani, and we as Pakistanis should collectively apologize and shed tears of blood, that people like you also call yourself, one of us.

Thank you for being ashamed of us.

Ne mutlu Pakistanliim diyene

How happy is the one who says "I am Pakistani"
And you think your opinion matters?
Go ahead, tell me if you can why Pakistanis might think my opinion matters.
You are the biggest defender of Jewish Land and you want to criticize Kayani for this? He is trying to raise the morale of troops.
I appreciate the praise but I make no criticism or endorsement without knowing both the context and the facts.
Most Pakistanis identify themselves as Muslim before Pakistani. Problem?
Most Pakistanis identify themselves as Muslim before Pakistani. Problem?

No, why cry about the state of Pakistan and the hate towards India.. all conflict is between India and Pakistan as two countries, not two RazPaks..

Grow up man!
yeah but what about Shias, Ahmadis and other minorities who are methodically getting worse treatment from radicals.

maybe you are just too stupid to know but shia's are main stream pakistani not a minority, for all we know kyani might be shia, i know Zardari is Shia
as far as the rest, will get back to you on that, when we give shi.t
Pakistani is Islamic, just as America is Judea-Christian - this is the basis of our civilization, it is what it is. Even Muslims who are agnostic or atheist - are part of Islamic civilization.

Edward Said - often described himself as a Christian wrapped in a Muslim culture, a great writer and intellectual - he was able to put down in words, what a person living in our world feels.
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