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Pakistan has spent $80 bn in terror war

He doesn't have the brain power to comprehend such issues.
Perhaps the work of his economic advisers, but I'm also tempted to believe that the figure is exaggerated a bit, he did this with the floods too.

But it cannot be denied that Pakistan's economy has suffered immensely due to the existence of the WoT and Pakistan's participation.

I agree with you on both counts. Yes, no doubt about the losses incurred, but the figure is an exaggeration.
Pakistan had 80 Billion to spend? :lol:

Is Zardari on Crack? Oh wait he is.
No country had supported terrorist as much as Pakistan. It is not that they are so innocent and terrorist are external and hurting.
Here is their contribution to terrorism.
A good majority of terrorist are Pakistani.
The initial training of fighting, bomb making, communication to terrorist all came from Pakistan's Army.

If that's the case then why are terrorists attacking Pak army? They've attacked three major bases and inflicted heavy financial losses. They've captured and brutally executed Pak army jawans. Pakistan army simply cannot train them to attack their own personnel and bases. They would tell them to attack the outsiders. So who's training them to attack Pak army?
No country had supported terrorist as much as Pakistan. It is not that they are so innocent and terrorist are external and hurting.
Here is their contribution to terrorism.
A good majority of terrorist are Pakistani.
The initial training of fighting, bomb making, communication to terrorist all came from Pakistan's Army.
The list goes on and on.
So if you suffered the most it is because of your bad decisions. Pity to those countries who suffered because of you.

Uh huh.. and US support for anti-Soviet insurgents had no effect, right?
Besides, the title of the thread is misleading and it proves that people reply to topics based only on reading the title. 80 billion sounds a lot but Zardari didn't say Pakistan has spent that much but rather it has Pakistan cost that much in terms of economic resources.

Eleven years of war on terror and the toll it has taken on Pakistan economy terms of buisness lost and lack of foreign investment, the number is definitely unfathomable.
Uh huh.. and US support for anti-Soviet insurgents had no effect, right?

Well they had their effect, but that support went through your blessing. I never said you only created it, but you were one of them who created it and you were the major player. The fund came from US, but you happily offered to train them did you not? So when I take actions, I have to own the reactions. Why tell the world that you suffered the most? Without your help there would have been very little terrorism in this part of the world.
@ Topic, i think it may be more than 80billion $. Somewhere near 100billions.
:rofl: That's the joke of the century! Do you even know how much is $80-100 billion? How and where has this mind boggling amount been spent? On arms? Ammo? $100 billion means Rs 950,000 crores in Pak currency!! :woot:

Raising a strike corps with all its paraphernalia including arms/ammo/supporting arms/missiles/vehicles etc would cost Rs 100,000 crores in Pak Rs. That means shooting a few terrorists in FATA and NW cost Pakistan an equivalent of raising 10 fully functional strike corps??? Wow!

All this talk of spending even half that amount is plain rubbish! Period!
Zardari is trolling again. One can digest the losses incurred be $ 80 billion in terms of infrastructure damage and all.
Well they had their effect, but that support went through your blessing. I never said you only created it, but you were one of them who created it and you were the major player. The fund came from US, but you happily offered to train them did you not? So when I take actions, I have to own the reactions. Why tell the world that you suffered the most? Without your help there would have been very little terrorism in this part of the world.

So US is half responsible for the problem, no? Why are you singling out Pakistan? Has something to do with your nationality, I think. Taliban wasn't 'created' by Pakistan FYI. You ought to read up on the history.

OTOH, the Afghan Taliban are not involved in any terrorism in Pakistan. The TTP are, which were founded in 2007.

The way I see it, this whole WoT is unnecessary. We're seeing all this terrorism across the world because of this useless WoT that is only causing more terror. Taliban were ready to hand over OBL on multiple occasions to the US - both before and after 9/11. US should have taken him and be on their way. Instead, they wanted to fight an unnecessary war - one which has caused far more issues, while basically having no benefits.

80 billion is the total loss due to WoT - economic loss, infrastructure, money spent on the WoT, etc. Zardari is either high or was misquoted.
first create them, use them and than when they go rebellious then try to kill them but how....they know what Pakistani army is capable of...Pakistan can not win this war by spending $ 1000 million until there is some support remaining in Govt for taliban and other terrorist gps. Pakistan have lost large number of soldiers and money for this purpose but it is all useless until there is internal support for Terrorist in country......
So US is half responsible for the problem, no? Why are you singling out Pakistan? Has something to do with your nationality, I think.

The way I see it, this whole WoT is unnecessary. We're seeing all this terrorism across the world because of this useless WoT that is only causing more terror. Taliban were ready to hand over OBL on multiple occasions to the US - both before and after 9/11. US should have taken him and be on their way. Instead, they wanted to fight an unnecessary war - one which has caused far more issues, while basically having no benefits.

80 billion is the total loss due to WoT - economic loss, infrastructure, money spent on the WoT, etc. Zardari is either high or was misquoted.
Its nothing to do with nationality. US is equally responsible for Taliban. How can you fund raising a violent organization and then leave it without dismantling it. It was bound to happen, 9/11. It just took many years. US allowed these terrorist organizations to grow so that they can have reasons to invade any country on name of WoT. US foreign policy makers are among the most intelligent and far-sighted people, they knew it will happen. It was just matter of time and they used the occasion to get best out of the worst attack on American soil.
first create them, use them and than when they go rebellious then try to kill them but how....they know what Pakistani army is capable of...Pakistan can not win this war by spending $ 1000 million until there is some support remaining in Govt for taliban and other terrorist gps. Pakistan have lost large number of soldiers and money for this purpose but it is all useless until there is internal support for Terrorist in country......

Looks like you're on a high dose of crack. Best for you to sleep and come back tomorrow.
lol....the title totally screwed some people over here:lol:

it not like Pak has spent $80-100 billion out of its pocket rather an estimated economic value in terms investment n progress which it lost due to WOT....:)

So its more of an opportunity cost not real cost although i agree the economy has suffered a lot...:agree:
So US is half responsible for the problem, no? Why are you singling out Pakistan? Has something to do with your nationality, I think. Taliban wasn't 'created' by Pakistan FYI. You ought to read up on the history.
Yes.. US is half responsible and they have spent an upward of a trillion dollars in this war.. You dont see their president though whining about it and expecting rest of the world to compensate them for that money..

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