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Pakistan is buying Type-022 Houbei stealth catamaran missile boats

How do you make an island out of a ship and that too in deep sea? What will hold the ship to the spot?

People are talking out of their arses here, when they know nothing of oceans, ships or seas.
My dear i said floating island,means any big ship which can resist in moonsoon season,cnn post a floating island home .just write floating island cnn,and you will see it,but i am saaying a permanent forword post ,by the only old big containers shipping ship,which came in gadani for ship breaking
Oh for the love of GOD! Pakistani littoral territories are not 4 km deep throughout. As for India it's not the Pakistani artificial islands that should be the worry, its Chinese in Maldives. On topic, If Pakistan seriously is considering this option then it can also go for floating islands.

What are you gonna achieve by building an artificial island a couple miles from your coastline?

So far artificial island can only be created in upto 70 meters depth of water.

Floating island ? What is that ?

Has Pakistan even made an oil rig?
Its modified yakhont not moskit.Moskit has low range.
Brahmos does S-manuever in terminal stage and is also resistant to ECM.Its not just speed,its speed,kinetic energy,sea skimming ability and late stage manuevering at mach 3.
Babur is no more stealthy than say a tomahawk,subsonic missiles use sea skimming for late detection..it gives them survivability but newer SAMs can easily intercept these.A supersonic sea skimmer is much more potent.
Define 'long distance'.Because without air cover/asw escort a patrol boat out in the ocean is a sitting duck.
And brahmos is supersonic all the way making it hard to intercept at mid stage.IN already has klubs but prefered to replace klubs on talwar class with superior but costlier brahmos.
CM-400 is easy to detect and shoot down because 1)it can't perform manuevres 2)Due to High flight profile then dive its detected much earlier by radars due to no sea skimming.Its for this reason China doesn't really use this missile,its main ships use Yj-18/Yj-83.
I'm not claiming victory,i'm saying with current assets PN most probably can't stop a blockade.PN needs a air defence ship like FREMM frigate with aster instead of large numbers of patrol boats.However i agree these boats are better than azmat due to stealthy design and better missile.

Irrespective of what Yakhont can do during flight how it will lock on type-022 is still to be proven.
To target type-022 Onyx's range will be limited to 150km only
Lets not forget Phalanx, which can target missiles traveling at supersonic speed.
Onyx travels at a predetermined path and its flight trajectory almost remains same, making it not a difficult job for the interceptors.
Type-022 can talk to AWACS and once the missile is picked up, not impossible to shoot it down.
Onyx accuracy?
Pakistan posses sufficient resources and capabilities to thwart Indian dreams of naval blockade and one missile alone cannot guarantee Indian advantage.
My dear i said floating island,means any big ship which can resist in moonsoon season,cnn post a floating island home .just write floating island cnn,and you will see it,but i am saaying a permanent forword post ,by the only old big containers shipping ship,which came in gadani for ship breaking

Have you ever been at sea? on ship or even a boat?

Do you know how you hold a ship to a single spot at sea?
What are you gonna achieve by building an artificial island a couple miles from your coastline?

So far artificial island can only be created in upto 70 meters depth of water.

Floating island ? What is that ?

Has Pakistan even made an oil rig?
Kindly brush up on your knowledge regarding Chinese floating island and artificial islands properly then talk.
China to build giant floating islands - Business Insider
Kindly brush up on your knowledge regarding Chinese floating island and artificial islands properly then talk.
China to build giant floating islands - Business Insider

None sense.

Giving it a media spin and a fancy name, does not change the fact.

China is hoping that one day it will build a large enough ship , which can act as both an aircraft carrier and as well a cruise ship.

Making a ship large does not make it an island.
None sense.

Giving it fancy name, does not change the fact.

China is hoping that one day it will build a large enough ship , which can act as both an aircraft carrier and as well a cruise ship.

Making a large ship does not make it an island.
You have been provided with a valid proof, go debate this with the Chinese. I only used it to exemplify Pakistan's likely options. Now if you will excuse me, i have had enough of this bickering. So it's adios from my side.
Have you ever been at sea? on ship or even a boat?

Do you know how you hold a ship to a single spot at sea?
My dear i have been many times in sea,same thing stop ,every ship has it,it means you just be in a close area ,and also it is easy to make a spot in deep sea where you can tight up boat,but every ship has it so mostly not need it
You have been provided with a valid proof, go debate this with the Chinese. I only used it to exemplify Pakistan's likely options. Now if you will excuse me, i have had enough of this bickering. So it's adios from my side.

I am still not sure, what options are you talking about?

Lets say in couple of decades ..Pakistan somehow manages to acquire a Chinese ship...which is essential a large aircraft carrier, even though a normal sized aircraft carrier will work just the same.

