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Pakistan-Iran-Turkey confederation

If you had been living for let's say the last 800 years than the last 25 or whatever your age is, you would cry at the ignorance of that post.

but that is the past and this is the present, maybe try catching up?

iranians and their relation to us is very different, they dont base it on things like history and brotherhood, so why do you yearn for something not possible.

i tend to agree that the iranians are not trustworthy, they are helping the indians in afghanistan, they have helped the indians on kashmir - what good have they been to pakistan?

lets move away from basing relations in emotive issues, keep your head and stay rational.

relations with iran should be based on them being a geographic neighbour, just increase trade in energy and the aim should be to pursue mutually beneficial acts of cooperation.

they are not interested in islamic ummah concepts, therefore i think we should call their bluff and remove them from the OIC, they have some funny pretty delusional ideas, and they really are serious about it, so go ahead iran..........
Please lets not bring islam into this...... trade with iran has grown and it needs to grow a lot further. We seriously need to utilize their oil reserves and this can be done with the iran Pakistan pipeline. Hopefully when we become economically stable we will be able to fund this project. Once this project is completed than trade with iran in different fields will grow.

The only objection iranis have with pakistanis is there support with USA, but they know that the market they want too reach is with India, and withot Pakistan that goal will never happen. :pakistan:
I registered to write these:

Someone wrote that, Turks do not trust Iranian people.
But it is NOT true. And i think created by ultra nationalist ideas.

As a Turk i can easily say , Iranian and Pakistani people are my brothers, i can trust them.Lots of my friends think like me.
Iran is our oldest neighbor. Iran-Turkey border never changed for 400 years.

About confederation, i support certainly. We have to unite to survive.
There is an Arab league, ASEAN and the E.U today. Remember, the countries involved in the alliance were once enemies with each other. Just to give you an example, the U.K, France, and German had for centuries fought wars including the 2 World Wars.

I certainly believe Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey and some other Central Asian states can create a political alliance. But that can only happen if we all have stability and economic activity first.
There is an Arab league, ASEAN and the E.U today. Remember, the countries involved in the alliance were once enemies with each other. Just to give you an example, the U.K, France, and German had for centuries fought wars including the 2 World Wars.

I certainly believe Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey and some other Central Asian states can create a political alliance. But that can only happen if we all have stability and economic activity first.

The ECO (Economic Cooperation Organization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) already exists but of course major issues of distrust exist between the members. Nevertheless if an EU type organization is being targeted then the ECO could act as framework for such a confederation.
Would be interesting to see such an alliance. But it won't happen I believe. All 3 parties have no interest in it.
ECO needs to be jolted to life. True it is not going to be easy. But we must put life in it and make sure that all the parties see value in it.

Hoping for confederation would be a bit too much though. I do not see that happening yet. But a change in Iran coupled with strengthening of demcratic credentials of Pakistan would certainly help. As long as there are American troops in the neighborhood, Iran is going to be weary of us. They do not trust Pakistan and for good reason. We have been too close to their arch-enemy. On their side, Iranians need to tone down rhetoric and they need to stop supporting activity among Shia community in Pakistan. We have had enough trouble with Saudis financing Wahabis and Iranians financing Shias. I recall that before the Iranian revolution, Sunni - Shia relations were good. Iranians sorely wished to 'export' their revolution and backlash ensued. Most unfortunate.

Turks I think are very reasonable people. I can sense that they are slowly re-aligning themselves. I am sure they would see value in ECO.
As a Turk I can say only this,

80% to 100% of the Turks will agree that a kind of union between Iran, Turkey and Pakistan is a must for stability, increase in trade and a better middle east.

However, there are some significant factors that make such an union impossible
1 - Turkey's current government is too busy kissing american ***, and america doenst want three muslim nations to unite just because they need an unstable middle east for there own interests,
2 - The regime in Iran wil not tolerate Shia's and Sunni's working together
3- The western created Nationalism in all three countries

because of these factors we can only hope for such a thing,

Its really sad to see the world like it is in these times, especially when I discuss these mathers with my Pakistani, Afghan and Iranian colleagues who have similar ideas like me about such an union, only to end the discussion with a communial opinion that it probably will be something that we can only dream of.
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