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Pakistan has been offered the Chinese 4th generation J-11 (SU27)

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Well, can't confirm this news, but in coming years J11 will be stationed in Balchistan. A base near Gawadar port.
China never offered us any J-11 variant to date and will not do so in coming years.
Pakistani pilots getting training on this plane for the last many years. And it has weight to stationed these plane near seaport. A strategic installation need a good cover. J11 will be the only long range navel craft China can provide or run the base under PLAAF.
Pakistani pilots getting training on this plane for the last many years. And it has weight to stationed these plane near seaport. A strategic installation need a good cover. J11 will be the only long range navel craft China can provide or run the base under PLAAF.

PAF pilots have flown more aircraft than you can think of.

They do this to get the experience on the adversary equipment.

They can feel how Su-30 would be as it is based on SU27.

With the JF-17 in Pakistani and it's allies' hands, India wouldn't know anything about it's capabilities.

On the other hand, PAF can test fly or know about the Typhoons from Saudi Arabia if India choses it.

Getting to know your enemy is one big thing that does matter in the complex air combat.

Lastly, about SU27, i don't see how it can offer more options other than J-10. I mean fine, it offer way more options in terms of range, armament hardpoints and radar compared to JF-17 but J-10 is already a big enough aircraft. Su27 with two engines would be too expensive to fly plus there is nothing out there which SU27 can carry and J-10 can't.

I think we should invest solely on JF-17 and J-10.
i read it some whare

i don't whether it true or not . . . . . . only senior can verify

that a twin engine air craft can only make one sortie in 24 hours . . due to maintenance intensive
where as jf-17 can make 3 sorties in that amount of time . . . .
what a stpid news we have not got yet J 10 first get 3rd generation jet JF 17 and J 10 we are stuggling to get them 4th generation is in our dreams
This is the thread title without question mark so its not a question but a normal statement -Pakistan has been offered the Chinese 4th generation J-11 (SU27)

1 ? then why isnt pakistan buying it ?
2. china can offer anything on sofat loan then whats the problem since members allover pak belive that china will hand them 5th gen planes and anything that they are making to pakistan
3. money is not the problem , tech is not the problem necessity is there then why not pak buying it ?
This is the thread title without question mark so its not a question but a normal statement -Pakistan has been offered the Chinese 4th generation J-11 (SU27)

1 ? then why isnt pakistan buying it ?
2. china can offer anything on sofat loan then whats the problem since members allover pak belive that china will hand them 5th gen planes and anything that they are making to pakistan
3. money is not the problem , tech is not the problem necessity is there then why not pak buying it ?

Due to 2 reasons, firstly it has not been offered officially.

2ndly, PAF is for now not looking into twin engine aircraft, may be in future it wishes to look for them. Its doctrine for near future is NO twin engine fighter.

PAF is for now busy with JF-17s and modifying with Chinese help the FC-20s as per its own requirements to fully meet the Indian threat.

And hopefully the next induction would be of some 5th gen possibly a Chinese version of a fighter rather then going for a J-11s.

Induct JF-17s, FC-20s, F-16s and save money and later induct 5th Gen if it is available.
J11 talk is bit too soon after we have J10B 36 and about 80 F16 then we can probbly evaluate if we even have need for such plane
Due to 2 reasons, firstly it has not been offered officially.

2ndly, PAF is for now not looking into twin engine aircraft, may be in future it wishes to look for them. Its doctrine for near future is NO twin engine fighter.

PAF is for now busy with JF-17s and modifying with Chinese help the FC-20s as per its own requirements to fully meet the Indian threat.

And hopefully the next induction would be of some 5th gen possibly a Chinese version of a fighter rather then going for a J-11s.

Induct JF-17s, FC-20s, F-16s and save money and later induct 5th Gen if it is available.

the bold first line thanks for that now the point

1. should moderators not close such the threads which are 2 year old and has no basis for claims as you have said correctly it hasent been offered officially then why should a false piece of info be given out which has no basis.

the current j11 of chinese airforce is a licenced copy and not available for sale - its a fact

keeping such threads degrades the forum in my humble opinion as the moderator himself is aware of the uselessness of this thread
How can they sell it if they are license producing only

In 1995, China secured a $2.5 billion production agreement which licensed China to build 200 Soviet-designed Sukhoi Su-27SK aircraft using Russian-supplied kits. Under the terms of the agreement, these aircraft would be outfitted with Russian avionics, radars and engines. However, only 132 aircraft were built
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wow 386 posts on much ado abt nothing! the J-11 AFAIK has not been offered to the PAF, nor has the PAF shown any interest in this type - its the JFT, FC-20 and F-16s in our near and medium term future!!!

many interviews with the past and present ACMs have been posted and not one 'iota' of discussion on the the J-11 - that shd tell us something!
I cnat believe i have spent 1 hour going over this thread and at the end there is no concrete proof of J11 being offered to Pakistan. So many fanboys claiming that its been offered. terrible terrible thread and terrible comments...
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