You have to find a permanent spot to either dock or anchor this ship.

Maximum depth at which a ship can safely anchor is just100 meter depth of water. That is just few miles from your coastline.

What good does having an airstrip, few miles from your coastline do?..How does it enable you to better monitor your EEZ?

My dear i have been many times in sea,same thing stop ,every ship has it,it means you just be in a close area ,and also it is easy to make a spot in deep sea where you can tight up boat,but every ship has it so mostly not need it

LOL !!

From your knowledge level, you have never been to your village pond, much less blue sea.

What do you tie up your boat too in deep sea?
None sense.

Giving it a media spin and a fancy name, does not change the fact.

China is hoping that one day it will build a large enough ship , which can act as both an aircraft carrier and as well a cruise ship.

Making a ship large does not make it an island.
It is just a fact,when it was a standoffbetween india and pak in2000/navy officials they made every thing and they even utilise every thing even my cousin said they get that much prepaired which might be Pak navy can not be prepaired in 10 years,so it is all about over need and buget,obviously Pak can not make right now any air craft career so it is just an idea a floatingisland or a big shipping ship as a forword base for small or medium boats to continuesly patrol around the clock and role of law in marine,officials have better knowlege and they know what to do if they like
Block Karachi? sure if someone want to turn their boats into coral reefs.

EEZ + 300km is PN's existing denial zone. :pakistan:
Lol with these catamaran boats?
These for coastal operations not for off shore duties!!
I am still not sure, what options are you talking about?

Lets say in couple of decades ..Pakistan somehow manages to acquire a Chinese ship...which is essential a large aircraft carrier, even though a normal sized aircraft carrier will work just the same.

You have to find a permanent spot to either dock or anchor this ship.

Maximum depth at which a ship can safely anchor is just100 meter depth of water. That is just few miles from your coastline.

What good does having an airstrip, few miles from your coastline do?..How does it enable you to better monitor your EEZ?

LOL !!

From your knowledge level, you have never been to your village pond, much less blue sea.

What do you tie up your boat too in deep sea?
Anchor, mooring ,this is the last information i am giving you,lol on your knowlege who dont know how they rest the ships in sea to prevent floating from wind and currents.good night
Anchor, mooring ,this is the last information i am giving you,lol on your knowlege who dont know how they rest the ships in sea to prevent floating from wind and currents.good night

Just google-ing the information of the web, doesn't tell you shit.

How does one anchor a ship in deep sea? I hope you know definition of word 'deep sea'

Do you know maximum number of shackle on anchor chain even on the largest of ships.

What is the ratio of number of shackles paid out on an anchor chain to under keel clearance of the ship, to achieve safe anchoring?

How the hell, will you moor a ship in middle of the ocean/sea. I hope you google the word mooring , understand its meaning, before spouting nonsense.
So your AC (please don't call your lonely AC a CBG lol :rofl: :omghaha: ), both you and China need another decade and a half to build real CBG's.

You are aware that one Indian CBG (yes, not an ac but a CBG) is bigger than the entire surface warfare capable fleet of the PN right? I am not even considering the destroyers and their escorts.

The PN is comparable to the Afghan Navy, which is non existent. Ok, fine its comparable to the Indian Coast Guard. In fact, the ICG has bigger ships than the PN :D

Irrespective of what Yakhont can do during flight how it will lock on type-022 is still to be proven.
To target type-022 Onyx's range will be limited to 150km only
Lets not forget Phalanx, which can target missiles traveling at supersonic speed.
Onyx travels at a predetermined path and its flight trajectory almost remains same, making it not a difficult job for the interceptors.
Type-022 can talk to AWACS and once the missile is picked up, not impossible to shoot it down.
Onyx accuracy?
Pakistan posses sufficient resources and capabilities to thwart Indian dreams of naval blockade and one missile alone cannot guarantee Indian advantage.

1. I don;t believe the Type 022 will have a BrahMos fired at it. Because, this means, the ship has been not spotted by the Indian Navy's surveillance. Most probably it will be aerial interception. Also, these ships will be used either in coastal defence to keep the IN ships at a distance or for an audacious attack like Python and Trident. The job of heavy duty interception will be left to the submarines or the Zulfiqars, which also will be not sufficient.

2. The potent force for defence will be the PN subs. If you have anybody in the PN, they will tell you a submarine in the Arabian Sea is a potent force for coastal defence.

3. The best buy for Pakistani Navy will be the J -11BH. Similar to the Flanker, but with the WS10 and Chinese. Armed with cruise missiles, these will be a true deterrent.
Dear these boats look like the one in the bond movie "Tomorrow never Dies", Is'nt it :-)
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